Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Estrategias de Incidencia en Políticas Públicas para Fortalecer la Gobernanza Territorial en la Vertiente Pacífico de Centroamérica

Centroamérica atraviesa por un conjunto de desafíos de política pública en un contexto de fuertes restricciones fiscales, de una mayor complejidad de dinámicas a escalas territoriales, que implica cambios relacionados con la diversificación económica y nuevas inversiones, así como como una mayor profundización de los impactos del cambio climático. La...
El Salvador

Farming Nature: Ireland - Community and Conservation on Achill Island

Filmed on Achill Island in September 2015 this video highlights the Natura 2000 habitats Machair Grassland and Upland Heath, both present on the Island. Supporting the type of traditional extensive farming that is practiced here is essential for maintaining these habitats. Taking a more targeted approach to agri-environment schemes can...
2016 - European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism

Artículo de revista
Revaluing Traditional Plants

Farming Matters Special | 32.2 | June 2016
This issue of Farming Matters looks at the growing number of initiatives that aim to revive the potential of traditional plant species, and illustrates that these plants can strengthen resilient family farming rooted in agroecology and diversity. Traditional plants and crops strengthen nutrition, culture and food sovereignty and thereby build resilience...
2016 - LEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Artículo de blog
Cadastro Nacional de Cultivares Locais, Tradicionais e Crioulas

O Cadastro Nacional de Cultivares Locais, Tradicionais e Crioulas foi criado com objetivo de apoiar o uso, manejo e conservação de cultivares locais, tradicionais e crioulas, no contexto das políticas de democratização do acesso a sementes, preservação da agrobiodiversidade e adoção de práticas agroecológicas. O Cadastro foi instituído na SAF por...
2016 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Artículo de blog
La lucha de las mujeres para el reconocimiento de los pueblos originarios

En esta nota entrevistamos a Gabriela Cespedes, miembro de la comunidad colla QUEYUNP en Mendoza y de FONAF. Con 29 años, Gabriela se dedica a la agricultura familiar y lidera la comunicación de una organización que trabaja para reflejar la labor de las mujeres de los pueblos originarios y homenajear su...
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Extensão Rural completa 50 anos no Amazonas

A Extensão Rural, responsável em levar assistência técnica, tecnologias e políticas públicas para famílias rurais que trabalham com as atividades agropecuárias, completa 50 anos no Amazonas. Na próxima sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro, o Instituto de Desenvolvimento Agropecuário e Florestal Sustentável do Estado do Amazonas (Idam), que em 2016, atendeu 51,3...
2016 - Instituto de Desenvolvimento Agropecuário e Florestal Sustentável do Estado do Amazonas (IDAM)

Keep the hands on the ground to defend food sovereignty and climate justice

The campaign Hands on the Land wants to relate the struggles for land and food sovereignty between the South and the North. The campaign works to give strength and visibility to the voices of small-scale food producers, on issues related to the control of land, fisheries, seeds and food production....
2016 - Hands on the Land for Food Sovereignty

Artículo de blog
Fortalecimento da produção extrativista

Para ampliar o acesso de extrativistas a Política de Garantia de Preços Mínimos para os Produtos da Sociobiodiversidade (PGPM-Bio), a Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (Sead) firmou parceria com a Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab) na última semana no valor de R$ 237.284,50. Para esse ano,...
2016 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Sitio web
Fundatia ADEPT Transilvania website

Fundatia ADEPT Transilvania is a landscape stewardship NGO, registered as a charity in 2004 in Romania and in the UK. ADEPT has been working for 10 years to protect the nature-rich, farmed landscapes of Transylvania, and to support the traditional farming communities who have created them over centuries and who...
2016 - Fundatia ADEPT Transilvania

Forgotten Georgian cultures

Georgia is one of the major centres of origin of the vine and wheat. Georgia natural genetic diversity is the foundation of folk selection through the creation of local, diverse and environmental conditions of adapted varieties, which the man is still proud of 
2016 - Elkana

