Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Documento de la Conferencia
Declaration of the International Forum for Agroecology

We are delegates representing diverse organizations and international movements of small-scale food producers and consumers, including peasants, indigenous peoples and communities (including hunters and gatherers), family farmers, rural workers, herders and pastoralists, fisherfolk and urban people. Together, the diverse constituencies our organizations represent produce some 70% of the food consumed by humanity. They...

Artículo de revista especializada
Agroecology and the design of climate change-resilient farming systems

Diverse, severe, and location-specific impacts on agricultural production are anticipated with climate change. The last IPCC report indicates that the rise of CO2 and associated “greenhouse” gases could lead to a 1.4 to 5.8 °C increase in global surface temperatures, with subsequent consequences on precipitation frequency and amounts. Temperature and water availability...
2015 - University of California Berkeley, USA

Artículo de revista
Perspectives: Shifting African policy towards women and agroecology

The role of rural women and smallholder farmers in African society has been highly undervalued. This is so despite the fact that around 80% of Africa’s population is dependent on smallholder agriculture, it is the backbone of the rural economy, and women provide over two-thirds of the farm labour. There is clear evidence that agroecology is crucial for women farmers. Now we face the challenge of discovering how its principles can best be promoted and how practice can inform policy at local and national level.
  Recently, we have seen unequivocal changes in policies that are transforming African agriculture to facilitate a ‘Green Revolution’. These policies articulate and promote a form of agriculture that focuses on monocropping, expensive external inputs such as agrochemicals and synthetic fertilizers, hybrid/GM seeds and large-scale land acquisition. These changes in policies...
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Artículo de revista especializada

The paper analyses the development of organic agriculture in the NorthEast Development Region of Romania, particularly during the current economic crisis. The organic agriculture sector represents a relatively new area of interest for farmers in Romania, as the first signs of organisation and utilisation of land and livestock according to...
2015 - ocial and Economic Institute "GH Zane" ROMANIAN ACADEMY, IASI Branch

Guía para la implementación de Centros Demostrativos de Capacitación -CDC- con enfoque Agroecológico

Fortalecimiento de la seguridad alimentaria y de la capacidad de generar ingresos a través de proyectos de innovación en las Zonas de Reserva Campesina
Los Centros Demostrativos de Capacitación se constituyen en espacios de formación participativa, que se basan metodológicamente en la construcción colectiva del conocimiento a partir de la implementación de sistemas agroalimentarios integrados (hortalizas, aromáticas, cultivos de pancoger, frutales, especies menores y elaboración de biopreparados) en un área determinada, donde se realizan...
2015 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Escuela Campesina de Teorías Críticas al Desarrollo Rural

Registra audiovisualmente las experiencias e intercambios que han tenido los integrantes del Grupo de Trabajo CLACSO Desarrollo Rural "disputas territoriales, campesinos y descolonialidad" con las realidades campesinas colombianas y la situación de despojo territorial y desplazamiento rural de la que han sido objeto. La escuela, es un espacio de reflexión...
2015 - Consejo Latinomaericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)

Artículo de blog
Agrobiodiversidad y agricultura familiar

La agroecología como enfoque productivo, que armoniza con la naturaleza y sus recursos, cobra protagonismo en el país y el exterior. Al respecto, el Diario ABC Color ya ha realizado varias jornadas que apuntan a la producción agroecológica-orgánica, buscando despertar el interés y generando espacios de diálogo y debate entre...
2015 - ABC

2024 prospects for EU agricultural markets

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development presented its latest projections for crop, milk and meat markets in the EU for the next ten years. Leading experts from international organisations also presented their views. The conference concluded with a panel discussion involving representatives from OECD, FAO, USDA and the European...
2015 - The European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Taste Book

Explore the taste of Europe
Europe's diverse mix of cultures, traditions and climate has given rise to a unique range of produce which span across all food groups. From meat to fruit and herbs to wine, there are thousands of products we are proud to call our own. Techniques can often be traced back over...
European Union
2015 - European Union

