Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Sitio web
Forest&Farm Facility Achievements 2012-2017

The first Phase of the FFF (from December 2012 to December 2017) has focused on strengthening FFPOs as a primary unit, delivering major impacts through support to 937 FFPOs on the ground in 10 countries: Bolivia, Guatemala, Liberia, Kenya, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, The Gambia, Vietnam and Zambia. It has also engaged...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Accountability Systems for Sustainable Forest Management in the Caucasus and Central Asia

This capacity building project has been accepted for funding by the United Nations Development Account (UNDA), under the 10th tranche. The timeframe of the project is 2016-2019. The objective of this project is to strengthen the national capacity of five target countries (Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan) to develop national...
2018 - United Nations Development Account (UNDA)

Artículo de blog
Urgenci calls for action for a sustainable food system

  2018 is the year for change and action! As part of the European days of Action, Urgenci joins forces with organizations across Europe to call out to decision makers to support a sustainable transformation of our food systems. During the month of October awareness rising events will take place across...
2018 - Urgenci

Diálogo Regional de Alto Nivel sobre la Integración de la Biodiversidad en los sectores Agropecuario, Forestal y Pesquero (DRANIBA)

Objetivos de la reunión El DRANIBA ofrecerá un espacio intersectorial de intercambio y discusión que permita abordar los temas de producción sostenible en los sectores agropecuario, forestal y pesquero con integración de criterios que contribuyan al uso sostenible, conservación, restauración y preservación de la biodiversidad en la región. Para esto: Se revisarán las...
2018 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Hoja informativa
Conservation of high mountain ecosystems through the recovery of native seeds

One of the main problems of the páramo ecosystem (altitudinal belt of the tropical mountain between 3,000m and 4,000m) is conventional potato production. The use of agrochemicals in food production is degrading the ecosystem and polluting the water that reach more than 8 million inhabitants of the city of Bogotá, capital city...
2018 - Corporación Familia de la Tierra

Forest and farm producers’ comparative advantages in fighting hunger, poverty, climate change

Charles Nyanjul describes the comparative advantages of forest and farm producer organizations that make them so well placed to fight hunger, poverty and climate change. Citing from the experience of the Farm and Forestry Smallholder Producers Association of Kenya, he cites how members are encouraged to grow fruit trees as...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Revista especializada
Nature & Faune journal: Creating a forest landscape restoration movement in Africa

This edition of Nature & Faune journal explores the science and innovations (technical, social and policy) that can support the achievement of the African dream of restoring 100 million hectares of its degraded land. Articles in this edition share experiences on challenges, opportunities and successful restoration, including farmer managed natural...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista especializada
Biodiversidade: riscos, oportunidades e o impasse brasileiro

Divulgado na segunda semana de novembro, o “1º Diagnóstico Brasileiro de Biodiversidade e Serviços Ecossistêmicos” assinala um marco na tomada de consciência do País sobre uma questão urgente da agenda nacional – o papel ambiental, social e econômico da nossa megabiodiversidade. O documento, produzido por cerca de 100 autores (professores...
2018 - IQAr-Unesp

Artículo de blog
Welcome spring! Welcome forests!

The 21st of March is the official first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. The day of the equinox, in which plants start to blossom and sprout as warm air begins to invade our latitudes. Not only this, this day is also celebrated throughout the world as the International...
European Union
2018 - SIMRA

DUTCH CSA CONFERENCE 2018 (13 – 14 January 2018, De Eemlandhoeve, Bunschoten-Spakenburg)

This plenary session of the conference was dedicated to the question ‘What is the added value of CSA to you?
Every year either Netherlands or Belgium hosts the bi-national CSA Conference. This year it was held in Amersfoort, in the center of the Netherlands and close to several CSAs. It was a fully sold out event (125+) with a plenary meeting, workshops, a meal and a movie and on Sunday we...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
2018 - Urgenci

CSAct! springs into action!

