Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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The multiple benefits of organic for climate and biodiversity – visualised in our new infographic

The systemic approach of organic farming contributes to climate mitigation, supports the adaptation of farmers to the consequences of climate change and increases the resilience of farming systems, while protecting and enhancing biodiversity.  Common practices in organic farming, such as crop rotations and using organic fertiliser, and the fact that organic...
European Union
2023 - Ifoam Organics Europe

Artículo de blog
Access Agriculture at Malawi Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (MaFAAS) 2023

“The Access Agriculture smart projector can transform farmer learning by allowing them not only to gain knowledge about good agricultural practices, but also to put into practice what they see in the videos,” said Blessings Mtembo from CARE International in Malawi, when he visited the Access Agriculture booth at the...
South Africa
2023 - Access Agriculture

Livestock grazing systems and sustainable development in the Mediterranean and Tropical areas

Recent knowledge on their strengths and weaknesses
Family-run ruminant grazing systems in the Mediterranean and tropical areas contribute directly to eight of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. For a long time, these livestock systems have been on the fringe of agricultural investment efforts. However, they have undeniable assets to meet...
2023 - CIRAD

Artículo de blog
Can the CAP and Carbon Farming Coexist?

Carbon Farming is the new hype in agriculture. A proposal for a Certification Framework of Carbon Removals was proposed back in November by the Commission and there is a strong push by the Swedish presidency and French government to make it happen quickly. But can a Europe-wide Carbon Farming program...
European Union
2023 - ARC2020

Artículo de blog
Afrique : les pratiques agroécologiques sont largement utilisées par les agriculteurs

Les agriculteurs africains, aussi bien les petites exploitations que les plus grandes fermes, recourent très largement à toute une palette de pratiques agroécologiques. Cette observation controversée vient d'être révélée dans un nouveau document de travail de l'équipe du projet Viabilité.Une réalité qui s'applique à un large éventail de contextes sociopolitiques...
2023 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

Organic approach to plant health care and pesticides regulation - Full version

This video explains the organic approach to plant health care, gives insights into the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation (SUR), and explains what policy makers need to do to reach the reduction goals set by the EU Green Deal's Farm to Fork strategy.
European Union
2023 - Ifoam Organics Europe

Artículo de blog
Upskilling Community Skills Development Centre teachers in Malawi

Fourteen representatives from five Community Skills Development Centres (CSDCs) participated recently in a hands-on training session organised by Access Agriculture in Zomba, Malawi, as part of an AFC/GOPA consulting group project under the GIZ-Empowering Youth in Agribusiness (EYA) initiative.
2023 - Access Agriculture

Estudio de caso
EcoSol-agroecología construyen circuitos cortos solidarios por proximidades societales: experiencias en Brasil y Bolivia

In Latin America, hegemonic development strengthens agribusiness, whose model follows the Green Revolution with its technological packages. An alternative arises from the growing convergence of two social movements: agroecology and Solidarity Economy (EcoSol), here called EcoSol-agroecology. Their networks build short circuits, bringing producers and consumers closer together and strengthening their...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil
2023 - UNESP, São Paulo

Artículo de blog
Women produce up to 80% of food in developing countries

Research by the Food and Agriculture Association found women are essential to small-scale agriculture, farm labour and day-to-day family subsistence. Slow Food, a worldwide organisation promoting traditional cooking, is celebrating women who grow food and preserve food cultures in their daily lives. According to the FAO, women produce between 60 and...
2023 - Slowfood

Artículo de blog
Oxford Real Farming Conference 2023 | Agroecology Movement Gathers for Hope and Action

This year’s Oxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC) felt more necessary than ever. Gathering in person for the first time since January 2020, the great and the good of agroecology turned their attention to the pressing matters of the day: the intersectional crises of biodiversity, climate, energy and cost of living....
2023 - ARC2020

Launch of the FPC report on the Sustainable Food Systems Law: Policy recommendations for a meaningful transition

On 25 April, the Food Policy Coalition (FPC) held its first in person-meeting in Brussels to launch its report “Sustainable Food Systems Law: Policy recommendations for a meaningful transition“. The FPC urged the need for a new legal framework for Sustainable Food Systems that looks at the whole food system: from production to...
European Union
2023 - Ifoam Organics Europe

Artículo de blog
Agroecology beyond cultivated landscapes: Pastoralist experiences from Africa and Central Asia

From the steppes of Kyrgyzstan to the vast plains around Mount Kenya, the Agroecology Fund is proud to support pastoralist initiatives demonstrating that agroecology is an approach that can be applied to different food systems. An age-old, traditional way of life for Indigenous communities across the world, pastoralism upholds many...
2023 - Agroecology Fund

The great mistake of plantation programs in cocoa agroforests – Let's bet on natural regeneration to sustainably provide timber wood

Cocoa production has been one of the main drivers of forest loss in West Africa. In the resulting post-forest landscapes, agroforestry has often been recognised as a solution to reconcile the preservation of trees and agriculture. Thus, a large number of tree plantation programs have been carried out in cocoa...

Hoja informativa
Sustainable Public Procurement: strategic lever towards a more sustainable food system – new infographics

Sustainable public procurement has countless benefits that make it a strategic lever to trigger a change in the food system. Indeed, increasing the share of organic food products in public procurement makes it more sustainable and can generate a positive impact on kitchen staff training, waste reduction, health, canteen budgets,...
European Union
2023 - Ifoam Organics Europe

Artículo de blog
Le bocage sahélien en partage

Dans la zone sahélienne au Burkina Faso, les sols sont pauvres, mal protégés par une végétation clairsemée et ont tendance à s’éroder sous l’effet des pluies de mousson. La pression démographique, la diminution du temps de jachère, le surpâturage et les effets des dérèglements climatiques ont conduit, au fil du...
2023 - Gret

Artículo de blog
Animal Agriculture: Is it All Bad?

Animal agriculture is a leading driver of ecological destruction. But what if it’s not all bad? 

Artículo de blog
Meet Mary an exemplary Kenyan coffee farmer

Mary Wairimu Oloo, who lives in Kenya’s Trans Nzoia County, moved back to her family’s coffee farm after retiring from a government role. Since then she has been diligently improving productivity on the farm, diversifying her income and helping others along the way.  Mary Wairimu Oloo is not just a wife...
2023 - Solidaridad Network

Boletín informativo
IFOAM Organics Europe newsletter no. 134- September 2023

In this issue we present our new Board, cover recent political developments (e.g. on the EU Farm to Fork, Organic Regulation, Animal Welfare, GMOs..) and present key upcoming events such as the EU Organic Day, the EU Organic Awards and the European Organic Congress. Read it to discover more!
2023 - IFOAM Organics Europe

Artículo de blog
Ce que l'agroécologie peut apporter à la lutte pour la sécurité alimentaire

L'agroécologie, quel drôle de mot! Probablement le genre de terme qui n'enflamme pas les esprits. Qui ne fait pas forcément chauffer les cellules nerveuses, pour que les synapses se mettent à faire feu par milliers, voire par millions, comme si une session de pyrotechnie était en cours, dont la majorité...

Artículo de blog
Farming For Gender Equality

Agroecology in Practice
Small-scale farming communities across the world are using agroecology to simultaneously tackle food security soil health, and gender equality.
Total results:3881