Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Cultiver sans eau ou presque : la technique du zaï au Sahel

Autrefois ignorés, les secrets des paysans sahéliens attirent aujourd’hui l’attention des chercheurs et des décideurs. Et pour cause, ils inspirent de nouvelles voies d’adaptation au changement climatique pour l’agriculture africaine, et au-delà. Ici un article du Cirad qui revient sur la technique du zaï ou l'art de capturer la pluie....
2023 - CIRAD

Sitio web
BRESOV - Breeding for Resilient, Efficient and Sustainable Organic Vegetable production

BRESOV aims to tackle the nutritional challenges of a growing world population and changing climatic conditions by enhancing productivity of different vegetable crops in an organic and sustainable farming infrastructure. BRESOV works on broccoli, snap bean and tomato as those staple vegetable crops have significant roles in meeting our global food and nutritional security goal, and under...
2023 - BRESOV

Hoja informativa
The state of knowledge about (organic) farming and biodiversity now updated

FiBL biodiversity expert Lukas Pfiffner has updated the factsheet on the effects of production and cultivation systems on biological diversity. The publication is available for download free of charge in the FiBL Shop. To promote species diversity is one of the principles of organic farming. Do scientific studies on actual farms...
2023 - FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture

Boletín informativo
Agroecology Coalition Newsletter October 2023

  Will agroecology affirm its role as a critical lever in the future of food systems and climate action? In line with its mission, the Agroecology Coalition has been active in international spaces and will continue to do so in upcoming international events in 2023. In this newsletter, you will find...
2023 - Agroecology Coalition

Artículo de blog
Why Agroecology Should Be Considered as Key for Climate Negotiations

According to experts at the ongoing climate negotiations (COP 28) in Dubai, UAE, such agroecological farming techniques are key to the continent’s food systems because they optimize the use of local resources such as manure and local water sources for irrigation, thereby minimizing the ecological footprint and enhancing the sustainability...

Artículo de blog
ECOWAS Signs Grants Agreements To Promote Training On Agroecology

The President of the ECOWAS Commission, Omar Alieu Touray, has entered into grant agreements with 15 educational institutions to develop agroecology skills among member states, as an element of the ECOWAS Agroecology Program supported by the European Union. The combined budget for these agreements stands at €1,320,784.43, with each institution...

An assessment of support for agroecology in South Africa’s policy landscape Report

Background document
In March 2023, civil society organisations and farmers met with thePortfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Developmentto share views on agroecology and to promote a call from 58 organisationsfor a national agroecology strategy.In support of the process, the ACB conducted a detailed review of 22 key policies across...
South Africa
2023 - The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

Boletín informativo
Access Agriculture Panorama - August 2023

The Access Agriculture Panorama features information on new videos, audio podcasts, blog posts, articles contributed by experts, partner highlights, voices from the field and upcoming events.
2023 - Access Agriculture

Stories of Resilience Built Through Agroecology

Biowatch farmers speak out about living and thriving in troubled times: 2020–2022
The resilience of KwaZulu-Natal farmers during the Covid-19 pandemic and intersecting crises is highlighted in “Stories of Resilience Built Through Agroecology”, a new book launched by Biowatch. The book includes the experiences of 24 farmers who have adopted agroecology methods. These farmers have improved household food security and nutrition and built...
South Africa
2023 - Biowatch South Africa

Boletín informativo
IFOAM Organics Europe newsletter no. 133- May 2023

To stand out, organic farming must continue to improve and to raise the bar, refusing to settle for minimum standards. Companies are more and more seeking to align their brands with sustainability, but we must remain vigilant to avoid greenwashing and ensure genuine commitment to organic principles. To thrive in this...
European Union
2023 - Ifoam Organics Europe

Agroecological farm visit with policy makers: how can agroecology help reduce pesticides use and improve farm viability and resilience?

On 21 March 2023, Agroecology Europe organised an agroecological farm visit for Members of the European Parliament and their team members of the AGRI and ENVI Committees of different political groups including the Renew Group, the EPP Group and the Greens. In the fields of the Warelles Farm in Petit-Enghien, thirty...
European Union
2023 - Agroecology Europe

Regeneración Internacional llevará a cabo la tercera Cumbre Alimentaria de los Pueblos, en el Día Mundial de la Alimentación, el 16 de octubre de 2023

Esta será la tercera ocasión que Regeneration International realice la Cumbre Alimentaria de los Pueblos. Este evento único en su clase, es una gran celebración de 24 horas del Día Mundial de la Alimentación, el 16 de octubre de 2023, en la que participarán ponentes apasionantes de todas las regiones...
2023 - Regeneration International (RI)

¿Cómo apoyar desde las políticas locales los servicios ambientales que presta la agroecología frente a la emergencia climática?

Con objeto de catalizar la adopción de prácticas agrarias sostenibles y saludables para la mitigación y adaptación a la emergencia climática, la Red de Municipios por la Agroecología presenta su última publicación: “¿Cómo apoyar desde las políticas locales los servicios ambientales que presta la agroecología frente a la emergencia climática?”. Este...
2023 - Red de Municipios por la Agroecología

Documento/nota de orientación
An assessment of support for agroecology in South Africa’s policy landscape Policy Brief

Policy Brief
In March 2023, civil society organisations and farmers met with thePortfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Developmentto share views on agroecology and to promote a call from 58 organisationsfor a national agroecology strategy.In support of the process, the ACB conducted a detailed review of 22 key policies across...
South Africa
2023 - The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB

Harnessing the potential of the 10 Elements of Agroecology to facilitate agrifood systems transformation

From visual narratives to integrated policy design
Visual narratives using the 10 Elements of Agroecology can guide the holistic visioning needed to better understand transformative change and plausible transitions towards sustainable agriculture and food systems. By sharing similar underlying storylines, assumptions and responses to drivers of change, visual narratives may foster the convergence of transitions into typologies that...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Slow Food: agroecology is the best way to celebrate Earth Day

“As the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) continues to warn us, we need to act now: the coming years are crucial for the future of our planet,” comments Edie Mukiibi, president of Slow Food. “The best way to celebrate International Mother Earth Day on April 22 is to acknowledge this...
2023 - Slow Food

Artículo de revista especializada
Agroecological transitions in the mind

Agroecology has evolved and is promoted as an integrated pathway for the development of food and agriculture systems in ways that address the interacting social, economic, and environmental challenges of current dominant systems. Agroecology is usually described and defined by a set of principles that can be adapted and implemented...

Artículo de revista especializada
Combining systemic and pragmatic approaches for the holistic diagnosis of a farm in agroecological transition in a health context

Introduction: Today, agriculture and livestock farming are facing environmental, social and health challenges. The agroecological transition is a possible response to these challenges. It requires changes in practices but also an evolution in farmers' ways of thinking and relationships with living things. Some diagnostics of farms, such as the global analysis...
2023 - INRAE

Parte de un informe
My speechless intervention and the discovery of a woman leader in agroecology

  On a working day of June 2018 under my previous organization, I visited Shibuyunji district to conduct my usual technical support to the extension staff as well as project beneficiaries. Having had a short meeting with the extension staff, we immediately proceeded into the field to conduct on-site visits. I...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de revista especializada
Agroforestry policy development in England: a question of knowledge transference

Agroecology as a concept for reimagining food systems has grown in popularity and is now used in several food and agriculture policy frameworks around the world. While there is a significant body of research around agroecology, its origins, applications, and as a much-needed transition pathway to sustainable food systems, there is limited understanding...
Total results:3881