Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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MEL Handbook for SDG 14

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are one of the leading initiatives for addressing the critical, complex and often inter-related issues of our world. SDG 14 — Life below water — focuses on our oceans, estuaries, rivers and watersheds, and the human systems that intersect with them. Unfortunately, it has struggled...
2019 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Boletín informativo
Yemaya Newsletter No.59, June 2019

Women in fisheries and aquaculture are witnessing a curious paradox today. While on the one hand, women’s lack of visibility, capacity and resource access is being discussed increasingly and in ever-widening spaces, there is arguably little evidence that the response of national and international policy is in any way proportionate...
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de boletín informativo
From the editor, Yemaya, No.59, June 2019

Women in fisheries and aquaculture are witnessing a curious paradox today. While on the one hand, women’s lack of visibility, capacity and resource access is being discussed increasingly and in ever-widening spaces, there is arguably little evidence that the response of national and international policy is in any way proportionate...
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de boletín informativo
South Pacific Islands/ Fiji: Where’s the data?

A recently-concluded meeting of the Women in Fisheries Network-Fiji calls for sex-disaggregated data on the participation of women in the fisheries sector
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de boletín informativo
What’s New, Webby?: Families in a Changing World: Progress of the World’s Women 2019-2020

This report provides an extensive and detailed guide for the factors that need to be addressed in order to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment, in regards to the changing landscape of family norms. Policies and laws must be adopted to support these diversities, in particular to hold national governments...
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de boletín informativo
Global/Network: Expanding the horizons

The 7th Global Conference on Gender in Aquaculture & Fisheries (GAF7) showcases progress towards and challenges to gender equality
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de blog
Atividade da pesca muda vida de pescadoras em Miracema do Tocantins

Dizem os antigos, que o paladar tem memória. E é a partir da memória que mulheres pescadoras de Miracema do Tocantins estão regatando os ensinamentos dos antepassados e encontram no peixe a saída para sair da linha da pobreza. A técnica da Secretaria da Agricultura, Pecuária e Aquicultura (Seagro), lotada na...
2019 - Secretaria da Agricultura, Pecuária e Aquicultura (Seagro)

Artículo de boletín informativo
Milestones: Boosting women in seafood and ending gender inequality

This year, on 8 March, International Women’s Day (IWD), seven women engaged in seafood communities and promoting gender equality, released an opinion piece titled ‘Boosting women in seafood and ending gender inequality’.
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de blog
FAO develops a roadmap framework for use of non-conventional water resources in Agri-aquaculture

Cairo, 25 June, 2019 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), today held a regional workshop as part of the project “Use of Non-conventional water in Agriculture in Support of Sustainable Agri-aquaculture Development in Desert and Arid Lands in the Near East and North Africa region, the Cases...
Algeria - Egypt - Oman
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de boletín informativo
India: Organising women

Five groups engaged in organizing women in fishing from different parts of India recently got together to share their experiences
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de boletín informativo
Profile: TapasiDolui - Fisherwoman from West Bengal, India Leading the struggle of fisherwomen in Tangrachar

From child bride and adolescent mother to community leader, the journey of 48-year--old TapasiDolui, President of the women’s wing of Dakshinbanga Matysajibi Forum (DMF), a registered trade union of fisherfolk in West Bengal, India, though daunting and full of challenge, is an inspiration to women everywhere...
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de boletín informativo
WIF: Queens of the sea

Women involved in sustainable fishing take the stage at Slow Fish 2019
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

New generation takes on fish farming

Kampong Thom, Cambodia – Born from a farming family in Panha Chy Village, Tbaung Krampeu Commune, Santuk District, Kampong Thom, But Sovann graduated with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture from Prek Leap School in Phnom Penh. Wearing a smile as he looks at the dug fish ponds, he says, “We...
2019 - Farmer and Nature Net (FNN)

Revista especializada
SAMUDRA Report No. 81, June 2019

Samudra Report No. 81, dated June 2019, features articles on fisheries from around the world, with a special focus on implementation of the the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF Guidelines). The editorial Comment that opens the issue focuses on subsistence fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific region...
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de boletín informativo
Yemaya Recommends: Fished! The Fisher Women of Mumbai

Directed by Daya Gupta; Duration 19 min 28 sec; Language: English. This short video gives a bird’s-eye view of the lives of Koliwomen. The Kolis are a traditional fishing community from Mumbai, India – one of the original inhabitants of this island city of mostly migrants. The women form a formidable...
2019 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Cooperation for Responsible Fisheries in Eastern Mediterranean

The EastMed project was designed to support the development of regionally consistent fisheries management among Eastern Mediterranean countries through the monitoring of commercial fisheries and the development of fishery research and management capacity. EastMed became operational in September 2009 with funds from the European Union (DG-MARE), the Government of Italy...
Egypt - Lebanon - Palestine - Türkiye
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Uso de materias primas locales y no locales para alimentación de tilapias en sistemas de acuicultura de recursos limitados (AREL)

El presente documento es una guía técnica que facilita la producción de alimentos balanceados a mínimo costo para la producción acuícola. Contiene un manual aplicativo para la producción de alimentos de manera artesanal para tilapia, las características climatológicas y bromatológicas de diferentes alimentos que se producen en la región de...
2019 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Artisanal Fisheries Techniques

 The line between what is artisanal and what is industrial can be quite blurry at times so it is best to look at it as a sliding scale and not just black and white. By comparing the size of the boats used with the amount of capital invested per man-on...
2019 - The Fish Project

Improving Capacity for Fisheries Planning and Management in the South-Central Mediterranean

The project successfully reinforced the basis for the cooperative management of shared multispecies fisheries in the four MedSudMed participating countries: Italy, Libya, Malta and Tunisia. This was achieved through the implementation of subregional research programmes, the establishment of scientific networks, and improved national capacity building. Fisheries scientists and staff in...
Italy - Libya - Malta - Tunisia
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Informe del Diálogo Regional de alto nivel sobre integración de la biodiversidad en los sectores agropecuario, forestal y pesquero (DRANIBA)

Este informe presenta las recomendaciones, conclusiones y plan de acción resultantes del Diálogo Regional de Alto Nivel sobre la Integración de la Biodiversidad en la Agricultura, Silvicultura y Pesca (DRANIBA) en América Latina y el Caribe, organizado por la FAO y el Gobierno de México en octubre de 2018, en...
2019 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Total results:1502