Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Artículo de blog
African and European agriculture needs protection

The sixth European Union – African Union Summit will be held in Brussels on 17-18 February. On this occasion, as peasant farmers in Africa and Europe, we jointly express the urgent need to rebuild food sovereignty on our two continents. Today, people in Europe and Africa are still fed by peasant...
2022 - Euractiv

Estudio de caso
“I found this group of women with a unique business model. And I thought it was wonderful that the very same oil we ate at home could also […] provide income streams in areas such as cosmetics.” 

Martha Negumbo -- Namibia
  Marula has long been a staple in Namibian homes, where both the nut and the fruit have a reputation for being healthy and the nut oil is popular for skin care and cooking. In recent years, international companies, too, have caught on to the oil – and with demand booming,...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
New project to enhance digital literacy and foster agri-preneurship among youth and women in Rwanda

Agricultural digitalization and bridging the gaps of digital literacy among the local farmers will go a long way to empower more youth to be agri-preneurs
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Rwanda Development Board has launched a new project to enhance the digital skills and innovation capabilities to foster agri-preneurship among youth and women in Rwanda. “This project is coming in addressing first of all the critical challenge...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de revista especializada
Typology and characteristics of indigenous goats and production systems in different agro-ecological zones of Tanzania

Tanzania has a goat population of about 24.8 million most of which belong to the Small East African breed distributed in almost all agro-ecological zones. The different goat populations and the production system in which they are raised are not well characterized depriving animal breeders useful information in designing and...
United Republic of Tanzania
2022 - Tropical Animal Health and Production

Projet Transition Agroécologique des Maraîchers de Côte d’Ivoire (TAMCI)

De 2019 à 2022, dans le cadre du projet Transition Agroécologique des Maraîchers de Côte d’Ivoire (TAMCI), l’IECD et ses partenaires locaux ont formé 13 promotions d’agriculteurs et producteurs dans la mise en place de nouvelles pratiques (biopesticides, rotation et diversification culturale, biofertilisants, calculs des coûts) afin de créer des...
Côte d'Ivoire
2022 - IECD - Institut Européen de Coopération et de Développement

How to make ‘lab serum’ – a fermented organic fertiliser

In this video, Lifeworks demonstrates how to make and use a fermented Lactobacillus fertiliser known as 'milk fertiliser' or lab serum. This fertiliser is rich in microbes that promotes soil fertility and plant health and can boost crop yields. It is easy to make from widely available low-cost ingredients.
2022 - LIfeworks Global

How to make fish hydrolysate - a fermented organic fertiliser

In this video, we demonstrate how to make and use a fermented fertiliser known as fish hydrolysate. This fertiliser is rich in microbes that promotes soil fertility and plant health and can boost crop yields. It is easy to make from widely available low-cost ingredients.      
2022 - Lifeworks Global

How to make a 'cow fertiliser' - a fermented organic fertiliser

In this video, we demonstrate how to make and use a fermented fertiliser known as 'cow fertiliser' made from cow dung and urine. This fertiliser is rich in microbes that promotes soil fertility and plant health and can boost crop yields. It is easy and cheap to make.  
2022 - Lifeworks Global

Artículo de blog
The baobab value chain-how ORGIIS is empowering women in the upper east region of Ghana in agriculture.

ORGIIS Ghana, also, Organisation for Indigenous Initiatives and Sustainability, is a local non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) in the Upper East Region. The organisation is on a mission to empower people using local knowledge to create sustainable communities through indigenous and endogenous development. Its strategic location in Paga allows the organisation...

How to make 18-day compost using the Berkeley hot compost method

In this video, we demonstrate how to make and use a rich compost in just 18 days using the ‘hot composting’ method developed by the University of California, Berkeley.
2022 - Lifeworks Global

Sustainability of land management approaches and practices applied in Eastern African forests

The African Forest Forum (AFF) has implemented a project on “Strengthening management and use of forest ecosystems for sustainable development in Africa”. The project aimed to sustainably manage forest resources in Africa in a way that enhances ecosystem goods and services through sustainable land management (SLM) approaches and practices. In...
2022 - the African Forest Forum (AFF)

Organic poultry production

African Organic Agriculture Training Manual
This manual is intended for use by trainers of trainers and trainers of farmers on organic agriculture. The manual aims to explain the principles and details of poultry management for small-scale poultry farmers in Africa under organic management. It has been developed with the understanding that farmers live in various...
2022 - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL

Documento técnico
Assessment of forest planning and management in different forest types in selected African Countries

This study is part of a project on “Strengthening management and use of forest ecosystems for sustainable development in Africa”, which is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and implemented by the African Forest Forum (AFF). The overall goal of the project is “to generate and share...
2022 - the African Forest Forum (AFF)

Agroecology – Our land is Our Life

The book brings together ten case studies from six countries that demonstrate the benefits of agroecology: bringing the soil back to life, conserving biodiversity, and leaving no one behind. The book explains why land is so important to Africans. Land in Africa has a myriad of dimensions, including the cultural and the...
2022 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Artículo de blog
Growing trees for living

AS A way of taking meaningful action against the climate crisis, Zambia in 2018 launched the Plant A Million (PAM) trees initiative.The ambitious initiative was aimed at planting two billion trees by 2021 and the plan was in line with the country’s Seventh National Development Plan (2017-2021) which sought to...

State and Trends in Adaptation Report 2022: Adaptation at the Core of a Prosperous Africa in an Uncertain and Warming World

Last year, the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) published its State and Trends in Adaptation 2021 report (STA21). The report described the urgent need to adapt to climate change, as rising temperatures cause more extreme storms and floods, rising sea levels, more intense heatwaves, and longer and more severe droughts....
2022 - The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA)

Artículo de blog
Les foyers améliorés pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique au Togo

Pour la sauvegarde du milieu naturel, des solutions innovantes sont promues au Togo à l’instar des foyers améliorés. Économes en énergie et faciles d’usage, ces foyers sont adaptés aux besoins des populations, notamment rurales, qui utilisent le bois de feu comme principale source d’énergie. Pratique et simple d’utilisation, ce qu’on...

Documento de trabajo
Empowering youth to engage in responsible investment in agriculture and food systems in Liberia and Sierra Leone

This booklet explains the work done by FAO empower youth to engage in responsible investment in agriculture and food systems in Liberia and Sierra Leone. This work has been funded by the Federal Government of Germany and the FAO Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism.        
Liberia - Sierra Leone
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Madagascar: l'agro-écologie, un modèle pour arriver à l'autonomie alimentaire ?

A Madagascar, se nourrir devient un défi de tous les jours pour la majorité de la population. Pourtant ce ne sont pas les surfaces cultivables qui manquent sur l’île. Mais l’accès limité à l’eau dans certaines régions, l’enclavement des zones agricoles et les sols qui s’appauvrissent sont autant d’obstacles au...

Documento técnico
Promouvoir l’agroforesterie à base de palmiers à huile :un atout pour la durabilité de la filière

Le développement massif des palmeraies industrielles et villageoises s’est réalisé en suivant un dispositif de plantation en culture pure du palmier à huile (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Cependant, divers systèmes de culture alternatifs ont émergé, dans lesquels sont associés des cultures et des animaux à diverses phases du cycle de culture...
2022 - CIRAD
Total results:3557