Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

Las referencias externas de esta página se proporcionan únicamente con fines informativos; no constituyen un respaldo ni una aprobación de la FAO.

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Identification of the demand for the insertion of family farming's products into the school feeding program of Rio Grande do Sul

This dissertation has as a theme the insertion of family farmers products in the state schools of Rio Grande  do  Sul.  In  the  year  2009  was  created  a  law  n°  11.947  which  would  have  a fundamental change in the Brazilian National School Feeding Program (PNAE –  Programa Nacional de  Alimentação ...
2013 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Artículo de revista especializada
Los entornos de los pequeños productores de micro cuencas andinas de Huánuco, Perú

Este  documento  recoge  los  aspectos  más  relevantes  de  la  experiencia  de transformaciones productivas, de gestión y de capacidades asociativas de cara a  la  comercialización  por  parte  de  pequeños  productores  de  Huánuco  y  sus organizaciones, y evalúa aquellos aspectos de sus  entornos  que han facilitado y que han limitado el cambio....
2013 - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP)

Potentially Important Food Plants of Vietnam - Vietnamese

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...
Viet Nam

Estudio de caso
Los efectos diferenciados de la liberalización comercial en Chile sobre zonas rurales en la VI Región de O'Higgins y la IX Región de la Araucanía

El desarrollo de la agricultura familiar es un tema de fundamental importancia para el crecimiento del sector agrícola chileno. A nivel del país, las explotaciones de menos de 20 hectáreas representan el 75 % del total. Hay que entender las características de la agricultura familiar y sus especificidades regionales para...
2013 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Promotion des Foyers Améliorés Erythréens dans les communes riveraines du Parc national de la Pendjari au Bénin (ProFAEBPromotion des Foyers Améliorés Erythréens dans les communes riveraines du Parc national de la Pendjari au Bénin (ProFAEB)

Objectif général : Réduire la déforestation et la dégradation des terres par l’amélioration des rendements énergétiques dans les ménages et la promotion des activités agricoles durables face aux changements climatiques autour des réserves protégées du Nord Bénin. Objectifs spécifiques: 1- Promouvoir une technologie améliorée (FAE : Foyers Améliorés Erythréens) pour...
2013 - Ecobenin

Artículo de blog
Romania’s small farmers continue to fight for their rights

ARC2020 is organising a 10 day EU-wide Speakers’ Tour on land grabbing in Romania. It will take place from 21-30 April 2013. Mr Attila Szocs who monitors large scale agricultural land purchases in Romania, and Mr Dan Cismas a biodynamic farmer and co-president of the EcoRuralis peasant association, will tour European capitals...
2013 - ARC2020

Durabilité et résilience de l'agriculture familiale dans la région des Savanes

Présentation d'un projet au Togo , dans la région des Savanes, qui vise à initier une dynamique de préservation, de gestion durable et de restauration des sols et du couvert ligneux, notamment à travers le développement des pratiques agro écologiques et des systèmes agroforestiers. 
2013 - Fonds Français pour l'Environnement Mondial

Improving food security and agricultural livelihoods in Northern Uganda

Improving food security and agricultural livelihoods in Northern Uganda is an EU-funded Government of Uganda's Agricultural Livelihoods Recovery Project (ALREP) implemented by FAO in northern Uganda targeting people that have resettled in their homes after the 20 years of war. The video highlights how farmer field schools are being used...
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de blog
MAGAP junto a organizaciones campesinas y nacionalidades indígenas trabaja en la REAF, capítulo Ecuador

Este artículo informa que representantes de organizaciones campesinas, gremios agropecuarios de las nacionalidades  de pueblos indígenas y autoridades del Ministerio de Agricultura Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP), participaron la reunión preparatoria a la Conformación de la Red Especializada de Agricultura Familiar (REAF), capítulo Ecuador. Los objetivos de la REAF implican crear...
2013 - Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP)

Potentially Important Food Plants of Sri Lanka

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...
Sri Lanka

“New Success Factors”

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2013 - Rete Rurale Nazionale - Italy

“New Success Factors” - Honey

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2013 - Rete Rurale Nazionale - Italy

Smallholders, food security, and the environment

There are 1.4 billion poor people living on less than US$1.25 a day. One billion of them live in rural areas where agriculture is their main source of livelihood. The ‘green revolution’ in agriculture that swept large parts of the developing world during the 1960s and 1970s dramatically increased agricultural...
2013 - International Fund for International Development (IFAD)

“New Success Factors” - "The Cascinadda"

Documentaries on the Best Practices in Rural Development carried out by young farmers that have been granted support under EU Rural development policies.
2013 - Rete Rurale Nazionale - Italy

Artículo de blog
Farm-connected CSAs should offer more than just ‘veggie subscriptions’

Today, while many models like this still exist, there are also some CSAs that have abandoned entirely the notion of sharing the risk. In crowded markets like the San Francisco Bay Area, farms like Full Belly Farm and Capay Organic allow members to join for as little as one month....

Artículo de revista
Prosperity was Born in the Country

The one who works with dedication can achieve obvious and valuable results in Moldova as well. The entrepreneur Svetlana Dodon strongly believes in it. She has developed her small family business into a prosperous, promising business. She decided to grow strawberries, because strawberries are always in great demand. And she...
Republic of Moldova

Artículo de revista
Local food systems, short supply chains and rural development in France

Short supply chains have existed in France for a long time, however, new and different forms have recently emerged delivered by new actors who are looking beyond the simple economic dimensions of local food. In particular, it is obvious that short supply chains have the potential to work as an...

Assessing the Sustainability of Small Farmer Natural Resource Management Systems. A Critical Analysis of the MESMIS Program (1995-2010)

Sustainability assessment oriented to improve current systems and practices is urgently needed, particularly in the context of small farmer natural resource management systems (NRMS). Unfortunately, social-ecological systems (SES) theory, sustainability evaluation frameworks, and assessment methods are still foreign not only to farmers but to many researchers, students, NGOs, policy makers/operators,...

Documento de trabajo
The scaling up of agroecology: spreading the hope for food sovereignty and resiliency

The Green Revolution, the symbol of agricultural intensification not only failed to ensure safe and abundant food production for all people, but it was launched under the assumptions that abundant water and cheap energy to fuel modern agriculture would always be available and that climate would be stable and not...
2012 - Sociedad Científica Latinoamericana de Agroecología (SOCLA)

Afforestation of savannah with cocoa agroforestry systems: a small-farmer innovation in central Cameroon

Cocoa cultivation is generally considered to foster deforestation. Contrary to this view, in the forest–savannah interface area in Cameroon, farmers have planted cocoa agroforestry systems on Imperata cylindrica grasslands, a soil-climate zone generally considered unsuitable for cocoa cultivation. We undertook a survey to understand the agricultural and ecological bases of this innovation....
2012 - Springer
Total results:3880