Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Artículo de boletín informativo
Profile: TapasiDolui - Fisherwoman from West Bengal, India Leading the struggle of fisherwomen in Tangrachar

From child bride and adolescent mother to community leader, the journey of 48-year--old TapasiDolui, President of the women’s wing of Dakshinbanga Matysajibi Forum (DMF), a registered trade union of fisherfolk in West Bengal, India, though daunting and full of challenge, is an inspiration to women everywhere...
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de boletín informativo
Yemaya Recommends: Fished! The Fisher Women of Mumbai

Directed by Daya Gupta; Duration 19 min 28 sec; Language: English. This short video gives a bird’s-eye view of the lives of Koliwomen. The Kolis are a traditional fishing community from Mumbai, India – one of the original inhabitants of this island city of mostly migrants. The women form a formidable...
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de revista especializada
Obituary / Fisher Leader: Remembering Rambhau

An energetic and committed worker for the cause of fishers, he was a lighthouse for the fishworkers’ movement
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de revista especializada
India: Some Grains of Salt

India’s 2019 Draft National Policy on Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture is an ambitious effort but limited in depth and vision
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

The Mainstreaming of Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in the Himalaya Region

Policy Contexts in Bhutan, India and Nepal
The Mainstreaming of Organic Agriculture And Agroecology in the Himalaya Region: Adequate policies that advance the transition towards sustainable agriculture and food systems to ensure healthy food for all, to overcome social and economic inequalities and to protect our environment, climate, and biodiversity, are urgently needed. After highlighting the world’s...
Bhutan - India - Nepal
2019 - IFOAM – Organics International

Artículo de revista especializada
Natural Disasters: A Heavy Price

The cyclonic wind that swept through the shores of the Indian state of Odisha in the wake of Cyclone Fani have razed the livelihoods of many fisherfolk
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de revista especializada
India / Fish Culture: Welcome, JOHAR!

A World Bank-funded loan project has been developed in the Indian state of Jharkhand to enhance and diversify household incomes for targeted beneficiaries through fish culture
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de blog
Inde: l'agriculture bio à grande échelle

A la veille des résultats des élections législatives, nous verrons comment l'Inde est un laboratoire d'initiatives écologiques, notamment dans le domaine de l'agriculture. Même si le modèle dominant reste l'agro-chimie, de nombreux États misent sur la permaculture, l'agro-foresterie et l'agriculture biologique à grande échelle en réaction aux ravages sanitaires et...

Resilience through biodiverse cropping and millet recipes driven by Indian women network

This project is currently being implemented in the North of India since 2018 and focuses mainly on female smallholder farmers. The scope is to strengthen resilience through biodiverse cropping and seed system and broaden the type of crop produced in this region. The project is particularly in line with the...
2018 - Agroecology Coalition

SRI farming enhances paddy produce of women farmers in Uttar Pradesh

SEWA, AFA member and MTCP2 national implementing agency in India, conducted SRI training for women farmers in Uttar Pradesh, India. Two of the participants applied what they learned from the training despite the risks, and their efforts paid off when the yield of their paddy fields increased from their usual...
2018 - Asian Farmers' Association

Reacquisition of Tata Singur Land by Peasants and CSOs

Singur, located in Hooghly district of West Bengal, came into the limelight for its peasants’ movement in 2006. The government acquired 1,253 acres (500 hectares) of multi cropping agricultural land and leased it at a highly subsidized rate to MNC Tata through the West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation (a state...
2018 - Asian Farmers' Association

Artículo de blog
Can We Improve Public Extension Services Using Corporate Social Responsibility Funds?

In October 2018, I gave a presentation on Seizing and Scaling Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Improving Public Extension Services at the 9th Annual Meeting of the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) at Jeonju in the Republic of Korea.

Artículo de boletín informativo
India: Ships of hope

Innovative boat clinics bring health and hope to thousands of men, women and children, among India’s poorest, who live along the mighty Brahmaputra river. As the monsoon rages, floodwaters ravage the remote island of Lamba Sapori in Dhemaji district in the northeastern state of Assam in India. Trapped in their waterlogged...
2018 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de boletín informativo
Profile: Fish, ponds and empowered lives - Under Suman Singh’s leadership, women in Madhubani, India

Under Suman Singh’s leadership, women in Madhubani, India, gain greater control over their lives. Women in inland fisheries in the Madhubani district of Bihar, India, started organizing way back in the year 1999, first registering a district level fisherwomen’s cooperative, and then cooperatives at the block or sub-district level throughout Madhubani....
2018 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de boletín informativo
Film: In Ockhi’s wake

30th November 2017. While scientific terms for it were still being confirmed and relayed on land, hundreds of fishworkers at sea were already hit by the violent terror of a deadly cyclonic storm. More than 300 lives were lost, either battling Ockhi, or in the deathly silence after—tragic conquerors of...
2018 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de revista especializada
Weather/Forecasting: A Fishers’ Forecaster

Action research by the University of Sussex is bringing fishermen and scientists together to track wind, and waves and save lives. Seen from the air, Thiruvananthapuram, the capital city of Kerala state in south India, looks like a magic carpet – a long strip of golden sand separating a vast green...
2018 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Estudio de caso
Farm to systems

In small and remote villages in South Asia, our rich agricultural crop/breed diversity and associated knowledge is slowly getting wiped out and is being replaced by a handful of `high yielding’ and `improved’ crops/breeds. Rampant use of chemicals has led to the death of soil and is poisoning our food...
2018 - Deutsche Welthungerhilfe

Artículo de revista especializada
Profile: Dream Big, the Sea is the Limit: K.C. Rekha: Seagoing Fisherwoman from Kerala, India

Taking a road less travelled is not easy. Sometimes the whole of society stands against you. But no such fear deterred Rekha K.C. of Koorkenchery, a village in the Thrissur district of Kerala, India, the first woman in the country to go fishing in the deep waters of the outer...
2018 - ICSF

Artículo de revista especializada
India: Beach Profiling for Community Resilience

Women and men in fishing communities in South India work together to generate important beach related data. India’s 7,500 km coastline is a hotbed of transformation. The ‘Territorial Sea’, where fishing is allowed, provides an exclusive economic zone in the ocean, 60 per cent the size of its land area....
2018 - ICSF

Artículo de revista especializada
Yemaya Recommends: Film - Women at the Water’s Edge: Lives of women in climate changed Sunderbans

The Indian poet, Bhupen Hazarika’s soul-stirring composition ‘O Ganga Boicho Keno (Oh Ganges, why do you flow?),’ inspired by Paul Robeson’s “Ol’ Man River”, plays as we see footage of communities facing irrecoverable loss of their homes, lands and assets by an aggressively advancing river.Women at the Water’s Edge is...
2018 - ICSF
Total results:512