Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Estudio de caso
L’agroécologie, au service de la diversité alimentaire Cas d’école en zones sahélienne et forestière du Cameroun

L’Extrême-Nord et l’Est sont certes deux régions du Cameroun différentes sur le plan écologique et distantes sur le plan géographique. Mais elles connaissent des difficultés similaires qui se traduisent par un niveau de développement très faible. Elles font partie des zones les plus pauvres du Cameroun. Cet état de pauvreté...
2021 - Service d'Appui aux Initiatives Locales de Développement (SAILD-NGO)

Aprendizaje en línea
Webinars on Agroecology

Webinar ''Agroecology: Principles and Best Practices'' on 10 May 2021 Agroecology and organic are both systems of food production grounded in the principles of health, ecology, fairness, and care, which guide standards and inspire the development of best practices and sustainable production systems. This first of the three webinars of the International Society for...
2021 - International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)

Sistemas alimentarios en América Latina y el Caribe

Desafíos en un escenario pospandemia
El libro ha sido preparado por autores de diferentes organismos internacionales —incluyendo FAO, IFPRI, UNCTAD y CEPAL, así como legisladores y académicos de prestigiosas universidades latinoamericanas—, buscando subsidiar reflexiones para la Cumbre Global sobre Sistemas Alimentarios, a realizarse en septiembre de 2021. En él se contextualizan los sistemas alimentarios de la...
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Aprendizaje en línea
Implementation of Farmer Field School Programmes

Farmer Field School (FFS) is a participatory education approach that brings together a group of small-scale food producers to solve production problems through sustainable agriculture. The FFS approach offers space for hands-on group learning, enhancing skills for observation and critical analysis and improved decision making by local communities. Building on...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
FiBL presents a new dossier on organic production and good practices

FiBL presents Organic farming. Basic principles and Good practices, a new dossier that explains the basics of organic farming and shows how they are applied in practice. The publication is a valuable source of information for farmers interested in conversion to organic farming. It also serves as a guide for the private sector, government representatives,...
2021 - Fibl

Garnering nature friendly agriculture practices: 1990 to 2020

Field tested practices, methodologies and approaches to regenerating agriculture and associated ecosystems are featured in this compilation . Mostly experiences from across Asia are included , the compilation is based on publications generated through participatory writeshops, organised over thirty years featuring a wide range of stakeholders, disciplines and donors. Participatory...

Global assessment of soil pollution: Report

Soil pollution is invisible to the human eye, but it compromises the quality of the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe and puts human and environmental health at risk. Most contaminants originate from human activities such as industrial processes and mining, poor waste management,...
2021 - FAO and UNEP

Artículo de revista especializada
Fishing for health: Do the world’s national policies for fisheries and aquaculture align with those for nutrition?

Aquatic foods are rich in micronutrients essential to human health, and fisheries and aquaculture are increasingly recognized for their capacity to contribute to reducing global micronutrient deficiencies and diet-based health risks. Whether fisheries and aquaculture sector and public health nutrition policies align to meet this goal, however, is unclear. Do...
2021 - Center for Ocean Solutions, Stanford University, USA

Aprendizaje en línea
Empower youth to invest in agriculture and food systems

This course is intended to complement the series of three courses “Creating an enabling environment for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems - Fundamentals - Analysis – Reform”. It aims to provide guidance on youth-specific issues that should be taken into consideration when creating an enabling environment for responsible...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Activities of central and eastern EU countries in research and Innovation partnership with Africa

Let us kindly invite you to the On-Line Thematic Session: Activities of central and eastern EU countries in research and Innovation partnership with Africa as a part of Stakeholder engagement week that is organized within LEAP4FNSSA project  This Session will be held on 2nd June 2021 from 15:00 – 17:00 CET via Microsoft TEAMs (join...
2021 - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Conservación de forrajes ante sequías prolongadas e inundaciones

La sequía, al igual que las inundaciones son fenómenos eventuales que provocan importantes pérdidas económicas y enfermedades que afectan las actividades agropecuarias de República Dominicana a nivel nacional. Entre estas se destacan la reducción de la disponibilidad y calidad de los pastos, causando además la pérdida de peso del ganado...
Dominican Republic
2021 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Boletín informativo
Magazine Grain de sel : ‘’Le savoir des femmes, quelle contribution à la sécurité alimentaire ?’’

