Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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How to apply mycorrhizal fungi in fruit growing

Problem Organic fruit growing often faces challenges like lack of water or nutrient availability, which in turn can have significant adverse effects on the health of the fruit tree and harvest. Solution Application of mycorrhizal fungi products to the soil during fruit growing can enable plants to absorb water and nutrients from the...
2024 - Organic Farm Knowledge

Documento/nota de orientación
L’Afrique face à l’épuisement de ses ressources de la pêche maritime

Ce Policy Brief “L’Afrique face à l’épuisement de ses ressources de la pêche maritime” analyse les défis critiques liés à la surpêche, à la pêche illégale et à l’exploitation non durable des ressources halieutiques en Afrique. Il est signé par Pierre Jacquemot, universitaire, expert à la Fondation Jean-Jaurès et président...
2024 - The Policy Center for the New South (PCNS)

Documento/nota de orientación
Cultivating change with agroecology and organic agriculture in the tropics

Bridging science and policy for sustainable production systems
Agroecology and organ agriculture present promising alternatives to the current food system, supported by a growing body of evidence. Despite the potential of AE/O, their full benefits cannot be realised in most countries due to political and institutional barriers and lock-ins, including incentives and funding that favour “business as usual”...
2024 - FiBL

Hoja informativa
Investing in rural people in Zambia

Over the past 15 years, Zambia’s economic trajectory has fluctuated because of global and domestic factors. Despite its rich endowment in natural resources, Zambia has yet to fully leverage this potential for economic expansion. The agricultural sector, which engages over 70 per cent of the workforce, is recognized as a...
2024 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

The socio-economic performance of agroecology. A review

Agroecology is identified as an important solution to increase the sustainability of agricultural and food systems. Despite the increasing number of publications assessing the socio-economic outcomes of agroecology, very few studies have consolidated the scattered results obtained on various case studies. This paper provides new insights by consolidating evidence on...

Autonomisation économique des femmes en Afrique

Réduire l’écart entre les sexes sur le marché du travail, pour assurer l’émancipation économique des femmes. Bien qu’elles enregistrent l’un des taux de participation au marché du travail parmi les plus élevés, les femmes d’Afrique subsaharienne sont toujours confrontées à de nombreux obstacles qui limitent leur accès à un emploi...
2024 - Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Artículo de revista especializada
Why building participatory dashboards is key for sustainable food system transformation

In recent years, numerous examples of food system dashboards have been developed with the goal of offering users the opportunity to monitor or assess (their) national food systems. One of the many challenges faced by these initiatives has been to strike an acceptable balance between the complexity, local-specificity, and multi-sectoral...
Bangladesh - Ethiopia - Honduras
2024 - International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Fields of contestation and contamination: Maize seeds, agroecology and the (de)coloniality of agriculture in Malawi and South Africa

Farmer-managed seed systems and the conservation of agrobiodiversity are increasingly recognized as important components of food and seed sovereignty. In contrast, hybrid, genetically modified (GM), and, increasingly, gene-edited crops continue to be promoted by Green Revolution proponents as a “climate smart” package that includes fertilizers, pesticides, purchased seeds, and links...
Malawi - South Africa

Hoja informativa
Les effets socio-économiques de l'Agroécologie

Les effets positifs de l’agroécologie dans le domaine agro-environnemental (santé des sols,biodiversité, lutte contre la crise climatique, non-contamination de l’environnement) sont souventmis en avant. Ils s’accompagnent d’effets positifs tout aussi importants dans le domainesocio-économique, comme en témoignent de nombreuses études réalisées dans divers pays duSud, dont plusieurs par des organisations...
2024 - Coordination SUD

Magur (Catfish) Fish Farming - Complete Guide

In this detailed video, you will fidn essential tips and tricks—from setting up your fish farm, optimizing feeding methods, to ensuring the perfect water conditions for Magur fish. Whether you're a seasoned aquaculturist or a beginner exploring fish farming, this guide is tailored for you. Learn profitable techniques, avoid common...

Artículo de revista especializada
Krishi Updates: Digital Agriculture Model

Adequate, timely and region specific information is an important input for sustainable and profitable agriculture. Krishi Updates is providing digital extension services to the farmers, facilitating communication and outreach activities and organising need-based trainings. Information sources are very vast, and farmers are unable to segregate the information that is most...
2024 - Krishi Updates

Good agricultural practices (GAP): Green gram

(Vigna radiata [L.] Wilczek)
Myanmar ranks as the world's third-largest pulse producer, following Canada and India, cultivating crops like black gram, pigeon pea, chickpea, and green gram. Green gram constitutes a third of total pulse exports. To enhance productivity, quality, market competitiveness, and exports, Myanmar can leverage improved crop production technologies and adopt good...
2024 - FAO

Experiencias inspiradoras para transformar los sistemas agroalimentarios en América Latina y el Caribe

América Latina y el Caribe se encuentra atravesando un complejo momento en sus tendencias de pobreza rural y hambre, debido a consecutivas crisis de salud, económicas, políticas y ambientales, todo lo cual plantea importantes desafíos en materias de ruralidad y sistemas agroalimentarios. En esta publicación se resumen 18 iniciativas inspiradoras...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

How to get more Yield from Coconut Tree | How to get rid of all Coconut Tree Diseases

In this video, we will show you how to get rid of all diseases in coconut farming. If you follow the same method, you can get more yield in every coconut tree. You can get around 350 coconuts per year in a single tree.

Actas de conferencia
Strengthening Demand for Neglected and Underutilised Crops - GAIN Convening Paper Series 8

Overreliance on a few main crops, as well as poor soil health, reduce yields, hinder achievement of food security and nutrition objectives, and increase agricultural vulnerability to climate change. To address this, the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS), launched by the United States in partnership with FAO and...
2024 - GAIN

Sitio web
Experiencias de la Plataforma EncontrAR - Agricultura familiar andina

Esta sección contiene más de 300 experiencias sistematizadas de la agricultura familiar andina en Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, con datos claves de su implementación. En ella, puedes buscar las experiencias de su interés a través de tres formas de categorización: área temática problemas acceso georgráfico Recuerda que puede AportAR a este repositorio con sus...
2024 - EncontrAR

The World of Organic Agriculture 2024

Statistics and Emerging Trends
Organic agriculture is practised in 188 countries, and more than 96 million hectares of agricultural land are managed organically by at least 4.5 million farmers. Global sales of organic food and drink reached almost 135 billion euros in 2022. The 25th edition of "The World of Organic Agriculture", published by the...
2024 - FiBL

Everybody’s hustling—creating youth employment alternatives in agri-food systems

Young people are “hustling”. They are working multiple jobs and side hustles to make ends meet. Creating opportunities for young people in agricultural and rural development can reverse the perceptions that farming is more financially precarious and less rewarding than other occupations.
2024 - CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform

Making Climate-Smart Cocoa Inclusive: Towards a Framework for Gender Transformation

Climate-Smart Cocoa (CSC), a strategic offshoot of the wider Climate-Smart Agriculture, is gaining ground in Ghana, a cocoa export-dependent country. CSC is imperative, given the rapidly declining forests, prolonged periods of drought, pest and disease infestations, and fluctuating cocoa yields attributed to climate variability and change. Although many interventions are...
2024 - University of South Africa

Hoja informativa
Time to address global soil monitoring?

This ITPS soil letter emphasizes the urgent need for a comprehensive global soil monitoring system to address the challenges of increasing food demand due to population growth and soil degradation. With more than 800 million people suffering from malnutrition in 2021, and food production needing to increase significantly by 2050,...
2024 - FAO
Total results:19550