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Boletín informativo
Bulletin de veille n°466: A la Une – Où en sont les stratégies nationales d’agriculture digitale en Afrique ?

Les réflexions relatives aux stratégies nationales d’agriculture digitale prennent de l’ampleur actuellement en Afrique, en particulier au niveau des gouvernements et des organisations venant en appui au secteur. Où en est-on dans leur mise en place ? Quelles sont les limites observées dans ces processus et comment s’assurer qu’ils contribuent...
2023 - Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural

Cultiver sans eau ou presque : la technique du zaï au Sahel

Autrefois ignorés, les secrets des paysans sahéliens attirent aujourd’hui l’attention des chercheurs et des décideurs. Et pour cause, ils inspirent de nouvelles voies d’adaptation au changement climatique pour l’agriculture africaine, et au-delà. Ici un article du Cirad qui revient sur la technique du zaï ou l'art de capturer la pluie....
2023 - CIRAD

Politique d’import-substitution au blé et compétitivité des farines panifiables à base de manioc, banane plantain et patate douce au Cameroun

Cette étude a pour objectif de documenter le renouvellement d’une politique alimentaire d’import-substitution au Cameroun. Elle interroge en quoi la production de farines panifiables à partir de productions vivrières locales (manioc, banane plantain, patate douce) peut devenir compétitive par rapport aux importations de blé. Elle utilise pour cela un cadre...
2023 - Cahiers Agriculture

On Air Dialogues 2022: Listening to rural Africans

Rural Africans bear the brunt of climate change. From reliance on rain-fed irrigation, dwindling resources, and recurring disasters rural people in sub-Saharan Africa are particularly vulnerable to climate change, though they are among those least contributing to it. And yet, they are rarely, if ever, consulted in the development of...
2023 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Building evidence on agricultural value chains interventions in refugee settings

Baseline analysis in Uganda
This baseline report examines the Refugee Agricultural Value Chains for Economic Self-reliance (RAVES) project in Uganda. The programme adopts an innovative approach, with a focus on providing sustainable long-term solutions beyond humanitarian assistance that mitigate the negative effects of displacement, uplift refugees, and support host communities. The approach allows the...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Linking nutrition education and farm production diversification to fruit and vegetable consumption in Zimbabwe

The main aim of the research was to analyze whether nutrition education and farm production diversification improved household dietary diversity as well as fruit and vegetable consumption among rural households in Zimbabwe. A cross-sectional survey using systematic random sampling was conducted in eight rural districts covering 1417 households. Poisson, Instrumental...
2023 - Cogent Food & Agriculture

Artículo de blog
New bill to strengthen fisheries and aquaculture in Zimbabwe

Government officials, fish industry captains, civil society and private sector representatives have launched consultations on a new fisheries and aquaculture bill for Zimbabwe. Hailed as a first of its kind piece of legislation, the bill marks a milestone in efforts by the Southern African nation to bolster its fisheries and...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
Comment améliorer la santé des sols en Afrique de l’Ouest ?

Les agriculteurs d’Afrique de l’Ouest sont confrontés à une perte de fertilité chronique des sols agricoles. Quelles solutions concrètes peuvent être diffusées pour améliorer la résilience des agricultures forestières ouest-africaines ? A travers la rencontre avec des acteurs de terrain, la Fondation FARM livre dans cet article quelques élément de...
2023 - Fondation pour l'Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM)

Artículo de blog
Why Agroecology Should Be Considered as Key for Climate Negotiations

According to experts at the ongoing climate negotiations (COP 28) in Dubai, UAE, such agroecological farming techniques are key to the continent’s food systems because they optimize the use of local resources such as manure and local water sources for irrigation, thereby minimizing the ecological footprint and enhancing the sustainability...

