Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Artículo de blog
The Sudan: Food security crisis intensifies amid ongoing conflict and economic challenges

Urgent scale up of emergency humanitarian support to rural communities needed
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) raises a dire warning about the escalating food crisis in the Sudan. As conflict and economic decline continue to ravage the country, urgent and intensified humanitarian support for rural communities is urgently needed. According to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase (IPC) projections,...
South Sudan
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN FAO

Setting up an integrated farm

By installing an integrated farm, you can produce something on every inch of land, while reducing waste and buying fewer inputs. Draw a map of your farm and decide where to grow what crops, trees and vegetables, based on your knowledge of which crops need sun and which grow in...
2023 - Access Agriculture

National Land Policy Study Report on Ghana

AFSA is delighted to launch a series of five national reports, within AFSA’s Our Land is Our Life land rights initiative in these countries. These reports aim to: Examine Land Policies and Governance: They seek to understand the national land policies and governance structures, focusing on how these policies affect peasants’ rights,...
2023 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

National Land Policy Study Report on Cameroon

AFSA is delighted to launch a series of five national reports, within AFSA’s Our Land is Our Life land rights initiative in these countries. These reports aim to: Examine Land Policies and Governance: They seek to understand the national land policies and governance structures, focusing on how these policies affect peasants’ rights,...
2023 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Le warrantage, un dispositif pour améliorer la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique subsaharienne

Le warrantage se développe actuellement dans plusieurs pays du Sahel. C’est un dispositif de crédit-stockage mis en place par une organisation d’agriculteurs et une institution financière. Il consiste à stocker quelques mois une partie des céréales après la récolte dans un entrepôt en échange d’un crédit individuel. Sans ce crédit,...
2023 - CIRAD

The mangrove oyster value chain in the Gambia

FISH4ACP is an initiative of the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) to support sustainable fisheries and aquaculture development. The five-year value chain (VC) development programme (2020 to 2025) is implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with funding from the European Union...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Assessing the contribution of livestock systems to development in drylands: indicators for appropriate public policies

In drylands, scientific research shows that mobile livestock systems derive the maximum social, environmental and economic benefits from these areas. These systems ensure both short-term security in case of shocks and, in the right conditions, investment capacity. However, it is difficult to develop indicators to understand and assess their contribution...
2023 - CIRAD

Artículo de blog
As Africa Loses Forest, Its Small Farmers Are Bringing Back Trees

For decades, there have been reports of the deforestation of Africa. And they are true — the continent’s forests are disappearing, lost mainly to expanding agriculture, logging, and charcoal-making. But the trees? Maybe not, according to new satellite data analyzed by artificial intelligence and a growing body of on-the-ground studies....

Artículo de blog
New FAO project to safeguard forests and natural resources as part of humanitarian action

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has launched a new global project to integrate safeguarding forests and other natural resources in the way we respond to humanitarian crises. The initiative, entitled ‘Greening the humanitarian response in displacement settings’, was conceived and driven by FAO’s Office of Emergencies...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
Unlocking finance for African smallholder farmers

A major meeting this week brought together farmers, bankers, governments and development partners from across Africa and beyond to discuss ways to ensure smallholder farmers, the backbone of the region’s food system, have access to the finance they need to improve and scale up sustainable forest and farm management practices. The...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Parte de un informe
Community Food Projects: Emerging from a backyard garden

My wife and I have always dreamt about going back to the rural areas to start farming. Mainly to start growing our own food, spending days tending a flock of chickens, and maybe growing a big garden for our family and perhaps allow our children to enjoy what nature is...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Inclusive is not enough

Agrifood value chains need gender-responsive business development
Inclusive agribusiness development has been increasingly prioritized by countries and development organizations as a key driver of economic growth, rural transformation and shared prosperity. In Africa, several high-level continental African Union policies and strategies feature this objective, including the Maputo Declaration, the Malabo Declaration, the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme,...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
La Formation par apprentissage, une offre adaptée aux contextes des jeunes ruraux malgaches

Massifier la formation agricole et rurale (FAR) des jeunes et contribuer à la rénovation dusystème de FAR national, tels sont les objectifs du programme FORMAPROD, mis en œuvredans 13 régions de Madagascar depuis le début des années 2010. Sa spécificité ?Miser notamment sur la formation par apprentissage.
2023 - Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural

Human African trypanosomiasis cases diagnosed in non-endemic countries (2011–2020)

Sleeping sickness, or human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), is transmitted by tsetse flies in endemic foci in sub-Saharan Africa. Because of international travel and population movements, cases are also occasionally diagnosed in non-endemic countries. Antitrypanosomal medicines to treat the disease are available gratis through the World Health Organization (WHO) thanks to a...

Artículo de blog
Les pratiques agroécologiques sont largement utilisées par les agriculteurs africains

Les agriculteurs africains, aussi bien les petites exploitations que les plus grandes fermes, recourent très largement à toute une palette de pratiques agroécologiques. Cette observation controversée vient d'être révélée dans un nouveau document de travail de l'équipe du projet Viabilité. Une réalité qui s'applique à un large éventail de contextes...
2023 - CIRAD

Project brief: Greening the humanitarian response in displacement settings

The scale and protracted nature of displacement today highlights more than ever the need to integrate environmental preparedness and response in humanitarian interventions. Addressing the environmental impacts of forced displacement and related risks is essential with environmental protection being a necessary pre-condition of human protection. Over past years, FAO has...

Artículo de blog
Madagascar signs new ‘sustainable’ tuna deal with the EU

Foreign tuna fishing companies, mostly from Asia, have been exploiting Madagascar’s waters since the 1950s. The bloc that is now the European Union joined the hunt in 1986 and didn’t stop for decades, renewing its deal with Madagascar every few years. Yet when the last Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement (SFPA), as...
European Union - Madagascar

Artículo de blog
Former les jeunes à l’agroécologie : le centre CIDAP au Togo

Fondé par Séda et Tiyéda Bawiena dans leur région natale de Kara au Nord Togo, le Centre International de Développement Agro – Pastoral (CIDAP) promeut l’agropastoralisme et l’agroécologie depuis les années 1980. Retour sur les évolutions majeures de ce centre de formation de référence qui donne une place centrale à...
2023 - Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural

Parte de un informe
Diary of my love for food production: My quest for sustainable agroecology

From as early as I can remember, my grandparents inspired me with their love for gardening and growing food. They were enthusiastic, knowledgeable and instinctively knew how to grow vegetables and fruit. As a young child I would spend many days in the home garden with them, helping to weed...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Agroecological practices are widely used by African farmers

Agroecology is a body of knowledge, practices and political movements that aims to support transformation of food and agricultural systems to long-term social and environmental sustainability. African farmers face multiple challenges, and agroecology has been proposed as contributing to solutions and hence is being supported and promoted on the continent....
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