Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Actas de conferencia
2016 International Conference on Pulses: Conference program & abstract book

The International Conference on Pulses for Health, Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture in Drylands was held on the occasion of the 2016 International Year of Pulses to provide a platform to various stakeholders, including scientists, policy-makers, extension workers, traders and entrepreneurs, to discuss the various contributions of pulses to food and nutritional security and ecosystem...
2016 - International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Artículo de blog
FAO pre-cop regional dialogue identifies road map and regional priorities to address climate change impacts on agriculture

The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concludeat the Headquarters of the League of Arab States in Cairo, the series of the regional Pre-COP22 dialogues on the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) and Climate Finance. The three days’ meeting, organized jointly by the Government of Egypt, the League...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de blog
FAO opens new subregional office in Lebanon to tackle effects of crises

Conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Yemen are the prime culprit behind the doubling of undernourished people in the Near East, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today as he visited Beirut, where FAO is opening a new sub-regional office.Lebanon and 14 other countries in the Near East and North...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Atelier international sur la bactérie « Xylella fastidiosa » et « Olive Quick Decline Syndrome (OQDS)

Du 19 au 22 avril  2016 se tient un « atelier international sur la bactérie «  Xylella fastidiosa » et  «  Olive Quick Decline Syndrome (OQDS) : Syndrome du déclin rapide des oliviers’. Cet atelier est organisé par la FAO et la Convention internationale de la Protection des Végétaux (CIPV / IPPC)  et le...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Convention internationale de la Protection des Végétaux (CIPV / IPPC), CIHEAM IAM- Bari

Tirana Declaration

Distress Migration - Agriculture and Rural Development can help
At the invitation of the Albanian authorities, the 11th Meeting of the Ministers of agriculture of the 13 Member States of CIHEAM took place in Tirana on the 22nd of September 2016. The Meeting focused on the roots causes of distress migration from the point of view of agricultural development and...
2016 - International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Artículo de blog
World Food Day: quinoa and hope of food security in marginal environments

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has experienced an especially high population growth and rate of urbanization, with about half of the region’s population living in cities. Farming in the region faces constraints from changing demographics as well as lack of arable land, limited rainfall, high temperatures, and soil...
2016 - International centre for Biosaline Agriculture

Documento/nota de orientación
Subregional strategy and action plan 2016 - 2017

Resilient Livelihoods for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition in Countries Affected by the Syria Crisis
With the intensification of the crisis, food insecurity and poverty have drastically increased across all of Syria. At the same time, the crisis continues to affect the national economic and social balance in countries neighbouring Syria. The massive influx of refugees is exerting unprecedented pressure on host countries and communities, which...
Syrian Arab Republic
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista especializada
Social Network and Vulnerability: A Clear Link in Bedouin Society (Egypt)

In the last 60 years, the livelihoods of agro-pastoral and pastoral families in the arid and semi-arid zones in North Africa and the Middle East have undergone major changes caused by significant incentives to adopt a sedentary lifestyle and the increasing intensity of drought events. Such changes have also been...

Documento/nota de orientación
“Akleh” – Community Kitchen

Over a period of 5 months, the Food Heritage Foundation (FHF) team worked on rehabilitating and equipping the foundation’s kitchen at Zico House – Spears, partnering with small producers in rural areas in order to secure a regular supply of high-quality raw ingredients to the kitchen and contacting women cooks...
2016 - Environmental and Sustainable Development Unit of the American University of Beirut (ESDU -AUB)

Artículo de blog
Helping women realize full potential in farming and science

Agriculture is an engine of growth for rural communities, particularly in the developing world. It has also proven to be an especially viable tool for women to lift themselves out of poverty. Women in developing countries rely heavily on the income they earn from agriculture-related activities to provide for their...
2016 - International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)

Artículo de blog
Les jeunes et le secteur rural : les victimes du chômage au Maroc

Le premier trimestre est souvent encourageant mais pour celui-ci ce n’est pas du tout le cas. Surtout en termes d’emplois. Et le secteur agricole et celui qui en souffre le plus. En milieu rural, l’agriculture a enregistré d’énormes pertes d’emplois, établissant le nombre de chômeurs au niveau national de 1,16...

Artículo de blog
La FAO au chevet des oasis maghrébines

En Afrique du Nord, la superficie des oasis est estimée à environ 350.000 ha. Elles représentent un creuset de vie pour les populations locales qui y puisent leurs ressources. Consciente de leur valeur économique et sociale ainsi que de leur contribution à la sécurité alimentaire des communautés oasiennes et la conservation...
Mauritania - Morocco - Tunisia
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento técnico
What value for pastoral livelihoods? An economic valuation of development alternatives for ephemeral wetlands in eastern Mauritania

Pastoralism in Africa faces new challenges in an era of climate change, despite some improvements in policy and legislative frameworks as well as sporadic investment in pastoral development. There are concerns that pastoralism will not be sustainable in a climate-affected world, and this is seeing the return of policies to settle...

Artículo de blog
Winds of change blow through Iran farming

Iran is expanding dryland farming as a lingering drought is forcing the country to use its resources more prudently and cast off deep-seated wasteful ways.  Expansion of dryland farming might also help persuade legions of farmers, who rely on dwindling aquifers, not to abandon their vocations. Many of them have moved...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
2016 - PressTV

Artículo de blog
FAO launches Agriculture Capacity development programmes for farmers and technicians in both Hajjah and Hodeida, Yemen

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), in the presence of the FAO Regional Manager of the Small Scale Family farming and Farmer Field Schools (FFS) Regional Coordinator for the Near East and North Africa, Dr Alfredo Impiglia, FAO Country Representative, Dr Salah El Hajj Hassan, Ministry...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Revista especializada
Ecosystem services and socio-economic benefits of Mediterranean grasslands

Mediterranean grasslands (including rangelands, pastures, meadows, fodder crops) are important resources covering up to 48% of the whole region. Although these ecosystems are a key element in the production of high quality animal products and in the livelihoods of producers, they provide a range of ecosystem services besides forage production,...
Algeria - Greece - Sudan - Tunisia
2016 - International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Actas de conferencia
Sécurité hydrique pour une justice climatique

Les changements climatiques se manifestant le plus à travers le cycle de l’eau, ces initiatives considèrent que l’eau constitue un connecteur : • l’eau connecte entre les politiques, les secteurs économiques, les sociétés, et devient aussi un outil de coopération et de construction de la confiance. Pour relever les défis...
2016 - Royaume du Maroc

Rural innovations and digital revolution in agriculture

Call for Papers
The CIHEAM WATCH LETTER n°38 to be published in October 2016 on "Rural innovations and digital revolution in agriculture " wishes to provide a regional Mediterranean overview in terms of innovation in rural areas and the role of ICT in agriculture. This issue will be resolutely prospective and rich in...
2016 - International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Artículo de blog
Supporting farmers in Syria now is essential for a sustainable future

"Failing to support Syria’s farmers now will give them no choice but to abandon their land, move to the cities and ultimately migrate to other countries.There is no peace without food security and there is no food security without peace.  No peace is sustainable without food security, which in turn...
Syrian Arab Republic

Artículo de blog
Aziz Akhannouch a dévoilé les premiers détails d’une stratégie de préservation des oasis

Le Ministre de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche Maritime, Aziz Akhannouch, a dévoilé les premiers détails d’une stratégie de préservation des oasis. Cette stratégie a pour ambition de faire revivre des espaces sinistrés. Mais le soutien international est plus que nécessaire pour que la stratégie aboutisse. 
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