Foresight Africa 2023

As with every iteration of Foresight Africa, this 2023 edition aim to capture the top priorities for the region in the year ahead, offering recommendations for supporting Africa at a time of heightened global turbulence. The autors hope that Foresight Africa 2023 will promote dialogue on the key issues influencing development...
2023 - Africa Growth Initiative

Artículo de blog
Listen and learn: Why research needs to start with women and communities

Interviews with CIFOR-ICRAF researchers doing crosscutting work on gender equity and social inclusion
In a chronically dry region of Kenya, outside Nairobi, women are becoming farmer scientists, working with CIFOR-ICRAF researchers to find ways to make the often-parched soil produce food for their families and the market. The women are testing different types of mulch to see which works best in their difficult conditions. Their next...
2023 - CIFOR and ICRAF

Artículo de blog
Nigerian coast: agriculture and women suffer from water scarcity

The effects of climate change are evident in the coastal areas of Nigeria, particularly in the Ilaje region of Ondo State in southwestern Nigeria. They result in crop failure, erosion and loss of livelihoods due to extreme weather events such as droughts and floods. The coastal region of Nigeria is particularly...
Côte d'Ivoire
2023 -

Artículo de blog
ECOWAS Signs Grants Agreements To Promote Training On Agroecology

The President of the ECOWAS Commission, Omar Alieu Touray, has entered into grant agreements with 15 educational institutions to develop agroecology skills among member states, as an element of the ECOWAS Agroecology Program supported by the European Union. The combined budget for these agreements stands at €1,320,784.43, with each institution...

An assessment of support for agroecology in South Africa’s policy landscape Report

Background document
In March 2023, civil society organisations and farmers met with thePortfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Developmentto share views on agroecology and to promote a call from 58 organisationsfor a national agroecology strategy.In support of the process, the ACB conducted a detailed review of 22 key policies across...
South Africa
2023 - The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

Boletín informativo
Access Agriculture Panorama - August 2023

The Access Agriculture Panorama features information on new videos, audio podcasts, blog posts, articles contributed by experts, partner highlights, voices from the field and upcoming events.
2023 - Access Agriculture

Stories of Resilience Built Through Agroecology

Biowatch farmers speak out about living and thriving in troubled times: 2020–2022
The resilience of KwaZulu-Natal farmers during the Covid-19 pandemic and intersecting crises is highlighted in “Stories of Resilience Built Through Agroecology”, a new book launched by Biowatch. The book includes the experiences of 24 farmers who have adopted agroecology methods. These farmers have improved household food security and nutrition and built...
South Africa
2023 - Biowatch South Africa

Assessment of community perceptions and risk to common zoonotic diseases among communities living at the human-livestock-wildlife interface in Nakuru West, Kenya: A participatory epidemiology approach

Zoonoses account for most of the emerging and re-emerging infections in Kenya and in other low to medium-income countries across the world. The human-livestock-wildlife interface provides a nexus where transmission and spread of these zoonotic diseases could occur among communities farming in these areas. We sought to identify perceptions of...

La formation professionnelle en milieu rural

Manuel générique sur la formation pour le renforcement de l'autonomie économique des populations rurales (TREE)
La Formation pour le renforcement de l’autonomie économique des populations rurales (TREE) est un programme élaboré par le Département des compétences et de l’employabilité du BIT et conceptualisé en suivant les principes de la formation au niveau communautaire. Ce guide a été élaboré pour planifier, concevoir et mettre en œuvre...
2023 - Organisation internationale du Travail

Artículo de blog
Stratégies nationales d’agriculture digitale en Afrique : Pistes pour plus d’efficacité

Les réflexions relatives aux stratégies nationales d’agriculture digitale prennent de l’ampleur actuellement en Afrique, en particulier au niveau des gouvernements et des organisations venant en appui au secteur. Où en est-on dans leur mise en place ? Quelles sont les limites observées dans ces processus et comment s’assurer qu’ils contribuent...
2023 - Inter-Réseaux Développement Rural

Africa - Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2023

Statistics and trends
Africa is facing a food crisis of unprecedented proportions. Millions are expected to be at risk of worsening hunger in the near future due to the rippling effects of the war in Ukraine, which are compounding the devastating impacts that conflicts, climate variability and extremes, economic slowdowns and downturns, and...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:3557