Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Artículo de blog
Organic in Public Danish Kitchens and Private Eateries

On May 23, a broad alliance of Danish trade unions, educational- and advisory institutions, and business organizations representing thousands of farmers, restaurants, and food companies launched a joint proposal for the upcoming Danish Climate Plan. The national climate goal in Denmark is one of the world’s most ambitious: a reduction in climate...
2021 - Organic without Boundaries

Artículo de blog
LEADER - 30 years and preparing for the future: Delivering LEADER’s unique added value

The ENRD Contact Point organised a workshop to explore LEADER's positive, long-term impacts in rural areas and discuss how its added-value can be maximised in the future through better partnerships, local development strategies, and local projects and initiatives under the CAP Strategic Plans.  The event took place online as a webinar.  The event...
European Union
2021 - European Network for Rural development

Documento/nota de orientación
SALSA Project Summary Booklet 2016-2020 - Placing small farms under the microscope

The SALSA project has closed a long-standing gap in research by looking into the status of small farms in different regions of both Europe and Africa. Its findings should help these farms live up to their true potential. Thirty reference regions, 25 of them in Europe and five in Africa. That’s...
2021 - SALSA Project

Organic in Europe

Prospects & developments for organic in national cap strategic plans
'Organic in Europe - Prospects and developments for organic in national CAP Strategic Plans' highlights how much of the national CAP budgets will need to be dedicated to organic farming in all Member States to reach the EU Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies’ average target of 25% organic land...
2021 - IFOAM Organics

Artículo de blog
Letter From The Farm | Welcome To The Burren

Welcome to the Burren in the West of Ireland, where Shane Casey’s family have been farming Blackhead mountain for some two hundred years. Here, the unique limestone landscape requires a unique way of farming. Traditions are passed down through many generations of Burren farmers to maintain the critical symbiotic relationship between...
2021 - ARC2020

Sitio web
Data Food Consortium: a common and open digital language to develop short circuits

With the development of food tech, more and more services in short food circuits are provided via computerized tools: production monitoring, plot management, product catalog management, online sales via e-commerce tools, invoicing, accounting, etc. Today, these tools operate globally in a logic of silos and despite the existence of some Application...
European Union
2021 - Data Food Consortium

Artículo de blog
Stronger linkages of cities and rural areas back efficient food systems in Tajikistan

FAO helped revitalize the urban-rural connection in Tajikistan, with a view to develop more efficient food systems that benefits residents of both areas. Considering that well-functioning urban-rural linkages are the key to advance the economy, nutrition, and sustainable development, the project improved interconnections between cities and rural areas through promoting sustainable...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de revista especializada
The Behavior of Dairy Consumers in Short Food Supply Chains during COVID-19 Pandemic in Suceava Area, Romania

In Romania, there is an emerging market of dairy products delivered through short food supply chains. Although this distribution system has existed since the communist period, and even though more than three decades have passed since then, the market fails to be mature, subject to taxation, or achieve a high...
2021 - "Gh. Zane" Institute for Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch

Artículo de revista especializada
Organic Beekeeping Practices in Romania: Status and Perspectives towards a Sustainable Development

Romanian beekeeping faces a lot of challenges nowadays due to the problems related to climate change, the use of pesticides in agriculture, but also to the pandemic crisis. In this context, organic beekeeping represents an important alternative to traditional apicultural practices. The purpose of the study was to present the...
2021 - Department of Animal Production and Food Safety, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj Napoca, 400372 Cluj Napoca, Romania

Being young in a mountain area in 2021

On 12th October 2021, Euromontana organised its annual conference on “Being young in a mountain area in 2021”. The event was the opportunity to highlight the needs and desires of young people for the future of the mountains. The conference gave the floor to different mountain organisations that have recently...

Artículo de blog
Agroecology: Transitioning toward sustainable, climate and ecosystem-friendly farming and food systems

Farming in Europe has been transformed over the last 70 years by policies, technologies and practices that sought to guarantee a stable supply of affordable food. But success has come at the cost of mounting environmental degradation. This CORDIS Results Pack highlights 11 EU-funded research projects that demonstrate the potential...
European Union
2021 - European Commission

Artículo de blog
Key P-IRIS’ messages about rural innovation networks

P-IRIS was based on the demand from Managing Authorities (MAs) to better support rural innovation in these regions. The initiative to address the issue through a project was taken during Euromontana’s General Assembly in November 2015. P-IRIS includes several members of our network: the County of Vestland (Norway), the Province of...
2021 - EuroMontana

Artículo de revista especializada

Helianthus annuus (sunflower) is an oilseed crop with multiple food and industrial uses, such as production of edible oil, the biofuel industry, the manufacture of soap and fodder production. Sunflower is the most important honey plant, considering the large areas cultivated with sunflower and the quality of nectar. Due to...
2021 - "Gh. Zane" Institute for Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch

Boletín informativo
Give wings to women entrepreneurs in rural India

Access Agriculture Panorama No. 14 - September 2021 Newsletter
2021 - Access Agriculture

Artículo de blog
Females in the field

The number of women in farming has been slowly increasing in recent years. The most recent data (Eurostat 2016) suggests that, on average, 29% of farms across the EU are managed by a woman. But this data masks some considerable differences between countries. In Lithuania and Latvia, nearly half of all...
European Union
2021 - European Commission

XIV Congreso Internacional de Agricultura Ecológica

Se trata de una prioridad política, económica, social… Pero los impactos del cambio climático son ya una realidad que afecta muy especialmente a la producción y acceso a alimentos y que, por tanto, ponen en peligro nuestra seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, sobre todo de las comunidades más vulnerables. Como contrapartida, la producción ecológica y la...
2021 - Spanish Society of Organic Agriculture and Agroecology (SEAE)

Artículo de blog
Growing sustainable agriculture through local legumes

To become more sustainable, Europe must diversify its agri-food systems. According to one EU project, this starts with promoting the cultivation and consumption of home-grown legumes. Food systems have a substantial carbon footprint, accounting for one third of greenhouse gas emissions globally. As such, there is an urgency for the sector...
European Union
2021 - European Commission

Inspirational ideas: Recovering abandoned land in the Rioja Valley

In the higher valleys of the Rioja region in Spain, farmland abandonment is an increasing problem. An Operational Group is identifying the main reasons behind this issue and carrying out activities to bring new farmers to the area and regenerate fruit production. At the same time, these actions contribute to...
2021 - EIPAgri

Artículo de blog
An agroecological Europe by 2050: a scientific work in progress

The need for, and the urgency of, a transition of our food system to face the triple challenges of conserving biodiversity, improving adaptation to climate change while reducing GHG emissions, and improving diets, is no longer questioned. Over the last 5 years, Iddri and AScA have explored the contribution of...
European Union
2021 - IDDRI

Artículo de blog
EU agri-food trade continues to show solid growth

While the year began slowly, the total value of EU agri-food trade (exports plus imports) for January-July 2021 stood at €183.8 billion, a 3.2% increase on the corresponding period last year. Exports were almost 6% higher at €111.4 billion, with imports dropping marginally by 0.2% to €72.4 billion. This reflects...
European Union
2021 - European Commission
Total results:2283