La pandémie de COVID-19 a confirmé la place des femmes en première ligne : en tant que nourrices, gardiennes, responsables des tâches domestiques et de l'éducation, leur charge de travail a décuplé en raison des mesures étatiques de lutte contre le virus, et elles ont été plus durement touchées que...
2021 - Inter-réseaux Développement rural

Climate change impacts on crops in Sri Lanka

Agriculture is one of the most important economic sectors of Sri Lanka and is key to the livelihoodof its population. As agriculture is one of the sectors most vulnerable to climate change, a thorough understanding of its impact is critical for formulating informed and effective adaptation strategies. Climate change challenges...
Sri Lanka
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
Inspirational ideas: Sustainable farming in French Guiana

Growing sustainable tropical crops in an outermost region  of the European Union: that’s what Julien Villard has been doing since 2016. He left his job as a civil engineer on the European mainland and became a farmer in French Guiana. He set up Villandia Farm, 3 hectares of land where...
French Guiana
2021 - Eip Agri, Agriculture & Innovation

Documento técnico
Innover pour la périphérie : recherche agronomique publique et développement de machinisme approprié pour l’agriculture familiale en Argentine

In Argentina in the early 2000s, the world of public agricultural research focused on the development of appropriate machinery for family farming. Family farming, which became a category of public and scientific action at the same time, refers to farmers working their land without employing paid labor. This model differs...
2021 - HaL Archives Ouvertes

Artículo de blog
How is the development of integrated agriculture in Zambia doing?

The team from the CZU, namely Vladimír Verner, Radim Kotrba, Zbyněk Polesný, Jan Staš from FTZ and Miloslav Petrtýl from FAPPZ, is currently conducting fieldwork in the Western Province of Zambia. The activities are realized in the frame of implementation of two development projects, namely "Integrated Farming II" led by...
2021 - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Mobile laboratories CZU mobiLAB in Zambia

CZU mobiLAB to detect COVID-19
Experts from the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences launched 3 units of the CZU mobiLAB - a mobile laboratory for the detection of infectious diseases. Mobile laboratories CZU mobiLAB were developed last year as part of the project "Prevention of Covid-19 Proliferation in Exposed Locations and Increasing the Resilience of Local Communities in Zambia...
2021 - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Entrevista a Mercedes López, Directora de la Asociación de Consumidores Orgánicos en México

El marco del segundo conversatorio Cambio transformativo agroecológico en los mercados y el consumo organizado por Comunidad de Práctica (CdP) de Agricultura Familiar y Agroecología América Latina y El Caribe, el cual busca contribuir a la reflexión sobre el rol de los mercados agroecológicos en la transformación de los sistemas alimentarios.  Se realiza...
2021 - Comunidad de Práctica (CdP) de Agricultura Familiar y Agroecología América Latina y El Caribe

Artículo de revista especializada
Shaping more resilient and just food systems: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted weaknesses in global food systems, as well as opening windows of opportunity for innovation and transformation. While the nature and extent of this crisis is rare, extreme climatic events will increase in magnitude and frequency, threatening similar societal impacts. It is therefore critical to identify...

Artículo de blog
FAO conducts a training on utilizing GIS for improving forest fires prevention & early detection

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched today a training on the utilization of GIS for improving forest fires prevention, early detection, control and documentation. This training falls within the activities of “Enhancing the capacity of the forestry sector to control and manage forest fires in Jordan”...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
Total results:19340