Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Artículo de boletín informativo
Malawi: Equal work, unequal earnings

A recent case study in Malawi explores the trading roles of women in fisheries in quantitative and qualitative terms.  Women play important roles in fish food systems, especially post-harvest processing and trading of fish products. However, gendered inequities in fish food systems are common around the globe, limiting livelihood benefits for...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Le système alimentaire de la ville de Ziguinchor

Focus sur l’environnement alimentaire
De nombreuses mutations socio-économiques sont en cours en Afrique de l’ouest et s’accompagnent de défis croissants pour les systèmes alimentaires urbains. Les villes africaines voient leur population s’accroître rapidement, du fait de la croissance démographique et des migrations rural-urbain. Le triple fardeau de la malnutrition y est important avec une...
2023 - Etude coordonnée par le Grdr

Artículo de blog
A Guelmim, un trio franco-marocain force le destin agroécologique du désert

Wissal Ben Moussa, Benjamin Rombaut et Gautier de Carcouet sont cofondateurs de Sand to Green, une startup dédiée à l’agroécologie qui vient de lever 1 million de dollars pour son expansion. En déploiement au Sud du Maroc, le trio entend dupliquer l’expérience en Afrique subsaharienne avec, en toile de fond,...

Rearing crickets for food and feed

People who traditionally eat insects, such as grasshoppers, termites, white ants or crickets catch them in the wild when they are in season. In some places there are now fewer edible insects because the environment has been damaged. Rearing insects on your farm can provide proteins throughout the year. Edible...
2023 - Access Agriculture

Hoja informativa
Point sur la situation alimentaire au Sahel (PSA)

Début mai, les prix des céréales restent globalement élevés (par rapport aux cinq dernières années) au Burkina, au Mali et au Niger. Le bulletin donne aussi une série d’informations sur le niveau d’approvisionnement des marchés, la situation alimentaire des ménages ou encore les différentes activités génératrices de revenus développées par...
2023 - Afrique Verte

Artículo de blog
How community-designed solutions take pressure off Madagascar’s Manombo Rainforest, spur food production

Health In Harmony (HIH), an international nonprofit organisation through its community-designed solutions approach has introduced sustainable farming practices among local farmers and reduce reliance on logging for income further easing pressure off Madagascar’s Manombo Rainforest.
2023 -

Artículo de blog
Au One forest summit, l'enjeu de la survie des forêts tropicales

Le One Forest Summit s'est achève ce jeudi 2 mars 2023 à Libreville au Gabon, au cœur du bassin du Congo, l'un des trois bassins forestiers tropicaux les plus importants du globe. L'enjeu était de trouver des solutions pour inciter financièrement les pays du Sud à préserver leurs forêts afin de...

Artículo de boletín informativo
Africa: The NARO PAH-safe fish smoking kiln

Greater support is needed for the adoption of a safe and effective fish smoking technology, associated with numerous positive socio-economic outcomes
Smoking fish is one of the most common methods of food preservation among fishing communities in Uganda. The most common species that fishing communities smoke include Nile Perch and Tilapia. However, one of the main hazards associated with traditional smoking methods is the risk of cancer due to Polycyclic Aromatic...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de blog
‘During droughts, pivot to agroecology’: Q&A with soil expert at the World Agroforestry Centre

As the drought in Kenya persists, pastoralists in the region are struggling as millions of livestock die and vast swaths of crops perish. Food insecurity affects approximately 4.4 million people in the country. International food agencies have described the situation as a dire humanitarian crisis, emphasizing the critical need to...

The regional agroecology fund in eastern Africa

The Regional Agroecology Fund in Eastern Africa is a financing and learning tool to support agroecology networks and organizations across the region, which form the core of Eastern Africa’s agroecology movement. The purpose of the fund is to: • Offer donors a simple way to fund grassroots organizations, networks, and...
2023 - The Agroecology Fund

Artículo de boletín informativo
What’s New, Webby?: CAOPA Profiles

CAOPA, the African Confederation of Professional Organizations of Artisanal Fisheries, recently launched an exciting new series on its website that captures the stories, lives, struggles, challenges and achievements of women leaders in African fisheries.
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Boletín informativo
What’s new with technologies in Africa? Newsletter #3

The third newsletter of the African Technology Assessment Platform (AfriTAP) has been released, highlighting recent developments in various technology areas, including geoengineering, agriculture, genetics, and digital technologies. AfriTAP is a collaborative effort by African and international civil society groups to monitor and respond to the impacts of new technologies on...
2023 -

Artículo de blog
The sound and vision of organic farming for rural audiences: Webinar dedicated to media houses

A webinar titled ‘The sound and vision of organic farming for rural audiences’ was held by Access Agriculture on 14th March for the English-speaking audience. For the French-speaking audience, a webinar on the same theme, titled ‘Le son et la vision de l’agriculture biologique pour les audiences rurales’ was held...
2023 - Access Agriculture

Rapport de capitalisation - Partenariats économiques responsables : passerelle innovante entre organisations de producteurs

Cette capitalisation restitue les expériences des quatre premiers partenariats économiques responsables, impliquant des organisations agricoles françaises et africaines, mis en œuvre par Afdi (en Nouvelle-Aquitaine et Pays de la Loire ) dans les filières ananas bio-équitable et noix de cajou bio et équitable au Bénin, soja bio au Burkina-Faso, et...
2023 - Afdi

Artículo de boletín informativo
Africa: Making fish smoking safe and sustainable

A simple yet efficient new technique to smoke fish prototyped recently holds great promise for effective and sustainable postharvest fish processing
In a bid to revolutionize fish processing methods and promote sustainability, a pilot study of a prototype fish drum oven was recently carried out. The study used innovative technology to address the limitations of traditional fish smoking techniques while ensuring the preservation of nutritional value and product quality. Based on...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de blog
Women Smallholders Will Drive Africa’s Transition to Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture techniques provide a lifeline to the world's poorest farmers, restoring soils and increasing yields and incomes while sequestering carbon emissions. Because women account for 80% of Kenyan farmers, women must drive the transition to regenerative farming at scale. According to a report released last year by the IUCN and...

Artículo de blog
The challenges of being a female farmer in Uganda

Nambiro Fatuma is a single mother of 4 kids that fully depend on her. She, on the other hand, depends on her income that comes from a family farm owned by her father. “I produce bananas, maize, beans, cassava, sweet potatoes, mangoes and avocados…” she says. “I once thought about starting a poultry...
2023 - Food Security Center

Artículo de blog
Young entrepreneurs in Uganda empowered with digital skills

As part of a joint project with FAO Farmer Field School (FFS) in Uganda, eight youths belonging to three entrepreneur teams from Karamoja region in Uganda took part in an orientation course, 15-17 March, to master the use of a solar-powered Digisoft smart projector (containing all Access Agriculture farmer-training videos)....
2023 - Access Agriculture

Artículo de blog
First Access Agriculture videos in South African languages

Access Agriculture conducted a translation workshop 7-9 March 2023 for South Africa, under the Knowledge Centers for Organic Agriculture (KCOA) Project, in Cala, Eastern Cape, in South Africa. The training brought together nine participants, four from Vukani Community Radio Station in the Eastern Cape Province  and another four from Muletsi Community...
2023 - Access Agriculture

Artículo de blog
Maintaining biodiversity-friendly landscapes

Protecting our ecosystems requires more than the enlargement of protected areas. With the right incentives, farmed landscapes could be managed in a way that enhances the numerous benefits nature offers to society and that support the biodiversity conservation targets of protected areas. The enlargement of protected areas and carbon price incentives...
Total results:3557