Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Seeds of Sovereignty

Seeds of Sovereignty shares the stories of African communities embarking on a journey to revive their traditional seed diversity, and take back control over their food systems. Forging a path toward a socially just, ecologically sane and sovereign future, they are courageously challenging the corporate, profit driven model of agriculture...

Sitio web
All Nepal Peasants' Federation

All Nepal Peasants Federation (ANPF) is an umbrella association of entire Nepali peasants fighting against feudalism, imperialism and neo-liberalism. It is fighting for the agrarian reform and peasants rights for last 6 decades since its inception in 1951 AD. In the new context of democratic republic of Nepal with the...
2014 - All Nepal Peasants Federation (ANPF)

Revista especializada
Revista Semillas, n°57/58: ¿Cambio climático o vulnerabilidad del territorio?

El territorio colombiano por estar ubicado en la zona tropical, presenta condiciones ambientales y climáticas complejas, asociadas con una enorme diversidad biológica y sociocultural de las poblaciones que habitan en estos ecosistemas. Desde épocas ancestrales los pueblos originarios han convivido armónicamente con sus territorios, mediante la “lecturaleza”, que les ha...
2014 - Grupo Semillas

Estudio de caso
Producción lechera y efectos del cambio climático en dos comunidades del Altiplano Norte

Se ha desarrollado el presente estudio en dos comunidades: Chambi Taraco en el municipio de Taraco y Central Jalsuri en el municipio de Viacha. El estudio tiene el propósito de visibilizar la problemática de estas comunidades sobre el uso del agua en la producción lechera y aportar a la formulación...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2014 - Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado (CIPCA)

Estudio de caso
Qanat Irrigated Agricultural Heritage Systems of Kashan, Isfahan Province Islamic Republic of Iran

The most important agricultural systems such as Pomegranate, Pistachio, and Saffron farming systems are irrigated by Qanat. The geographical regions around the Central Desert of Iran which is also one of the most traditional agricultural areas have been using the Qanat technology for providing water for agriculture and human consumption...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Estudio de caso
Sikkim Himalaya-Agriculture

Improving and Scaling up of Traditionally Managed Agricultural Systems of Global Significance the
The proposed GIAHS project, Sikkim Himalaya-Agriculture is a part of globally significant biodiversity hot spots of the world within the greater quadri-national junction of Khanchendzonga landscape in the Eastern Himalayas. The region is an assemblage of sacred landscapes called Demazong (the valley of rice) or the Shangrila (the hidden paradise...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Estudio de caso
Realising the potential of peasant seeds

In the Ecuadorian provinces of Bolívar, Chimborazo and Cotopaxi, family farmers are building new capacities to conserve and use the biodiversity on their farmland. They are gaining greater access to and control over their biological resources, increasing their resilience and food sovereignty. The key: individual farmers who are passionate about...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2014 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

A Preliminary Report on Seeds & Seed Practices across the United States

For too many people and communities around the world, the dominant agricultural model is causing economic hardship, the destruction of biological diversity, and the exploitation of earth’s ecological commons. It is a model based on the commodification of life. We can no longer continue the status quo that enables multinational...
United States of America
2014 - U.S. Food Sovereignty Alliance

Artículo de revista
Youth and agriculture: What if we change?

The current food system is exploiting the ignorance of consumers, while maintaining an old-fashioned image of the farmer. But this is changing, says young columnist Pavlos Georgiadis, as he explains how alternative systems for producing, distributing and appreciating food are advancing.
2014 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Estudio de caso
Cultivating biodiversity: Peasant women in India

In the Deccan region of India, over 60,000 women peasants are feeding their families, their culture and their pride with biodiverse farming practices. Their knowledge and successes have reached across national and institutional borders, and they have received recognition from around the world.
2014 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Experiencias de arraigo y organización campesina

Este libro busca mostrar ocho casos de estas importantes experiencias, llenas de aprendizajes, de dificultades y conquistas, de errores y aciertos, de esperanzas, que en su conjunto alumbran un camino alternativo, incluyente y sustentable, un tape po’í que al ser transitado colectivamente, puede ensancharse y proyectar un modelo de sociedad...
2014 - Base Investigaciones Sociales (BaseIS)

Territorialidad Tz´utujil

La descampesinización está íntimamente ligada con la destrucción de la vida y la identidad de los pueblos indígenas. La vida campesina está en peligro y, en Guatemala, la mayoría de familias campesinas son indígenas. Con el despojo corporativo de sus territorios ancestrales, está en peligro no sólo el valor del...
2014 - Instituto de Estudios Agrarios y Rurales (IDEAR)

Parte de un informe
Defining ecologically valuable grasslands

The CAP aims to address (regulate, support) the totality of EU agricultural activity and agricultural land. Agricultural land must fall into one of only three categories named by the policy, i.e. permanent crops; arable and permanent pasture (permanent grassland in the definition proposed in the reformed CAP Regulations, see Section...
2014 - European Commission

Sitio web

Somos un programa de cooperación que impulsa políticas, programas, estrategias e iniciativas para salvaguardar y promover las cocinas de Iberoamérica, como vía para alcanzar un desarrollo sostenible en nuestra región.   Desde 2014 trabajamos para rescatar y fomentar nuestras cocinas tradicionales, sus saberes y significados, cadenas productivas sostenibles e innovación culinaria.  Iberocinas es...
2014 - Cooperación iberoamericana de la Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB)

Call of Zagora. "Oasis Family Farming: Opportunities and threats"

Part of the International Family Farming Year proclaimed by the United Nations Organization, the Zagora Oasis International Forum association held on December 18-21; 2014 the Forum's 3rd edition under the topic "Oasis Family Farming: Opportunities and threats" Over three days, participants made of associations, experts and researchers along with the...
2014 - RADDO

Estudio de caso
Jiaxian Traditional Chinese Date Gardens

Jujube is a unique fruit species native to China. Located in the Jinshaan Canyon at the middle reach of the Yellow River, the Jia Count is recognized as the place with the longest history of jujube cultivation. It boasts a large over-one-thousand-year-old jujube community. The community presents the whole domestication...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Mujeres Mayangna: Esperanzas y sueños

En la Región Autónoma del Caribe Norte de Nicaragua se encuentra la reserva Biosfera de Bosawas y otras áreas que forman parte del Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano, el área protegida binacional más importante de Centroamérica constituida por las reserva biosfera Bosawas en Nicaragua y en la hermana república de honduras, las...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Estudio de caso
Jasmine and Tea Culture System of Fuzhou City

Originating in the Persian Gulf, jasmines were introduced into China during the West Han Dynasty. Ever since, they have been cultivated in China for over 2000 years. Fuzhou is most famous for their cultivation as the city boasts the most favorable climate for the many species. It‘s in this city...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Boletín de agricultura familiar para América Latina y el Caribe, Abril-Junio 2014

Seguimos avanzando en el esfuerzo de tener una región libre del hambre. Los últimos datos provistos por la FAO en el Estado de la Inseguridad Alimentaria en el Mundo 2014, indican que la proporción de personas que sufre subalimentación en la región se redujo de 15,3% en 1990/92 a 6,1%...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Chile
2014 - Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe (FAO/RLC)

Estudio de caso
Efficient Management for Sustainable Intensification of Rice-Based Farming Sy stems

To feed a growing world population, there is a pressing need to increase crop production while ensuring sustainability and enhancing resilience to fa ce new challenges. This is particularly relevant to rice production in Asia, where increases in productivity are slowing and land, water and labour are moving out of...
2014 - FAO
Total results:975