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Revista especializada
Sustainable Soil Management: Key to food security and nutrition in Africa

This edition of Nature & Faune journal will be a special Issue to mark the International Year of Soils. It is planned to be issued during the Conference of the African Soil Society taking place in Ouagadougou - Burkina Faso from 2nd to 10th December 2015. The special edition of...
Burkina Faso - Cabo Verde - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Gambia - Ghana - Mozambique - Niger - Nigeria - South Africa - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento de trabajo
Analysis of impact of climate change on growth and yield of yam and cassava and adaptation strategies by farmers in Southern Nigeria

This study determined the adaptation and coping strategies adopted by farmers under yam- and cassavabased farming systems in Ebonyi and Enugu States in Nigeria’s derived savannah agro-ecological zone. The study uses data from 400 farmers. The likelihood that the farmers engage in some actions to cushion the effect of climate...
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Diversité des agricultures familiales. Exister, se transformer, devenir.

Cet ouvrage a pour objectif d’expliquer la nature et la force des liens entre la famille et l’exploitation agricole. L’ouvrage est construit autour d’une vingtaine d’études de cas menées dans divers pays de l’Asie, de l’Afrique, de l’Amérique latine et de l’Europe. Les auteurs précisent « ce qui fait famille »,...
Argentina - Benin - Brazil - Burkina Faso - Cameroon - Chad - China - Ecuador - Egypt - India - Indonesia - Madagascar - Mali - Mozambique - Nicaragua - Niger - Nigeria - Poland - Senegal

Documento/nota de orientación
Is Increasing Inorganic Fertilizer Use in Sub-Saharan Africa a Profitable Proposition?

Evidence from Nigeria
The paper finds evidence that strategies to reduce transportation costs are likely to have a much larger effect on the profitability of fertilizer use than fertilizer subsidies. Apart from reduced transportation costs, other constraints such as timely access to the product; availability of complementary inputs such as improved seeds, irrigation,...
2015 - World Bank

Parte de un libro
Transformation of African Agri-food Systems in the new era of rapid urbanization and the emergence of a middle class

This paper first looks “downstream” at two processes—urbanization and dietary changes—that create the demand (“pull”) for the changes in the whole food system. It then provides some illustrations of the transformation, mainly at the “midstream,” post-farmgate segments of the supply chains that are transforming—wholesale, processing, and logistics. It concludes with...
Ethiopia - Nigeria - Senegal - South Africa - United Republic of Tanzania
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Documento de trabajo
Gender productivity differentials among smallholder farmers in Africa

A cross-country comparison
This article investigates gender inequality in agricultural productivity, highlights its key determinants, and approximates the potential production, consumption, and poverty gains from reducing or closing the gender productivity gap. The analysis is performed on the basis of representative household survey datasets recently collected in Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda. In these...
Nigeria - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2015 - African Development Bank Group

Revista especializada
Nature & Faune Journal: Sustainable Soil Management (Key to Food Security and Nutrition in Africa)

This special issue of Nature & Faune journal, with its exciting variety of papers dealing with issues related to sustainable soil management in Africa is an important contribution towards promoting sustainability on the continent.
Benin - Cabo Verde - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Gambia - Ghana - Mozambique - Nigeria - United Republic of Tanzania
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento de trabajo
Driving Agricultural Transformation with the Power of Information and Communication Technology

The Performance of Nigeria’s Growth Enhancement Support Scheme
Nigeria liberalized input distribution and established the Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS) in 2011 to deliver subsidized inputs to farmers as part of its Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA). Despite the relevance of the GESS as a subsidy delivery mechanism, its achievements during the first year of implementation (2012) were below...
2015 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Documento/nota de orientación
A sub-regional strategy for enhancing the participation of the civil society in forestry planning and policy making process in West Africa

This document was prepared collaboratively within the FAORAF West Africa Team with a focus on the forestry sector. It is the product of a series of sub-regional consultations with forest-related civil society organizations in a selected number of countries in West Africa (Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Senegal).
Benin - Ghana - Nigeria - Senegal
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