Artículo de blog
O que é a agricultura familiar

Mais de 84% do total dos estabelecimentos agropecuários brasileiros pertencem a grupos familiares
A agricultura familiar tem dinâmica e características distintas em comparação à agricultura não familiar. Nela, a gestão da propriedade é compartilhada pela família e a atividade produtiva agropecuária é a principal fonte geradora de renda. Além disso, o agricultor familiar tem uma relação particular com a terra, seu local de trabalho...
2016 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Integration of small-scale farmers into formal seed production in South Africa

A Scoping report
This scoping report looks at key policies, legislation and programmes in South Africa with an emphasis on seed laws and considers the implications for small- scale farmer involvement in this sector and outlines a few projects on community seed production, indigenous crops and black-owned private sector seed production efforts.
South Africa
2016 - African Centre for Biodiversity

Documento/nota de orientación
Declaration of CSOs at the 30th FAO Regional Conference for Europe and Central Asia

FAO recognizes and re-affirms that CSOs are critical partners across a wide spectrum of activities at the local, national, and international level. The autonomy and independence of CSO's is a central value that is undoubtedly recognized by FAO: CSOs in the region  recognize that, all issues and the policies discussed...
2016 - Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Cultural Importance and Use of Medicinal Plants in the Shipibo-Conibo Native Community of Vencedor (Loreto) Peru

The main objectives of this research were to determine which medicinal plants are culturally most important for the native community of Vencedor as well as testing a new measure of the cultural importance of medicinal plants that can be used outside of this one particular case. Data were collected through...
2016 - Native Community of Vencedor

Artículo de boletín informativo
Qutapiqiña: Reforzar el desarrollo económico local y la gestión de recursos naturales del área natural de Apolobamba fortaleciendo a las comunidades indígenas originarias manejadoras de la vicuña

El proyecto “Qutapiqiña”, implementado desde el 2012 al 2015 por ProgettoMondo MLAL, Soluciones Prácticas y la Asociación Integral San Antonio de Qutapiqiña (AIQ), con el apoyo financiero de la Unión Europea, se orientó a aumentar los ingresos de las familias de las comunidades manejadoras de vicuña del ANMIN Apolobamba y...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2016 - Soluciones prácticas

Artículo de revista
Rescuing our maize: Building a network

A network of communities in West-Central Mexico has rescued its traditional landraces of maize. This experience shows that the benefits of defending an ancestral good is not only limited to regaining cultural identity and agrobiodiversity. The defence of native maize has become a space where old and new knowledge redefined agriculture and where people achieved food sovereignty, technical autonomy, and a new sense of community.
 Throughout history, the ‘milpa’ has been the basis of Mesoamerican agriculture. The milpa is an agroecological practice where maize (Zea mays), edible gourds (Cucurbita spp), and beans (Phaseolus spp) are intercropped in association with woody, medicinal, and fodder plants, as well as fruit trees. Maize is more than a crop...
2016 - ILEIA - centre for learning on sustainable agriculture

Transforming Cooperatives and Farmers' Lives - Viet Nam

Nguyen Thi Hoi is a woman farmer in the province of Thai Binh, Viet Nam. She is one of many smallholder farmers whose lives have improved thanks to a project implemented by FAO and IPSARD (the Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development). Through the local farmers' cooperative, the...
Viet Nam
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Tejiendo vidas con apoyo de Mesoamérica sin Hambre

La recuperación de cultivos nativos para elaboración de artesanías es uno de los ejes de trabajo de Mesoamérica Sin Hambre – capítulo Guatemala.En este video se puede observar el apoyo del programa, así como el proceso de manufactura realizado con fibras de maguey por mujeres del área chortí, en Corredor...
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Caderno Boas Práticas de ATER

Essa primeira edição reúne uma amostra representativa das Boas Práticas que os serviços de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural desenvolvem em todo o país para a diversidade da agricultura familiar orientadas pela Política Nacional de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (Pnater), instituída pela lei número 12.188 de 11 de janeiro...
2016 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (Sead)

Hoja informativa
System-wide action plan for ensuring a coherent approach to achieving the ends of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

The outcome document of the 2014 World Conference on Indigenous Peoples contains a series of commitments calling for multifaceted action by a range of actors, first and foremost Member States, but also the United Nations system. Among these is a request that the Secretary-General develop a system wide action plan...
2016 - e Department of Public Information, United Nations
Total results:975