Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Aprendizajes de las transformaciones de los sistemas de extensión y transferencia tecnológica de Honduras

Una propuesta de lineamientos de política para el futuro
Los sistemas de extensión son la estrategia básica para incrementar la productividad, disminuir los costos unitarios, diversificar la producción, agregar valor, diferenciar las producciones, adecuarse a los estándares de calidad exigidos por el mercado y disminuir la inseguridad alimentaria. Para enfrentar este desafío se establece el Sistema Nacional de Innovación...
2014 - Organización de la Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Documento/nota de orientación
CAP reform 2013

Last chance to stop the decline of Europe’s High Nature Value farming?
The policy document describes the need for targeted support of HNV farming systems, and proposals for achieving them under the CAP post 2013
2014 - DG Environment

Aprendizajes de las transformaciones de los sistemas de extensión y transferencia tecnológica de Nicaragua

una propuesta de lineamientos de política para el futuro
El sector agropecuario es uno de los motores de crecimiento de la economía del país. El desempeño del sector depende de los bienes y servicios que se entregan a los productores y demás actores de las cadenas de valor que participan en los procesos de producción y agregación de valor....
2014 - Organización de la Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Hoja informativa
The International Year of Family Farming: IFAD’s commitment and call for action

The United Nations declared 2014 the International Year of Family Farming (IYFF) to recognize the importance of family farming in reducing poverty and improving global food security. The IYFF aims to promote new development policies, particularly at the national but also regional levels, that will help smallholder and family farmers...
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Artículo de revista
Flanders: how to install the new generation of farmers

The applicant of this project is a 38 years old farmer who meets the minimum requirements in terms of education, by graduating the Melle Agricultural College in the year 1990. Between 1990 and 2008 he supported his father in the development of the farm activity. In 2008, when his father...

Parte de un libro
Reducing Excessive Nitrogen Use in Chinese Wheat Production Through Knowledge Training

What Are the Implications for the Public Extension System?
Excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer in crop production in China leads to environmental problems, and farmers’ lack of knowledge is the primary constraint. The public extension system, however, lacks the accountability and capability to deliver ecoagricultural extension services to farmers. Previous studies show that extension staff had little incentive to...
2014 - Taylor & Francis Group

Limited rationality of tobacco producers family farmers at Rio Pardo Valley - Rio Grande do Sul

This  dissertation  aimed  to  analyze  the  process  of  rationality  that  sustains  the  decision  of family farmers to produce or stop producing tobacco. To that end, 63 farmers from Vale do Rio Pardo microregion, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, were interviewed. The information was analyzed with the analytical...
2014 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Agir au Rwanda - Le plan d’action des familles paysannes

Ce projet cible plus de 3000 ménages paysans possédant moins de 0,25 hectares de terres. Tous ont reçu des plants fruitiers et agro-forestiers, et un peu moins de la moitié a été sélectionnée pour recevoir du petit bétail (poules, lapins, cochons) et des semences agricoles. Ces derniers ont été accompagnés...
2014 - Frères des Hommes

Peasant farming in Ireland

 Emanuela Russo and Fergal Anderson moved to county Galway, Ireland in September 2011 to start a small vegetable farm. Emanuela, originally from Milan, Italy and Fergal from Galway studied Journalism and Communication and Public Advocacy and Activism respectively and could not imagine to become farmers when they graduated from high...
2014 - Future Farmers in the Spotlight

Young family farmers producing wine in Greece.

The family of the three brothers Christos Belides (32), Miltiades Belides (30) and Theodoros Belides (20) has a long history of wine producing. Their grandfather was winegrower in Constantinople and in 1922 he took some of his wine varieties with him to Greece. Nowadays the winery is located near the city...
2014 - Future Farmers in the Spotlight

Biodynamic Vegetable Farm in Denmark

Ask Rasmussen (27) is slowly taking over Kiselgården from his parents. Kiselgården is one of the oldest biodynamic farms in Denmark. Ask is growing a large variety of vegetables and delivers to many Michelin starred restaurants, among them NoMa and Geranium.
2014 - Future Farmers in the Spotlight

Declaración de Brasilia

Conferencia sobre Mujeres Rurales de América Latina y el Caribe en el Año de la Agricultura Familiar 2014
Las y los participantes y autoridades de los países de América Latina y el Caribe y personas invitadas de otras regiones , reunidos/as en Brasilia, del 10 al 12 de noviembre de 2014, con ocasión de la Conferencia sobre Mujeres Rurales de América Latina y el Caribe en el Año...
2014 - CELAC

Álbum de fotografías
Agroecology and energy

Slideshare presentation on Agroecology and Energy.
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Boletín informativo
Boletín Informativo Trimestral de la Representación de FAO en Ecuador

El boletín, correspondiente al último trimestre del año 2014, presenta las actividades más importantes llevadas a cabo por la Representación de FAO en Ecuador durante los meses de octubre, noviembre y diciembre. En el documento se destaca la celebración del Día Mundial de la Alimentación, la implementación del proyecto "Apoyo...
2014 - Oficina Nacional de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura en Ecuador (FAO Ecuador)

Actas de conferencia
Investing in smallholer family farmers for the future we want

Smallholder family farmers are people working in any area of agriculture who derive a significant portion of their income from farming, involve members of the family in managing the farm and rely predominantly on family labour. These farms vary in size, ranging from 0.25 hectares to 10 hectares depending on...
2014 - International Fund for International Development (IFAD)

Agroecology: how to make the very best of Europe's CAP

The Common Agricultural Policy shapes how Europe produces food, but in many ways its no longer fit for purpose. In this video, Arc2020 and Friends of the Earth Europe spotlight the options and opportunities in the CAP for choosing farming methods which are good for people and the planet -...

Artículo de blog
ESA's response to Family Farming: Regional Implementation Workshop 2014

In 2008, the initiative to declare an International Year of Family Farming was launched by the World Rural Forum (WRF), in collaboration with more than 350 organizations from 60 countries on 5 continents. These included major regional networks of family farmers’ organizations in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In 2011,...
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Foire sous-régionale des semences paysannes Part.1

SPSP et Biodiversité Échanges et Diffusion d’Expériences (BEDE) présentent un film d'Anne BERSON: "En route vers l'autonomie en semences en Afrique de l'Ouest, La foire sous-régionale des semences paysannes à Djimini, Sénégal". Une délégation de paysans de la sous-région et de France a sillonné une partie du Sénégal de Thiès à...
2014 - Biodiversité Échanges et Diffusion d’Expériences (BEDE)

Lutte agroécologique contre les ravageurs des cultures de haricot katché et toura (niébé) dans la région de Djougou (Bénin)

Au hameau de Kpayéroun, situé au Nord du Bénin (Commune de Djougou), les cultures principales sont l’igname,le manioc, le  haricot africain (Vignaunguiculata) et le sorgho. Fondée en 2009, l'association ORAD (Organisation des Ruraux pour une Agriculture Durable) est composée d’agriculteurs du hameau (autour de 45 adhérents) qui ont constaté les...
2014 - Fondation Sciences Citoyennes

Artículo de blog
Family farmers grow fruit and vegetables thanks to irrigation schemes in Rwanda

Popularly known as ‘the land of a thousand hills' – U Rwanda rw'imisozi igihumbi – Rwanda has a beautiful landscape made up of endless undulating hills and valleys stretching as far as the eye can see. The people who work the land are proud of its beauty. But the terrain poses a...
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Total results:4009