Thirty farmers from nine different Europe countries gathered in northern Italy from 21-26 January 2018 for the first CSAct! training programme.
The programme aims to improve existing training and resources for CSA farmers, equipping them with the skills and tools to produce healthy sustainable food for local communities, and to encourage experience sharing with European countries where CSA is less established. The event took place over five days at Cascina Santa Brera,...
2018 - Urgenci

Access to finance for forest and farm producer organisations (FFPOs)

Growing populations and consumption patterns are squeezing forests – especially through industrial agriculture. But many of the 1.5 billion people who live within the world’s remaining forest landscapes are farmers too, albeit smallholders. Many grow and protect trees. Most also hunt and gather from the forest. Forests provide them with...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Cameroon - Gambia - Guatemala - Kenya - Liberia - Mexico - Myanmar - Nepal - Nicaragua - Viet Nam - Zambia
2018 - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Floresta em risco

As mudanças climáticas destruirão a floresta amazônica?
O aquecimento global põe em risco toda a Floresta Amazônica. Escapamentos e chaminés domundo inteiro lançam na atmosfera bilhões de toneladas de dióxido de carbono, gerando temperaturas cada vez mais altas na Amazônia. Alguns estudos preveem que nas próximas décadas o aquecimento global também reduzirá a precipitação na região. Temperaturas mais altas...
2018 - Ministério de Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações do Brasil

A Bioeconomia Brasileira em Números

O desenvolvimento da bioeconomia representa uma oportunidade promissora para o Brasil. A partir de recursos biológicos renováveis, assim como dos resíduos de processos extrativos ou de transformação, podem ser produzidos alimentos, energia, artigos químicos e têxteis, entre outros, de valor econômico e ambiental. Para o país, além de significativos efeitos positivos...
2018 - Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES)

Sitio web
Vivir con el bosque y conservarlo

Este sitio web contiene una serie de materiales de difusión y publicaciones de 17 estudios de caso sobre los valores ambientales, económicos y socioculturales de la gestión territorial indígena de los pueblos Tacana y Leco de Bolivia, para que puedan ser difundidos por su plataforma institucional. Los estudios sobre el valor...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2018 - Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

Revista especializada
Rural connections - The European rural development magazine

The Rural Connections magazine is being published at a formative time for Rural Development policy. The Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) which has been taking shape over the past months is crystallising – with the European Commission's proposals for the future EU budget published on 2 May, followed shortly afterwards by...
European Union
2018 - European Network for Rural Development

Artículo de blog
Urgenci Voices for CSA advocacy project launched in Rome this week

Urgenci’s advocacy capacity is central to strengthening the role of the Community supported Agriculture (CSA) movement at local and global level. As a global social movement, the CSA and theirs networks need to work  collectively to show how they contribute to overcoming global challenges to the food system. This is...
European Union
2018 - Urgenci

Sustainable management of Miombo woodlands

Food security, nutrition and wood energy
The Miombo woodland is a vast African dryland forest ecosystem covering close to 2.7 million km2 across southern Africa (Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe). The woodlands are characterized by the dominance of Brachystegia species, either alone or in association with Julbernardia and Isoberlinia...
Angola - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Malawi - Mozambique - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Boletín informativo
Teikei #49 November 2018

Urgenci's Newsletter - The International Network ofCommunity Supported Agriculture. Urgenci's newsletter has been named TEIKEI,«cooperation» in Japanese, as a tribute to the pioneering role of the Japanese organic agriculturemovement in setting up the first Community -supported Agriculture models. It is also a tribute to the victims ofthe March 2011 Earthquake and...
2018 - Urgenci

Agroforestry and Permaculture: The BioDiVerger from Marcelin in Morges/VD

In Marcelin (VD), FiBL and the "Service de l'Agriculture et de la Viticulture" of the Canton of Vaud (SAVI) have been testing a new cultivation system for fruit growing since 2013. The aim is to produce fruit and vegetables in ecological balance. Elements of agroforestry and permaculture are being integrated...
2018 - FiBL
Total results:1030