Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Organic's recommendations for the pesticides use regulation (SUR)

In this video, part of the longer one "Organic approach to plant health care and pesticides regulation", we focus on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation that is currently being discussed in the EU. IFOAM Organics Europe supports this crucial reform, but considers that, in order for it to be...
2023 - Ifoam Organics Europe

The use of Moringa oleifera in ruminant feeding and its contribution to climate change mitigation

Livestock production in developing countries faces several difficulties such as a general shortage of feed resources, regional availability, and quality. Climate change further exacerbates these problems, leading to a massive reduction in ruminant productivity. Therefore, there is a need for the use of adaptable and resilient forage plants that can...

Estudio de caso
Contract-Based Agriculture Production

A Case Study of Organic Rice Production in Cambodia
Objectives of the Study General Objective. The case study aims to contribute to the enhancement of the exchange of knowledge and best practices on family farming and agroecology relevant initiatives and institutional context and contribute to the implementation of the Programme Priority Areas (PPA) BP1: Innovation for sustainable agriculture production...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Artículo de blog
À Madagascar, éducation et formation comme moteurs de diffusion de l’Agroécologie

Depuis plus de vingt ans, l’Association GSDM, Professionnels de l’Agroécologie anime et accompagne la mise à l’échelle de l’agroécologie (AE). Institut technique de référence en la matière, il collabore avec les pouvoirs publics malgaches sur ses deux chevaux de bataille : l’éducation et la formation.
2023 - Association GSDM

Documento/nota de orientación
Habitat connectivity: good for the environment and good for business

Habitat connectivity helps sustain biodiversity in rural Europe and can also bring about economic benefits. This Policy Insight aims to help raise awareness about funding available through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for landscape features, which facilitate better habitat connectivity and thereby environmental benefits which can also be economically advantageous....
European Union
2023 - EU CAP Network

Artículo de blog
The beginning of a new food movement in Essen

From the 10th to the 12th of November 2017, over 100 people from more than 40 cities came together in Essen, Germany to exchange ideas and experiences about food policy councils (FPCs, in German: Ernährungsräte). This was the first networking congress of recently created food policy councils and initiatives planning to do...

Artículo de revista
Les savoirs paysans dans le continuum Recherche – Conseil – Formation

Comment faire dialoguer des approches de recherche et de terrain en matière de transition agroécologique? Comment définir les savoirs paysans et quelle place leur donner dans les dispositifs de FAR? Quelles conditions réunir pour rendre effectif un continuum Recherche – Conseil – Formation? Voici entre autres les enjeux abordés dans...

Agroecological approaches to the use of nutrients and the maintenance of soil health

Agroecological approaches to the use of nutrients and the maintenance of soil health: Fergus Sinclair at Agroecology Europe Forum 2023 In this video made for Agroecology Europe Forum 2023, which is taking place on 16-18 November 2023 in Hungary, Fergus Sinclair (Chief Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF and Co-convenor, Agroecology TPP), lays out...

Sitio web
Mapa de Feiras Orgânicas

O Mapa de Feiras Orgânicas é uma ferramenta de busca, idealizada pelo Idec (Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor), com o objetivo de estimular a alimentação saudável e sustentável em todo o Brasil e mostrar que os produtos orgânicos e agroecológicos podem ser mais acessíveis aos consumidores. O Mapa visa a...
2023 - Mapa de Feiras Orgânicas

'A shared human endeavour': Farmer Participation and Knowledge Co-production in Agroecological Research

Farmer participation in the co-production of knowledge has been claimed to have many benefits, including its capacity to address the knowledge intensiveness and ecological specificity that underpins agroecology. The complexity of agroecological knowledge systems have until now presented considerable challenges to researchers looking to develop research practices adaptable to and...

Estudio de caso
Organic policies in Denmark

Thematic Group on Strengthening the position of farmers in the Organic Food Supply Chain
Denmark has the highest market share in the world of organic food and beverages (13,0% in 2021). Danes are proud to have a shared vision to be the world leaders in developing sustainable organic production. Denmark is a small country with a high proportion of agricultural land (good soil, good...
2023 - EU CAP Network Thematic Group on Strengthening the position of farmers in the Organic Food Supply Chain

Artículo de blog
Can Agroecological Living Landscapes (ALLs) solve Food, Land and Water system challenges?

Globally Food, Land, and Water Systems (FLWS) are being degraded rapidly. Indian agriculture is heavily dependent on natural resources. Agriculture plays a significant role in India’s $3.5 trillion economy, employing 43% of the available labor force. The share of agriculture and allied sectors in total gross value added (GVA) of the...

Artículo de blog
Community-based natural farming outshines other farming practices in Andhra Pradesh

A study in Andhra Pradesh compares three prevalent farming methods, analysing their overall benefits such as production, economic impact and social and health implications.The study concludes that community-based natural farming offers superior benefits in terms of higher yields, crop diversity and income for farmers.While natural farming is being increasingly adopted...

Sitio web
Reflecting on the present and envisioning the future: Agroecology TPP holds its first annual Members Forum meeting

Recently, institutional members of the Agroecology TPP came together to discuss progress and set priorities for the future in the first Members Forum meeting – an annual gathering in which representatives of key stakeholder groups and institutional members of Agroecology TPP examine the latest research findings and key knowledge and...
2023 - Global Landscape Forum

Editorial: Agroecology in policy and practice

In the past years, there has been steady growth in research and work relating to agroecology. People-centered, knowledge-intensive, and rooted to sustainability, it is now well-established that agroecology's holistic approach matches the transformation to food systems called for by the 2030 Agenda; a transition to sustainable food and agriculture systems...

Estudio de caso
Organic policies in Luxembourg

Thematic Group on Strengthening the position of farmers in the Organic Food Supply Chain
Luxemburg has experienced immense population growth since 1970, almost doubling to some 650,000 today. This population growth has been largely due to immigration. Luxembourg also experiences significant daily cross border movement of workers with some 220,000 arriving and leaving every day. These consumers are very much tied to their own...
2023 - EU CAP Network Thematic Group on Strengthening the position of farmers in the Organic Food Supply Chain

Estudio de caso
How tree seedling nurseries are furnishing landscape agrobiodiversity in Zambia

This agrobiodiversity case study (No.6) from Zambia is the sixth of six case studies prepared by forest and farm producer organisations (FFPOs) for the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF). It describes the actions of the Choma District Tree Nursery and Growers Association (CDTNA). CDTNA represents 111 members, either individual nursery growers...
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

Documento/nota de orientación
Advancing ecological organic agriculture in Africa

State of scientific evidence and recommendations
African food systems are facing a number of interconnected challenges, due to the negative impacts of climate change, among other factors. Nevertheless, Africa holds a primordial position to create more resilient and sustainable food production systems. More than half of the African population base their livelihood on agriculture; and half...
2023 - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Switzerland

Documento/nota de orientación
Thematic Group on Strengthening the position of farmers in the Organic Food Supply Chain

Conclusions & Recommendations
The Group came together to identify ways in which the role of the organic producer in the organic value chain can be strengthened through cooperation. During the two thematic group (TG) meetings members took stock of the policy & regulatory framework; identified the key enabling conditions and barriers to strengthen...
European Union
2023 - EU CAP Network Thematic Group

Natural farming through a wide-angle lens

True Cost Accounting Study of Community Managed Natural Farming in Andhra Pradesh, India
A pioneering new study analysing the costs and benefits of different farming systems gives new evidence to support agroecological natural farming as a key approach to help feed communities and transition farmers to nature-positive outcomes in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This first-of-its-kind research, led by impact data and...
2023 - the Global Alliance for the Future of Food
Total results:4009