Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Improvised hive security against honey theft using hive casing

The vandalism of hives and theft of honey in Nigeria is a perennial problem that has led to the loss of investments and gains by beekeepers and discouraged consumers as well. Beekeepers find it difficult to securely situate their apiaries as they describe it as simply 'no-go' areas for placing...
2021 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Técnicas de injertación en cultivos de frutas

Ésta ficha técnica explica y describe diferentes tipos posibles de injertos que es posible hacer en cultivos frutales, a través de los que se posibilitan cambios de variedades en plantaciones ya establecidas, así como también permite revitalizar y rejuvenecer árboles viejos, enfermos y caducos.  
2021 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Artículo de revista especializada
Dairy farming systems driven by the market and low-cost intensification in West Africa: the case of Burkina Faso

The increase in demand for dairy products in Burkina Faso is encouraging livestock producers to develop milk production. Three types of dairy systems (pastoralists, agropastoralists and market-oriented dairy farms) have been characterised based on a sample of 60 producers operating in the West and centre of the country. Pastoralists’ dairy...
Burkina Faso
2021 - Tropical Animal Health and Production

Artículo de blog
Good cheese needs good companions: partnering to build zero-deforestation dairy supply chains in the Colombian Amazon

The department of Caquetá is part of the Amazon River basin and a strategic ecosystem for Colombia and the globe. Historically, it has been the region most affected by deforestation in the country due to the advancing of the agricultural frontier and the widespread presence of illicit crops. The region...
2021 - Solidaridad

Artículo de boletín informativo
Gambia: Looming clouds

The dense fumes of fishmeal factories in the Gambia are like dark clouds obscuring the future of women in the country’s fisheries. In the Gambia, 10 percent of the 2.2 million inhabitants derive their livelihoods from fisheries, with activities concentrated in the artisanal fishing communities of Kartong, GunjurSanyangTanji, Brufut, Bakau and...
2021 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Parte de un libro
Métodos de aplicación de biofertilizantes bacterianos

El éxito de la inoculación depende tanto de la efectividad de las bacterias utilizadas como de la tecnología empleada para su aplicación. La razón del uso de inoculantes formulados es simple: con la inoculación de bacterias en suspensión aplicada directamente en el suelo, sin una formulación adecuada, la población de...
2021 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Artículo de revista
Opinion: How agroecology can help food systems be more climate-resilient

Read the opinion piece by Maryline Darmaun, Fabio Leippert and Martin Herren, published on Devex as part of the Future of Food Systems series. The article addresses the question of how we can transform food systems and strengthen their resilience to increasing external shocks and changing conditions. The authors advocate...

Reducing cost of cultivation for Cardamom through cultural practices

Pruning and mulching are traditional cultural practices in small cardamom cultivation to expose the panicles for better pollination and fruit set as well as to reduce insect pest build up. Also pruning the lower branches of shade trees in cardamom field is a cultural practice to maintain about 50 percent...
2021 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Artículo de revista especializada
Welfare impact of market participation: The case of rice farmers from wetland ecosystem in Bangladesh

Haor ecosystem of Bangladesh plays dual roles: local economic development through agricultural income-earning activities and preserve the environment. Smallholder haor farmers face a variety of challenges that confined their access to the market. This study was undertaken to examine the determinants of smallholder's market access that plays an important role...
2021 - Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute

Elaboración y uso de saccharina en alimentación de ganado bovino

Esta tecnología desarrolla la idea del uso de saccharina (caña de azúcar) en la alimentación de ganado bovino como una práctica de elaboración sencilla, en la que se obtiene un producto de buena calidad nutritivo y relativamente de bajo costo.
2021 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

How to make the hive "Ruche Fonge"

The hive "Ruche Fonge" is an intermediate hive model which combines features of the Kenyan topbar hive and the Dadant movable frame hive. This hive model was developed and successfully tested by the "Groupe d'initiative locale camerounais "Apiculture lumière du Cameroun"" (GIC LUMICAM) and is now being promoted in Cameroun...
2021 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Resultados económicos de modelos productivos porcinos. Informe Nº 61. Agosto 2021

Este documento elaborado en el marco del Proyecto “Caracterización de gestiones económicas de sistemas de producción agropecuarios de pequeña y mediana escala” (vigente desde enero del 2020) presenta estimaciones sobre comportamientos de resultados económicos de modelos productivos y tiene como propósito aportar información que favorezca la inclusión de productores, mejore...
2021 - Centro de Información de Actividades Porcinas (CIAP)

What is agroecology?

Concerns about chronic hunger, malnutrition, climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental degradation have led to increased focus on the world’s food system in recent years, with various actors putting forward different plans to tackle these interconnected issues. In this context, interest in agroecology has grown significantly, and it is now...
2021 - TABLE Explainer

The State of Food and Agriculture 2021

Making agri-food systems more resilient to shocks and stresses
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerability of agri-food systems to shocks and stresses and led to increased global food insecurity and malnutrition. Action is needed to make agri-food systems more resilient, efficient, sustainable and inclusive.  The State of Food and Agriculture 2021 presents country-level indicators of the resilience of agri-food systems....
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de boletín informativo
Profile: Proud and passionate

Despite several challenges, Lilia Briones Bermúdez, a community leader in Barra del Colorado, Costa Rica, remains steadfastly committed to the struggles of her community. Lilia Briones is a fisherwoman. She is also a community leader, in the forefront of the struggles of her community in Barra del Colorado, a small-scale artisanal...
Costa Rica
2021 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Hacia una agricultura sostenible y resiliente en América Latina y el Caribe

Análisis de siete trayectorias de transformación exitosas
Una agricultura próspera, inclusiva, sostenible, baja en emisiones y resiliente al cambio climático es posible en América Latina y el Caribe, y lograrla es imperativo para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y dar cumplimiento al Acuerdo de París. Resulta esencial, por tanto, identificar caminos para avanzar hacia una...
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Parte de un libro

A nivel mundial los nematodos representan uno de los principales problemas parasitarios en el cultivo de guayaba (Psidium guajava L.) (Avelar et al., 2001). En total se han reportado alrededor de 28 géneros asociados al cultivo (González, 2009), entre los que se destacan Meloidogyne spp., Rotylenchulus spp., Pratylenchus spp., Hoplolaimus...
2021 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Country Gender Assessment of the agriculture and rural sector - Palestine

This Country Gender Assessment (CGA), conducted in Palestine’s West Bank and Gaza Strip, examines existing gender roles and gaps between men and women in agriculture and rural development and explores practical needs, strategic interests and perspectives on gender equality. The Assessment presents existing policies, strategies, plans and programmes and highlights...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Hoja informativa
Manejo fitosanitario: Rosellinia

Se presenta con mayor frecuencia en suelos muy ácidos y húmedos, ricos en materia orgánica. Se asocia a suelos con bajo contenido de fosfatos. El manejo de la plantación también es un factor determinante para el desarrollo de la enfermedad. Más Información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial Agrosavia Repositorio Institucional (BAC) Podcast Dimensions Agriperfiles Google Scholar LaReferencia Redalyc Redcol ResearchGate WhastApp Noticias científicas AGROMETRICS CRIS...
2021 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Pregnancy testing in livestock by bio-indicator method

Pregnancy testing in livestock needs examination by expert veterinarians. Poor livestock farmers and livestock keepers in rural areas cannot afford or do not have access to such technical feats by vets. The Bio-indicator method is a traditional practice where seeds of pulses soaked in urine of the animal are used....
2021 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Total results:19016