Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Artículo de blog
Fondo Empleo financia proyecto para fortalecer a 600 familias productoras de palta en Apurímac

En la región Apurímac, se inició el proyecto “Fortaleciendo la cadena agrocomercial de palta en las provincias de Abancay y Aymaraes - región Apurímac”, ejecutado por CESAL y financiado por Fondo Empleo. El proyecto se ejecutará en doce distritos de la provincia de Abancay y Aymares, y tiene el objetivo de mejorar la calidad...
2020 - CESAL

Documento técnico
Nutrition and livestock– Technical guidance to harness the potential of livestock for improved nutrition of vulnerable populations in programme planning

This brief highlights the role of livestock in nutrition sensitive approaches for vulnerable populations. It provides recommendations for designing and implementing livestock interventions to leverage nutrition outcomes. It also captures experiences and advice of experts from both livestock and nutrition sectors and is based on activities developed by the United...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations FA"

2ª Conferencia Online FAO - Serie COVID-19 y Sistemas Alimentarios

¿Cómo fortalecer la producción alimentaria en el contexto del COVID-19?
La Segunda Conferencia Online FAO - Serie COVID-19 y Sistemas Alimentarios: “Cómo fortalecer la producción alimentaria en el contexto del COVID-19”, se realizó el jueves 16 de abril de 2020, y contó con la participación de: Panelistas: Luis Basterra: Ministerio de Agricultura de Argentina Víctor Villalobos Arámbula: Secretario de Agricultura...
2020 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Africa agriculture trade monitor 2019

The second annual Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor assesses emerging and long-term trends and drivers shaping Africa’s trade in agricultural products and evaluates the possible impacts of current trade tensions. The 2019 report focuses on intraregional trade and competitiveness, with chapters on measuring regional trade integration and competitiveness of agriculture, a...
2020 - International Food Policy Research Institute

Organising to market animals and milk

Pastoralists need certain skills and have to be organized to market animals or milk successfully. This practical guide tells you how to do so by explaining strategies for doing good market research, writing professional business plans and organizing effectively with fellow farmers.
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in vegetable production: a guide for extension workers in West Africa

Indigenous and exotic vegetables are central to most nutrition, food security and poverty reduction programmes around the world. However, in most of West Africa, the economic opportunities offered by vegetables are often undermined by production and trade constraints (e.g. pest damage, inappropriate pesticide usage, absence of environmental safeguard policies and/or...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Artículo de blog
Chicken Coop for Young Farmers in Cambodia

Contractors are finishing the construction of a chicken coop which was granted for young farmers in Cambodia who were chosen as beneficiaries of AFOSP-APFP projects Through the Federation of Farmer Association Promoting Family Agriculture Enterprise in Cambodia (FAEC), one of AFOSP-APFP partner farmers organization, this chicken coop was granted directly to select...
2020 - FAEC

Artículo de blog
Fusing Himachal's Natural Farming Mission to Agro-Ecotourism

Natural Farming applied in Himachal Pradesh, India is a sustainable agroecological practice that can minimize the cost of cultivation, sustain soil fertility, reduce water requirement and enhance farmers’ income. It also bolsters a positive image of the ecologically sensitive mountain state preserving its environment and traditional systems. This will positively...
2020 - The Traveller Trails

Curso producción familiar de aves

Curso de producción familiar de aves. Esta propuesta de capacitación esta orientada a los pequeños productores de aves y está compuesta por una serie de videos simples que muestran cómo hacerlo en el campo.
2020 - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria Argentina (INTA)

Artículo de blog
CESAL apoya al Estado dominicano y a la FAO a cumplir con derecho a alimentación en territorios más vulnerables de Dominicana

CESAL colabora con la Presidencia de la República Dominicana, el Consejo Nacional de Soberanía y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (CONASSAN) y la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) en la creación de redes Municipales de Soberanía, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (SSAN), en la región Suroeste del país, para apoyar a las...
Dominican Republic
2020 - CESAL

Documento técnico
Nutrition and livestock– Technical guidance to harness the potential of livestock for improved nutrition of vulnerable populations in programme planning