Sitio web
Kyrgyzstan adopts national food security, nutrition programme

The national food security and nutrition programme just adopted by Kyrgyzstan is expected to serve as a road map to fulfilling people’s rights to food, healthy nutrition and development. The programme, which springs from the country’s National Sustainable Development Strategy, was developed over the last two years by Kyrgyzstan with substantial...
2015 - UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) REU

Potentially Important Food Plants of Northern Thailand

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

Potentially Important Food Plants of Pakistan

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

Actas de conferencia
Sistematización Foro-Taller "Nueva Ruralidad, visión de territorio, una reflexión sobre desarrollo rural"

El desarrollo rural se encamina hacia esfuerzos colectivos enfatizados en los territorios que valorizan sus especificidades locales mediante acciones de empoderamiento comunitario. La nueva ruralidad hace referencia a las dinámicas del sector rural que se ajustan a las exigencias de un mundo globalizado, que le abre puertas al mundo de...
2015 - Consorcio de Gobiernos Provinciales del Ecuador (CONGOPE)

Artículo de revista
The Disappearing Family Farm

In the 21st century, few are able to step outside on a warm summer morning and hear hens clucking contentedly and cattle lowing in the field. Nor are they able to walk to the garden and pull up fresh carrots, harvest succulent lettuce and pick tomatoes from the vine. This...
United States of America

Potentially Important Food Plants of Bangladesh

This guide is based on information from the Food Plants International (FPI) database developed by Tasmanian agricultural scientist Bruce French.  The source material and guidance for the preparation of the book has been made possible through the support of Food Plants International, the Rotary Clubs of District 9830, particularly the...

Proalimentos - Cápsula de Banano

Este artíciulo indica que el Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos), entidad adscrita al Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP), adquiere banano verde de micro y pequeños productores para el Programa de Alimentación Escolar. Por su política de compra, se adquiere banano de productores de hasta 50 has;...
2015 - Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos)

Proalimentos - Ecuador Rural

En este artículo se informa que el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP), a través del Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos), realizó la compra de 220.980 manzanas mediante un contrato con la Asociación Pamar Chacrín del cantón Sigsig, provincia del Azuay, donde se encuentra el centro de acopio que...
2015 - Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos)

Artículo de revista
Farmers in focus: The Mexican star at the US farmers’ market

Nelida Martinez, from Oaxaca, Mexico, came to pick berries in the USA. Now, against all odds, she is the owner and operator of her own organic farm. Through a farm business incubator, Nelida was able to rent land, and now produces organic food that she sells at farmers’ markets in the Skagit Valley area.
  "We Latino farm workers are the majority here. But it’s a lot of humiliation for us. Many of us never think about having our own farm because we feel degraded by the work as farm labourers and we don’t have money to rent our own land. But when my son...
United States of America
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Documento técnico
Kazakhstan and FAO

Partnering to achieve sustainable livelihoods and food security
The partnership between Kazakhstan and FAO has been constantly evolving since the country became a member of the Organization in 1997. Kazakhstan has recently increased its emphasis on investments in agriculture, forestry and rural development, and aims to modernize the sector while transitioning to a green economy. FAO technical assistance...

Artículo de revista
Editorial: Women showing the way with agroecology

Around the world, women forge change in their communities using agroecological approaches. Yet, surprisingly little has been written about this subject. This issue of Farming Matters shows how women can transform a situation of exclusion, crisis and social vulnerability, into a positive spiral of innovation, solidarity, and personal growth.
Many innovations led by women are based on agroecological principles such as increasing diversity, using fewer pesticides, or building new relationships with consumers. Through small experiments women learn, get organised and strengthen their autonomy. They gain increasing recognition and visibility in their communities and increase their self-esteem. This positive spiral...
Brazil - Colombia - Malaysia - Mozambique - Spain
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture
Total results:4009