Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Le système alimentaire de Sfax, Tunisie

Sfax, 2ème ville de Tunisie, est considérée comme le pôle économique du pays. Son dynamisme économique et son port ouvert sur la Méditerranée lui confèrent une place de choix sur le marché international. Néanmoins, elle fait face à de nombreuses problématiques: industrialisation incontrôlée engendrant pollutions des sols et de la...
2019 - Let's Food

Parte de un libro
Aux origines d'une petite agriculture familiale à Haffouz : les coopératives et leurs héritages en Tunisie Centrale

En Tunisie, la succession des politiques agricoles et le discours dominant sur la petite agriculture ont participé à construire un fort dualisme agraire entre une agriculture « performante » et une petite agriculture « en retard ». Historiquement, la petite paysannerie tunisienne a été malmenée par les pouvoirs publics, demeurant...
2019 - HaL Archives Ouvertes

Artículo de revista especializada
Explorer les liens entre agriculture et sécurité alimentaire : une enquête auprès des femmes du gouvernorat de Sidi-Bouzid en Tunisie

Cet article présente et décrit le contenu d’une base de données construite à partir d’une enquête menée dans le gouvernorat de Sidi-Bouzid, situé dans le centre de la Tunisie. Sur ce territoire en transition, le secteur agricole, qui tient une place prédominante dans l’activité économique, est caractérisé par la diversité...

Artículo de revista especializada
A sustainability comparative assessment of Tunisian organic and conventional olive growing systems based on the AHP methodology

This work aims to assess, in a comparative way, the sustainability of organic and conventional olive growing systems in the Sfax region (Tunisia). This assessment will be undertaken based on I) a multidimensional perspective considering the three classical dimensions of sustainability – environmental, economic and socio-territorial – and II) on...

Artículo de revista especializada
Biophysical and econometric analysis of adoption of soil and water conservation techniques in the semiarid region of Sidi Bouzid (Central Tunisia)

Soil and water conservation technologies (SWCT) are important to farmers, to the research community, as well as to the policy makers, given that declining soil health, and increasing erosion and moisture stress have implications for agricultural livelihoods, national food security, and more generally for well-being within rural communities. Yet, despite...

Artículo de blog
The Port Bleu project equips fishermen from Haouaria with quality labels and technological solutions for fisheries products

The agreement between the Blue Craft Club and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) targets the promotion of the initiative of women and youth to invest in the artisanal fishing sector in the Haouaria region. This agreement was signed as part of FAO's Blue Port project,...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Regional Drought Management System for Middle East & North Africa

The purpose of this project is to empower decision-makers to plan for and manage the impacts of droughts on food and water security under current and future climate conditions.
Jordan - Lebanon - Morocco - Tunisia
2018 - International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)

Documento de trabajo
Water Policy and Poverty Reduction in Rural Area: A Comparative Economy Wide Analysis for Morocco and Tunisia

Morocco and Tunisia are considered among the countries where the scarcity of water resources may cause a serious constraint to the development of their economies. During the past, huge efforts have been made by both governments in order to satisfy an escalating water demand expressed by all users. The main...
Morocco - Tunisia
2018 - Economic Research Forum (ERF)

Designing and Conducting Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) for Impact Evaluations of Agricultural Development Research

A Case Study from ICARDA’s ‘Mind the Gap’ Project in Tunisia
Experience suggests that smallholder farmers are unlikely to adopt new innovations without improved models of technology transfer. However, the question of how to design innovative and cost-effective technology transfer strategies has not yet been sufficiently addressed. There is a risk that if we do not critically analyze and carefully manage...
2018 - International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Mind the Gap: Improving Dissemination Strategies to Increase Technology Adoption by Smallholders

The 'Mind the Gap' research project is testing new and existing models of transferring innovative technology packages to smallholder farmers by using an RCT approach, aiming to improve dissemination strategies to increase technology adoption by smallholders. Understanding which extension approaches have the greatest success rate help to improve future agricultural...
2018 - 1 International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Artículo de blog
Traditional grazing-management practice makes an impact in southern Tunisia