This brief highlights the role of livestock in nutrition sensitive approaches for vulnerable populations. It provides recommendations for designing and implementing livestock interventions to leverage nutrition outcomes. It also captures experiences and advice of experts from both livestock and nutrition sectors and is based on activities developed by the United...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations FAO

Boletín informativo
Alimentación de la Colmena

Las abejas al igual que todos los seres vivos requieren de una dieta balanceada que les permita expresar su protencial genético, por lo cual es necesario garantizar la disponibilidad de nutrientes para ellas, ya sea de forma natural o artificial.  Más información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial Agrosavia Repositorio Institucional (BAC) Podcast Dimensions Agriperfiles Google Scholar LaReferencia Redalyc Redcol ResearchGate
2020 - Corporación colombiana de investigación agropecuaria - Agrosavia

Artículo de blog
COVID-19 is shifting consumption and disrupting dairy value chains in Ethiopia

COVID-19 has disrupted food systems in many countries; however, as we are learning, the impacts vary and are driven by a variety of factors. In general, labor-intensive and perishable food supply chains are most susceptible. Agajie Tesfaye, Yetimwork Habte, and Bart Minten provide results from a qualitative assessment of dairy...
2020 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Eleven ways to improve animal marketing

This practice gives guidelines on how to improve animal marketing. Among other topics, it focuses on measures such as information. Each strategy is described with detail and precise instructions to be carried out.
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Participatory varietal selection: improved varieties of upland rice

Rice is economically very important in Ghana and West Africa. The lack of improved rice varieties, particularly upland varieties, is recognized as a constraint. The main purpose of the work reported here was to test and evaluate new drought-and weed-tolerant rice varieties. Farmers use participatory techniques and formal replicated yield...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

The Business Case for Natural Climate Solutions: Insights and Opportunities for Southeast Asia

Nature already mitigates a significant measure of human-made GHG emissions; approximately a quarter of these emissions are absorbed by trees, plants, and soil, while another quarter is absorbed into marine systems. Yet, if protected, sustainably managed, and restored, nature has the power to do even more. Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) are climate...
2020 - Conservation International, DBS Bank, National University of Singapore (NUS), and Temasek

Restoring land health for sustainable agriculture

While some agricultural inputs' harmful effects are becoming evident, many policies and incentives are emerging that promote sustainable farming. They encourage environmentally sound practices that conserve healthy, biodiverse, productive landscapes and soils, retain moisture, benefit from nutrient cycling, decomposition, soil structure, and help control pests and diseases. This report highlights...
2020 - IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources

Lineamientos referenciales para legislar o regular el buceo en la pesca artesanal o de pequeña escala en la región de América Latina y el Caribe

Los accidentes fatales por buceo en la pesca artesanal han sido recurrentes en las últimas dos décadas en países de América Latina y el Caribe, debido a la carencia de marcos legales nacionales que aseguren que la actividad se realiza con un entrenamiento profesional, con el equipo adecuado y con...
2020 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Artículo de blog
O poder do chocolate: cacau orgânico tira pequenos agricultores da pobreza no Brasil

Em fazenda comunitária na Bahia, cada família é responsável por cultivar quatro hectares de árvores de cacau, além de participar da manutenção de horta
Na fazenda comunitária, que reúne 39 famílias, cada família é responsável por cultivar quatro hectares de árvores de cacau e participa da manutenção da horta comunitária. Antes sem terra e agora instalados a 80 km do litoral da Bahia, esses pequenos agricultores produzem cacau, frutas e verduras sem usar fertilizantes ou...
2020 - Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira (CEPLAC)

Artículo de blog
Alimentación sana y nutritiva en Duvergé

Con el fin de contribuir a la generación de medios de vida como estrategia de acceso a una alimentación sana y nutritiva para las familias de la comunidad de Duvergé en República Dominicana y localidades vecinas, ubicadas en el territorio de la Reserva de Biosfera Transfronteriza La Salle-Jaragua-Bahoruco-Enriquillo, CESAL está realizando acciones de...
Dominican Republic
2020 - CESAL
Total results:19861