Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Artículo de blog
An innovative agricultural competition inspired by football

In the village of Mudjoga, in North Kivu, DRC, farmers have devised an innovative agricultural competition inspired by football. The competition is called “agricultural match” and it consists of farmers demonstrating the application of certain cultivation practices. The exercise itself is inspired by football, or “soccer”. It pits farmers against each...
2022 - YenKasa Africa

Artículo de blog
AFRIQUE : le programme « Face » conciliera climat et genre dans 14 pays

Le CCFD-Terre solidaire, qui lutte contre l’insécurité alimentaire, vient de mettre en place un programme baptisé « Face ». L’initiative vise à renforcer les capacités des organisations féministes face au changement climatique et à financer des alternatives pour la transition écologique et la préservation de la biodiversité.

Artículo de blog
Declaration of the West African Peasants Seed Fair in Djimini

The 7th West African Peasants Seed Fair was held March 15-17, 2022, in Djimini, Senegal. Participants adopted a Declaration in support of continental advocacy for a new paradigm on seed governance and policies at the end of the three-day seed, knowledge, and experience exchange gathering. Over 400 people came out...
2022 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Agroecological stories from practices and experiences in South Africa

Agroecologie enables the improvement of agricultural production through the enhancement of local natural resources and traditional know-how. It contributes to maintaining biodiversity and restoring land in drylands, which are particularly threatened by global warming and food insecurity, while contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Within the framework of the AVACLIM...
South Africa
2022 - AVACLIM

Artículo de blog
Comparison of woody vegetation in cotton fields in Mali

The overall objective of WP4 of the SustainSahel project is to design locally adoptable integrated crop-shrub/tree-livestock systems (CSL) that can improve soil quality and productivity, food security and the resilience of farming systems to climate change.

Documento técnico
Cartographie des acteurs et des pratiques de l'agroécologie au Cameroun

Dans le cadre du projet “Scaling up agroecology to strengthen food security and improving fooddiversity in the Congo Basin”, la première étape est de cartographier les acteurs de l’agroécologie etd’identifier ses pratiques dans le Bassin du Congo. Ce travail a porté sur la cartographie des acteurs,leurs pratiques respectives et certaines...
2022 - Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le Développement, IRAD, Cameroun

Sustainable Agriculture for Forest Ecosystems

About the SAFE project The Sustainable Agriculture for Forest Ecosystems (SAFE) project is dedicated to the preservation of forests through the promotion of sustainable agri-food systems. SAFE operates in six countries – Brazil, Ecuador, Indonesia, Zambia, Vietnam and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) – supporting the transition to deforestation-free,...
Brazil - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ecuador - Indonesia - Viet Nam - Zambia
2022 - European Union

Agroecological stories from practices and experiences in Eastern Senegal

Agroecologie enables the improvement of agricultural production through the enhancement of local natural resources and traditional know-how. It contributes to maintaining biodiversity and restoring land in drylands, which are particularly threatened by global warming and food insecurity, while contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Within the framework of the AVACLIM project, the Senegalese...
2022 - AVACLIM

Artículo de blog
Alley cropping system - improving soil fertility and yields

The study objective is to contribute to food security through the implementation of agroforestry technologies resilient to the effects of climate change in Mali.

Agroecological stories from practices and experiences of farmers in Ethiopia

Agroecology enables the improvement of agricultural production through the enhancement of local natural resources and traditional know-how. It contributes to maintaining biodiversity and restoring land in drylands, which are particularly threatened by global warming and food insecurity, while contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Within the framework of the AVACLIM project,...

Artículo de blog
Farmer's story ''Community Food Projects: Emerging from a backyard garden''

It was ten days into the first 21 days of lockdown of the COVID-19 crisis. We, like all other families in our neighbourhood, had stocked food in the house, using the little cash we had on food, in fear that we would not be able to go out and buy,...
2022 - Barefoot Guide Connection, Agroecology Knowledge Hub and Family Farming Knowledge Platform.

Comment encourager les paysans du fouta djallon à passer à l’agroécologie?

La Fédération des paysans du Fouta Djallon ne pouvait orienter ses membres vers l’agroécologie sans en vérifier l’efficacité selon les terroirs.La Fédération a recensé auprès de ses membres les meilleures pratiques agricoles respectueuses des ressources naturelles, dans le but de les diffuser largement, avec l’appui scientifique de la recherche guinéenne.  ...
2022 - CCFD-Terre Solidaire

Agroecological stories from practices and experiences in Burkina Faso

Agroecology enables the improvement of agricultural production through the enhancement of local natural resources and traditional know-how. It contributes to maintaining biodiversity and restoring land in drylands, which are particularly threatened by global warming and food insecurity, while contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Within the framework of the AVACLIM project,...
Burkina Faso

Artículo de blog
Legal empowerment with a gender lens: how women tea farmers in Malawi are claiming their rights

Tea is a major cash crop in Malawi and the industry is one of the country’s biggest employers. For small-scale farmers, it is an important source of cash income. But deep gender inequalities prevail at smallholder level, and women tea farmers are being left behind. As part of the Empowering Rural Producers...
2022 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

Artículo de blog
Weed or a useful plant? Co-innovation in Ouarkhokh, Senegal

18 months after the people from Ouarkhokh commune were contacted and the socio-ecological situation of this agro-sylvo-pastoral site in the central North of Senegal was analysed, a first two-day encounter in September 2022 between farmers and project staff from Senegal and FiBL took place. Over 15 researchers and advisers of SustainSahel...

Hoja informativa
Ecological approach to organic farming in the Tropics

interest in ecological organic agriculture is increasing across Africa due to the need for more sustainable options to agricultural production, food and nutrition security, and concerns about the negative effects of synthetic agrochemicals on human and environmental health. Organic farming requires not only renouncing synthetic agrochemicals, but a shift in...
2022 - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Switzerland

Hanging vegetable gardens

Hanging vegetable gardens is an easy to implement practice allowing to grow healthy vegetables with no land and little inputs. Hence, it is very suitable for low-income families, slum dwellers, the landless, women who often have poor access to land and need to stay close to their homes, as well...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Africa Agroecology Regional Dialogue

This video presents a recording of the dialogue on The Politics of Knowledge, and the evidence for agroecology in Africa held on 19 May 2022.  The event was co-organized by the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, IPES-Food,  Collaborative Crop Research Program (CCRP), Groundswell International, Agroecology Fund, and Global Alliance for the Future of Food, and the technical assistance of...
2022 - The Global Alliance for the Future of Food

Hoja informativa
Ecological approach to pest and disease management in the Tropics

Pests and diseases can severely reduce crop yields. However, the use of synthetic agrochemicals to control them threatens human and environmental health, by polluting our soils and water systems, causing diseases, and killing beneficial organisms. Management of pests and diseases in organic farming requires not only renouncing synthetic agrochemicals, but...
2022 - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Switzerland

Using IoT (Internet of Things) in measuring water quality parameters in fish farming

Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects that are embedded with sensors, software and other technologies with the purpose of exchanging data via the internet. Devices can be programmed to check the temperature, pH, oxygen and other water parameters. IoT technologies have revolutionized fish farming processes and...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Total results:3557