Degradation of rangelands is a major global concern, but land degradation processes in the rangelands are poorly understood. This lack of understanding has contributed to poorly-informed interventions and policies that have sometimes exacerbated degradation. Rangeland can become degraded due to crop cultivation, over-exploitation of livestock, over-extraction of woody biomass, and...
2018 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Artículo de revista especializada
Small-scale actors in agri-food value chains: How and why do they access the services of agricultural mechanization hire enterprises

Agricultural mechanization hire enterprises, commonly known as hire services, are service businesses that provide human, animal and mechanical-driven power technologies and equipment services. Much has been documented over the decades about such services at the farm level, but little has been documented on the role that hire services can have...

Artículo de revista especializada
The Tunisian Experience in Olive Production and Marketing and How to Benefit From it in the Egyptian Case

Olive and olive oil production, which is widespread throughout the Mediterranean region, plays an important social, economic and environmental role in producing countries. Although Egypt has a comparative advantage in the production olive crop, which generates a distinct economic return, whether marketed locally or exported, Egypt occupies the 10th place...
Egypt - Tunisia

Artículo de revista especializada
Explorer les liens entre agriculture et sécurité alimentaire : une enquête auprès des femmes du gouvernorat de Sidi-Bouzid en Tunisie

Cet article présente et décrit le contenu d’une base de données construite à partir d’une enquête menée dans le gouvernorat de Sidi-Bouzid, situé dans le centre de la Tunisie. Sur ce territoire en transition, le secteur agricole, qui tient une place prédominante dans l’activité économique, est caractérisé par la diversité...

Artículo de revista especializada
Effet de la taille sur l’efficacité technique des exploitations céréalières en Tunisie: cas de la région subhumide

Ce travail de recherche cherche à analyser la productivité des céréales surtout dans les zones où les conditions climatiques sont favorables. Il s’agit d’estimer les scores d’efficacité techniques des exploitations céréalières, d’identifier leurs déterminants et d’examiner la corrélation entre l’efficacité technique des unités de production et leurs tailles pour les...

Artículo de blog
Tunisian Women Producers Making a Mark in a Man’s World

Women are making their mark on Tunisia's fast-growing olive oil industry, even if it's often behind the scenes
Much like wine-making, the world of olive oil is largely a male-dominated industry. This is also true in Tunisia, where one-third of the land is covered in olive groves and 300,000 people work in olive oil production. But many of these are women who are making a significant mark on Tunisia’s...

Documento/nota de orientación
Drivers and impacts of rural outmigration in Tunisia

Key findings from the research “Rural Migration in Tunisia” (RuMiT)
This brief summarizes the findings of the research report "Drivers and patterns of rural youth migration and its impact on food security and rural livelihoods in Tunisia", developed in the framework of the "Youth mobility, food security and rural poverty" (RYM) project. It provides an overview of the drivers, patterns...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Guide de sélection des projets agricoles dans un contexte de migration

Le guide de sélection des projets agricoles dans un contexte de migration a été élaboré dans le cadre du projet «Mobilité des jeunes, sécurité alimentaire et réduction de la pauvreté rurale : promouvoir la diversification rurale en améliorant l’emploi et la mobilité des jeunes» (GCP/INT/240/ITA), mis en oeuvre par la...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista especializada
L’attribution de terres domaniales irriguées aux jeunes ruraux en Tunisie : création d’emplois durables ou mise en place d’exploitations non viables ?

Le chômage des jeunes, particulièrement dans les zones rurales, est un problème que l’État tunisien cherche à résoudre depuis l’Indépendance. Il a ainsi mobilisé une partie des terres domaniales irriguées pour installer des jeunes. À Gaâfour, 98 jeunes agriculteurs ont reçu des lots irrigués de 2,5 ou 3,5 ha. Les résultats montrent...
2018 - INAT

Artículo de blog
Good rangeland governance in southern Tunisia

Good rangeland governance is critical in sustainable conservation of pasture lands. The role of social practices – including broad participation and the chance to voice specific concerns – is central to achieving good rangeland governance. Together with targeted investments, they are essential in improving rangeland governance.
2018 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Total results:163
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