Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Making cassava snacks

Cassava should have a clean, fresh scent and a pure white center when cut open. Fresh roots also have a pleasant taste.When using bitter cassava, ferment the peeled roots for 3 days to leach out the poison cyanide, Then wash the roots.
2022 - Access Agriculture

Working in groups to save water

As collective irrigation canals deteriorate over time, farmers waste resources and efforts in simple daily tasks. With increasing scarcity and degradation of water quality, farmers must pay attention to improve water use.
2022 - Access Agriculture

Converting chicken waste into fertilizer

Poultry waste is rich in nitrogen and other nutrients, and is good food for beneficial microbes in the soil. Mix it with decomposed cow dung and carbon-rich materials. To speed up decomposition, sprinkle organic decomposer or Trichoderma on the waste. From rotten eggs you can make a growth promoter, by...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Producing healthy plantain and banana suckers

Instead of planting suckers directly, you can grow many new healthy plants from each bulb. Learn how to disinfect the bulbs using a natural solution and place them in moist sawdust in a germination box. From one bulb you can get at least 50 healthy suckers that are ready for...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Staking tomato plants

Staking allows more light and better air circulation to plants. Staked tomato plants are less attacked by pests and diseases and the fruits do not easily spoil. By staking your plants, they do not fall over due to the weight of the tomato fruits. Your plants will grow healthy and...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Organic growth promoter for crops

You can prepare a basic natural growth promoter with locally available ingredients, such as cow dung, ghee, milk, urine, sugar and ripe bananas. To further strengthen the growth promotor you can also add an extract made from urine and aromatic leaves so that it also helps to control pests and...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Healthier crops with good micro-organisms

Mix concentrated E.M. from the farm shop with molasses and water, and let it ferment for a week. You can also make your own solution of good micro-organisms with local materials. You can mix the activated solution with water to use on any crop, to soak your seed or to...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Home delivery of organic produce

Via social media farmers market their organic produce and customers place orders from ½ to 5 kg of organic produce. Customers receive guaranteed healthy, fresh farm produce delivered to their door. By having a fixed client base, farmers have a regular income and get a higher price for their produce....
2022 - Access Agriculture

Farmer-to-farmer videos boost south-south knowledge exchange in Uganda and beyond

Digital tools are making access to information more and more possible, and participatory videos are a great way for farmers to share their experiences with other farmers in their own countries and beyond. In the RFS Uganda project sites, Farmer Field Schools have partnered up with Access Agriculture to get...
2022 - Resilient Foos Systems

Harvesting and storing okra

Harvest the soft okra every two days, so they don’t become ripe. But leave the smallest ones for the next harvest. If you leave the pods on the plant to become ripe, this takes energy from the plant and slows down new growth. An okra plant whose pods are harvested...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Teaching agroecology in schools

To value local culture, and to encourage a healthy lifestyle it is important that schools include topics on farming and traditional food in their curriculum and activities. Weave elements related to agroecology in the school curriculum of all the grades. By organising field visits, children can learn from farmers about...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Recovering native potatoes

Conserve the varieties you do have, by planting them and eating them at home. To recover seed of native crops, establish associations with farmers who are interested in conserving them. An NGO can help you get organised. Making an inventory and an illustrated catalogue helps to exchange seed and promote...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Rotational grazing

Pastures that are grazed continuously get exhausted and grow little forage for the animals. Divide your pasture in sections using a fence, and let the animals graze one section at a time. When the pasture plants are half-way eaten, move the animals to another section so that the pasture recovers,...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Increasing Agricultural Productivity through Sustainable Water Resource Management in Tajikistan

Strong water users' associations are instrumental in sustaining reforms and improvement in the country's water sector. To address the interrelated challenges of agriculture, water, food insecurity, and poverty in Tajikistan, the Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources Management Project (PAMP II) was implemented from 2013 to 2020 with...
2021 - AFA

Increasing Agricultural Productivity through Sustainable Water Resource Management in Tajikistan

Strong water users' associations are instrumental in sustaining reforms and improvement in the country's water sector. To address the interrelated challenges of agriculture, water, food insecurity, and poverty in Tajikistan, the Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources Management Project (PAMP II) was implemented from 2013 to 2020 with...
2021 - Asian Farmers' Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)

Natural ways to keep chickens healthy

Dirty drinking water, unclean surroundings, and improper food cause many diseases in chicken. Clean the coop area and remove the poop and spoiled feed every day. You can purify the drinking water with turmeric powder or potassium permanganate. Feed chickens a balanced diet. Add some garlic or onion to the...
2021 - Access Agriculture

Turning fish waste into fertiliser

The guts, heads, skin or any other part of the fish that people do not eat can be turned into organic fertiliser by fermenting or composting it. Fish waste is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins. By applying fish fertiliser, we can increase the good microbes in the soil,...
2021 - Access Agriculture

Managing the rice leaf folder

By combining different organic methods, you will harvest a lot more rice and make more money.
2021 - Access Agriculture

Calcium deficiency in dairy cows

Calcium deficiency is common among high-yielding dairy cows. A calcium deficient cow does not eat much, is cold to touch, looks tired and is unable to stand up. She gives less milk. Untreated cows may die. To prevent calcium deficiency, do not dehorn your cows. Let the cows have some...
2021 - Access Agriculture

Sprouting grains for livestock feed

When grains are soaked in water for a while and left to germinate, they will put out shoots or sprouts. By absorbing water sprouted seed more than double their weight. Sprouts are easier to digest than grains, because sprouting converts nearly all of the starch in the grains into sugar....
2021 - Access Agriculture
Total results:140
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