Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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"I want to live like that"

A journey in "Le Conche", farm of the young Calabrian farmer Vincenzo Sposato: his passion for the job, the relationship with the family, friendship and his future plans. The story focuses on the innovations brought by Vincenzo who having inherited a traditional olive trees farm,  in a few years turned...
2012 - Rete Rurale Nazionale - Italy

Animal Farm

Cascina Barosi is a farm completely run by women. Cascina Barosi is a journey backwards, from big cities to the countryside. Benedetta, from Milan, managed a farm near Cremona. The film recounts his relationship with technology, enabling her to remotely control to the work on the farm, succeeding so to...
2012 - Rete Rurale Nazionale - Italy

Between me and the earth

The film tells the special relationship of Matteo Bolognesi with agriculture: original, organic and biodynamic, but without giving up technology. With small investments from the Rural Development Programme of his region, has created a niche market in which he is producing essential oils, lavender, rosemary, spices for the well-being and...
2012 - Rete Rurale Nazionale - Italy

Sitio web
Centro de Educación, Capacitación y Tecnología Campesina (CECTEC)

El CECTEC es una organización civil, sin fines de lucro, que orienta su acción formativa a productores campesinos, a sus familias y comunidades. Las líneas de trabajo del CECTEC intentan responder a problemas concretos que afectan a la unidad familiar campesina y, en particular, a la juventud.
2011 - Centro de Educación, Capacitación y Tecnología Campesina (CECTEC)

Artículo de revista
Youth and farming

The laxity of young people taking up farming may be due to, but not limited, to lack of farming incentives, inadequate access to productive assets such as land and capital, inadequate infrastructure, limited well-functioning markets, high population pressure on land and inadequate access to appropriate technologies by farmers. In this...
Kenya - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zimbabwe
2011 - Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN)

Revista especializada
LEISA Revista de Agroecología, abril 2011: Una nueva generación de agricultores: la juventud campesina

Este número de la Revista de Agroecología LEISA, contiene los siguientes artículos: Juventud rural: una apuesta cafetera por la innovación y la competitividad Futuros agricultores: recuperando la agricultura para la juventud del Pacífico Grupos de ayuda mutua juvenil en la región fresera del subtrópico mexicano: una estrategia para la subsistencia de las familias...
2011 - Asociación Ecología, Tecnología y Cultura en los Andes (ETC Andes)

Hoja informativa
Statement of opinion of the COUNCIL OF BULGARIAN AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATIONS - The general framework of the EU’s Common Agricultural (CAP) after 2013

Agriculture is a strategic sector of the economy and has deep traditions in Bulgaria. In 2009 the gross value added generated by the sector of agriculture was estimated at BGN 1,506 million and farming jobs totaled nearly 90,000, excluding the employment in food industry and other sectors of light industry....
2010 - The European network for Rural Development

Hoja informativa
Preparation of Cyprus National Rural Network (CNRN)

The CNRN in cooperation with the Managing Authority of the Rural Development Program (RDP) 2007-2013, announced the initiation of Public Dialogue to discuss the future of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that will follow the year 2013. As a first step, agricultural groups and authorities as well as members of the...
2010 - The European network for Rural Development

Hoja informativa
Public Debate on the Future of the CAP - Questions on the rural development aspects

In the light of the future challenges for agriculture and rural areas, what should be the objectives of the rural development policy after 2013? - To reach comparable conditions of all EU farmers starting with equalizing the level of direct payments without transfer period and level of national payments. Also taken...
2010 - The European network for Rural Development

Hoja informativa
CAP post-2013 / summary of comments from Finnish rural network

The members of the monitoring committee of the Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland, strategy group for rural development, working group on agri-environment payments, working group on animal welfare payments and guidance group on rural network and it's working groups and the local action groups were asked to state their...
2010 - The European network for Rural Development

Hoja informativa
Contribution du réseau rural français au débat public européen sur l’évolution souhaitée de la politique agricole commune

Ce document synthétise la vingtaine de contributions reçues. Elle n'engage pas les services de l'état, ni l'intégralité des membres du réseau rural. La dizaine de contributions parvenue a mobilisé une vingtaine d’acteurs principalement régionaux (3 réseaux régionaux, 2 organismes consulaires, collectivités territoriales, acteurs divers,...). La synthèse de ces contributions a...
2010 - The European network for Rural Development

Documento/nota de orientación
Future Farmers ? Exploring Youth Aspirations for African Agriculture

Demographic trends point to more young people in the African population than ever before – approximately 70 percent of Africa’s 1 billion people is under the age of 30. Across the continent many young people are reportedly choosing not to pursue livelihoods in agriculture, especially as farmers. If this is...
2010 - Future Agricultures Consortium

Hoja informativa
Contribution – synthesis of opinions for the European rural development network in the context of the public consultation on the common agricultural policy (CAP) after 2013

Following the extra meeting of the Coordination Committee of the European Rural Development Network held in Brussels on April 14th  The National Rural Network received proposals from nine members: four of them are active in the field of rural development (National Agricultural Research Foundation – {NAGREF}, Agricultural Products Certification &...
2010 - The European network for Rural Development

Hoja informativa
The Future of the Rural Development Policy post-2013. Debate on the National Rural Network in Portugal

In response to the challenge launched by the European Network for Rural Development (EN RD), the Portuguese Rural Network held a wide debate on the future of the Rural Development Policy. This debate was organized around the questions posed: • What should be the objectives of the future rural development policy? • How...
2010 - The European network for Rural Development

Actas de conferencia
Youth in agriculture regional workshop

The workshop was designed to address the main contributors to the lack of youth involvement in the sector and also to provide an enabling environment for the young and the not so young within the network to come together, exchange ideas, develop leaders and find common solutions to common problems....
Antigua and Barbuda - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Jamaica - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago
2010 - Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN)

Educación, desarrollo rural y juventud

La publicación que se presenta recoge y sistematiza experiencias e iniciativas sobre cuestiones clave de la juventud rural en el norte argentino. El estudio abarca los aspectos sociodemográficos, económicos, de empleo y educación correspondientes a la última década. Se analizan los cambios producidos tanto en los aspectos subjetivos de las...
2007 - Instituto Internacional de Planeamiento de la Educación/ IIPE-UNESCO

La juventud rural vista desde el Cono Sur

Los días 25 y 26 de octubre de 1994 se realizó en Montevideo la "Consulta Regional sobre Juventud  Rural  del  Cono  Sur  Latinoamericano",  oportunidad  en  la  que  además  se  constituyó formalmente la Red de Juventud Rural (REJUR). Este documento intenta recoger, en base a un trabajo  presentado en  dicha  ocasión, ...
1995 - Base Investigaciones Sociales (BaseIS)
Total results:477
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