A Review of Women's Access to Fish in Small-Scale Fisheries

Women play a critical role in every link of the value chain in small-scale fisheries, although their best-known roles are in processing and marketing of fish and other fishery products. This perception of the highly gender-segregated division of labour (men fishing / women processing) has shaped the generalized approach in...
Bangladesh - Cambodia - Ghana - Malawi - Mozambique - Nigeria - Solomon Islands - South Africa - Thailand - Tunisia - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Creating a brighter future for farmers

Charcoal smokers introduced by the South-South Cooperation programme have improved women’s income in the Edeha fish market.
During the past ten years, over 600 Chinese experts and technicians have been deployed in Nigeria to share their agricultural skills with local farmers. The South-South Cooperation (SSC) programme, which has been fully funded by the Government of Nigeria and facilitated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista especializada
Household-food market relations and its implications for food security of farm families in Imo state Nigeria

The existence of markets is critical to the survival of the farm-household-family system and as such the nature of this relationship and how it affects the dietary supply of the household needs to be understood. The objective of this study is to examine the market relation of farm families by...
2014 - University of Ibadan

Fulfilling the promise of African agriculture

IFAD in Africa
Agriculture plays a significant role in Africa, accounting for about 30 per cent of GDP south of the Sahara, as well as a significant proportion of export value. Not surprisingly, in most African countries, 60 per cent or more of employees work in agriculture. Yet this barely scrapes the surface...
Kenya - Madagascar - Morocco - Nigeria
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Documento de trabajo
Loan Demand and Rationing among Small-Scale Farmers in Nigeria

The credit market serving agriculture in Nigeria is encumbered by operational and administrative inadequacies and the discriminatory tendencies of financial institutions. The government has implemented policies to redress the situation, but small-scale farmers have not benefitted from these incentives to any reasonable degree. This makes it imperative to examine the...
2014 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Artículo de revista especializada
Constraints to farmers’ labour group productivity in Eastern Kogi State, Nigeria

 Smallholder farmers in rural Nigeria face farm labour shortages and the need to find ways of dealing with this problem is therefore apt for food security and socioeconomic improvement. In an attempt to deal with this problem, Nigerians rural farmers constitute themselves into farmers’ labour groups in other to meet...
2014 - Kogi State University

Documento de trabajo
Business Operations of Agrodealers and Their Participation in the Loan Market in Nigeria

The weaknesses in the financial and technical capacity of Nigeria’s agrodealers came to light when many of them could not provide the financial backing for their role in distributing inputs under the growth enhancement support scheme. They are also not adequately equipped, organized, or buoyant enough to be able to...
2014 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Documento de trabajo
Understanding the agricultural input landscape in sub-Saharan Africa

Recent plot, household, and community-level evidence
Conventional wisdom holds that Sub-Saharan African farmers use few modern inputs despite the fact that most growth-inducing and poverty-reducing agricultural growth in the region is expected to come largely from expanded use of inputs that embody improved technologies, particularly improved seed, fertilizers and other agro-chemicals, machinery, and irrigation. Yet following...
Ethiopia - Malawi - Niger - Nigeria - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2014 - World Bank Group

Documento/nota de orientación
Fulfilling the promise of African agriculture

IFAD in Africa
Agriculture plays a significant role in Africa, accounting for about 30 per cent of GDP south of the Sahara, as well as a significant proportion of export value. Not surprisingly, in most African countries, 60 per cent or more of employees work in agriculture. Yet this barely scrapes the surface...
Kenya - Madagascar - Morocco - Nigeria
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Artículo de revista especializada
Farm holdings in northern Nigeria and implication for food security

A remote sensing and GIS assessment
Land is a main life support resource to third world countries. In Nigeria, a major limitation to sustainable land use resources planning, development and management is the unreliable assessment of t available stock and the level of utilization. In particular, the commonly adopted traditional techniques for the evaluation are as...
2014 - University of Lagos

Parte de un libro
Organic agricultural practices among small holder farmers in South Western Nigeria

Organic farming represents a deliberate attempt to make the best use of local natural resources and is an environmental friendly system of farming. It relies much on ecosystem management which excludes external input, especially the synthetic ones. Ander son, Jolly and Green (2005) stated that organic farming is a production...
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