Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Artículo de blog
Aquaculture Africa 2023 conference: Unlocking the potential of sustainable aquaculture in Africa

Africa's aquaculture sector has great potential to help feed the rising population of a continent that is affected more than any other by problems such as climate change and malnutrition. According to SOFIA 2022, Nigeria produced nearly 12 percent of all cultured aquatic animals in Africa in 2020, and the rest of...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Slow Food Uganda Coffee Festival returns

The event takes place in Mukono Town on May 12 Unlocking community barriers for a profitable and open source agroforestry coffee value chain: this is the leading theme at the 4th Slow Food Uganda Coffee Festival. Slow Food Uganda believes that agroforestry in coffee production is the key to achieving sustainability...

Analyse des trajectoires des politiques et du droit foncier agropastoral en Afrique de l’Ouest

Cette publication rend compte des trajectoires contrastées des politiques de sécurisation du foncier pastoral en Afrique de l’Ouest.  Il est courant de souligner qu’en Afrique de l’Ouest, la question du « foncier pastoral » est fréquemment au cœur de l’actualité notamment à travers la fréquence des conflits agro-pastoraux souvent meurtriers,...
2023 - Comité technique « Foncier & développement »

Documento técnico
Assessing impact of agroecological interventions in Niger through remotely sensed changes in vegetation

Water scarcity is a major challenge in the Sahel region of West Africa. Water scarcity in combination with prevalent soil degradation has severely reduced the land productivity in the region. The decrease in resiliency of food security systems of marginalized population has huge societal implications which often leads to mass...

A participatory guarantee system

The international organic certification system can be bureaucratic and expensive, and beyond the reach of smallholder ecological farmers who produce for the local market. In many countries, Participatory Guarantee Systems, or PGS, are emerging as an alternative accreditation system. While PGS systems are created locally and differ from one country...
2023 - Access Agriculture

National Land Policy Study Report on Senegal

National Land Policy Study Reports on Senegal, Mali, Togo, Ghana & Cameroon. AFSA is delighted to launch a series of five national reports, within AFSA’s Our Land is Our Life land rights initiative in these countries. These reports aim to: Examine Land Policies and Governance: They seek to understand the national land policies...
2023 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Synergies and trade-offs between agricultural export promotion and food security: Evidence from African economies

Several countries across the developing world have designed and implemented agricultural export incentives. However, little is known about the effects of these policies on various aspects of domestic food security. This study utilizes economywide models linked top-down with microsimulation modules to analyze the impacts of increased agricultural export promotion on...
2023 - World Development

Artículo de blog
African, Caribbean and Pacific countries ready to show the true potential of their fisheries and aquaculture sectors

Joint programme by FAO and its partners analyzes value chains in Côte d’Ivoire, Guyana, the Marshall Islands, Senegal and Tanzania
A key fisheries and aquaculture development programme implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has highlighted significant potential to boost these sectors in Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Tanzania, Guyana and the Marshall Islands, making them more self-sufficient, creating jobs and preserving biological stock levels.The countries are...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

The International Year of Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA) 2022 in Africa: Final report

The International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA) 2022 was a unique opportunity for collaboration, both large and small, to focus on the particular needs of small-scale fisheries and aquaculture in Africa. The challenges and solutions related artisanal fisheries and aquaculture in Africa were raised throughout the International Year, particularly...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Collecting traditional varieties

Local varieties often cope better with drought and other stresses, and outperform modern varieties when grown under ecological conditions. Collect traditional varieties by visiting seed savers in their homes, or while attending seed festivals and farmer training events. Seed savers and seed producers select the varieties they like most. These...
2023 - Access Agriculture

The challenges of agricultural value chain assessment and governance – The example of mangoes in Burkina Faso

The integrated assessment of agricultural value chains through economic, social and environmental analyses is aimed at providing the necessary and sufficient information to guide or support investment decisions in the context of sustainable development. These assessments are based on data collection and analyses of the organisation of these value chains,...
Burkina Faso
2023 - CIRAD

National Land Policy Study Report on Mali

AFSA is delighted to launch a series of five national reports, within AFSA’s Our Land is Our Life land rights initiative in these countries. These reports aim to: Examine Land Policies and Governance: They seek to understand the national land policies and governance structures, focusing on how these policies affect peasants’ rights,...
2023 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Artículo de boletín informativo
Senegal: A Balanced Approach

Daouda Ndiaye of the National Collective of Artisanal Fishermen of Senegal (CNPS from the French)wears several hats. He is Co-chair of the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) and vice-president in charge of communication of the Joint Commission of the Professional Artisanal Fisheries Organizations of Senegal (CONIPAS). Edited excerpts of...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Tanzania: New National Strategy to Boost Organic Agriculture Looms

The government of Tanzania has drafted a strategy to improve the performance of organic agriculture and increase the production of organic foods in the country. The "National Ecological Organic Agriculture Strategy" is an eight-year initiative coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture, which will officially launch in June 2023. The strategy...
United Republic of Tanzania

Documento técnico
Burkina Faso – Stratégie Nationale de développement de l’agroécologie (SND-AE)

La Stratégie nationale de développement de l’agroécologie au Burkina Faso (SND-AE) a été élaborée pour aider le pays à s’investir dans l’intensification agroécologique en vue de réaliser une sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle durable dans un contexte environnemental caractérisé par la baisse des précipitations, la dégradation des sols et des ressources...
Burkina Faso
2023 - Ministère de l'agriculture des ressources animales et halieutiques (Bukina Faso)

Community seed banks

Because of our seed bank, we have native varieties again. By using indigenous seed our costs have reduced as we can grow and keep our own seed. So, we don’t have to depend on the market. In our seed bank, we also train farmers how to grow crops organically, free...
2023 - Access Agriculture

National Land Policy Study Report on Togo

AFSA is delighted to launch a series of five national reports, within AFSA’s Our Land is Our Life land rights initiative in these countries. These reports aim to: Examine Land Policies and Governance: They seek to understand the national land policies and governance structures, focusing on how these policies affect peasants’ rights,...
2023 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Estudio de caso
Seed sovereignty, a viable option for food and nutritional security in Africa

This publication is a significant contribution to the agroecological transition. It results from documenting good and little-known stories about traditional seeds, local seeds and farmers’ seed systems. Seed practitioners provide the initial stories. A multi-disciplinary review committee then helped finalize the stories to provide readers and policy-makers with the arguments...
2023 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Documento técnico
How do couples in rural Tanzania make decisions? Findings from a novel mixed-methods approach for understanding intrahousehold decision-making

This paper responds to current concerns about quantitative methods for studying decision-making by describing the development of and results from an innovative transdisciplinary and mixed-methods tool for researching intrahousehold decision-making. The tool focuses specifically on decision-making about agricultural- and expenditure-related matters by spouses in marital or cohabiting relationships, although it...
United Republic of Tanzania
2023 - CGIAR

Estudio de caso
Reducing losses from fish harvests changes the work and future of Tanzania’s women fish processors

FAO’s FISH4ACP programme empowers women to address falling yields and discrimination
When Suzana Hamimu Kaleju began working as a fish processor 30 years ago in the port of Kigoma, she used to lay the sprat, a type of herring, on the shores of Lake Tanganyika before selling her dried fish in local and regional markets. They would get dusty or sandy so...
United Republic of Tanzania
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Total results:3557