Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Artículo de blog
Protecting indigenous cultures is crucial for saving the world’s biodiversity

This article published in The Conversation describes the inextricable linkage between the crisis of biodiversity loss and the loss of indigenous cultures. From animals to insects and plants, biodiversity loss cannot be effectively addressed without tackling the rapid disappearance of indigenous cultures.  According to the author, indigenous peoples have conserved biodiversity for millennia. They have created much...
2020 - The Conversation

Promoting Organic Agricultural Practices

The presentation for the workshop “Pesticides, Agriculture and Food: Multiple and Growing concerns in Cambodia”, 28th of November 2019

Towards a Long-Term Vision for Mountains’ Rural Areas

The European Commission is expected to publish its communication on the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas during the first semester 2021. The Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas is coordinated by Vice-President Dubravka Šuica, European Commissioner for Democracy & Demography. Janusz Wojciechowski, EU Commissioner for Agriculture, and Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for...
European Union
2020 - Euromontana: the European Association for Mountain Areas

Artículo de revista especializada
Analysis/SSF Guidelines: Bridging the Global with the Local

Against the backdrop of the need to operationalize the SSF Guidelines in a participatory manner, the role of the local governance system of India cannot be overemphasized. As a complement to the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has developed the...
2020 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de blog
Un sistema agrícola tradicional en Brasil se añade a la lista del patrimonio agrícola mundial

Recolectoras y recolectores de flores siempre-vivas reciben reconocimiento internacional de la FAO como primer Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial de Brasil.
El Sistema de Agricultura Tradicional de Sierra do Espinhaço, también conocido como "recolectoras de flores siempre-vivas’" localizado en Minas Gerais, en la porción meridional de Sierra do Espinhaço, recibió este miércoles el reconocimiento internacional concedido por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), denominado...
2020 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

How to make added value products with dead bees

Honey bees are still useful even after they die. They have important healing properties. Beekeepers have used dead bees for treating and/or curing diseases for thousands of years. This technology describes when to collect dead bees and how to store and preserve them. In addition to how to process dead...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Scolarisation des enfants dans les zones Cotonnières "CmiA"

Depuis 2005, une culture durable du coton a vu le jour dans certains pays en Afrique au sud du Sahara. Le Bénin compte parmi ces pays. Cette forme de production cotonnière ayant le souci d’améliorer le revenu du producteur, de préserver son environnement et de prendre en charge l’aspect social...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Improved pit storage method for Ginger Rhizomes

Farmers in the Mahintada village, in the Surkhet District cultivate ginger as a major income generating cash crop to be used as food or medicine. Ginger rhizomes selected for seed purposes are stored in pits to be used in the next season. It has been observed that around 25 to...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Conservation agriculture for smallholder farmers in dryland areas

The Laikipia district, in the Rift Valley of Kenya, is located on the plateau north west of Mount Kenya. Due to its leeward position, the district is significantly dry, with aridity increasing from the slopes of the mountain to the dry lowlands. Inadequate rainfall and periods of drought have caused...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Call for case studies on initiatives that enhance the livelihoods of small-scale food producer youth under a changing climate

As part of FAO’s "Boosting Koronivia" project supporting the negotiation process under the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture, FAO is planning to publish a collection of case studies to showcase proactive solutions taken to support and strengthen the livelihoods of small-scale food producer youth under a changing climate. These include sustainable practices and measures that create...
2020 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations FAO

Sistemas de riego por goteo, microaspersión y aspersión: Módulo 1 

Este documento aborda información sobre el sistemas riego parcelario tecnificado sus ventajas y desventajas, igualmente explica el diseño agronómico del proceso técnico de este sistema y finalmente aborda el diseño de reigo parcelario. Los sistemas de riego presurizado parcelario son el alma de la AFC en el sector rural, ello...
2020 - INNOVA Agricultura Familiar

Guía de Comités Nacionales de Agricultura Familiar

Lecciones aprendidas desde 2012
En el marco del Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar (AIAF-2014), entre 2012 y 2014 se han establecido en el mundo un medio centenar de Comités Nacionales de la Agricultura Familiar (CNAF), con el fin de potenciar los trabajos de diálogo político e incidencia para lograr mejores políticas públicas en...
2020 - Foro Rural MundiaL (FRM)

Artículo de revista especializada
Rise Up!: The RISE UP Blue Call to Action is a joint call by civil society, fisherfolk, Indigenous Peoples and philanthropic organizations for bold action to safeguard the ocean at the next UN Ocean Conference in Portugal from 2-6 June 2020

The ocean sustains all life on our planet and is fundamental to human survival and well-being. Now is the time to RISE UP in its defense. Coral reef die-offs, collapsing fish populations and species extinctions are evidence of the escalating ocean crisis brought about by overfishing, ocean heating, acidification, pollution and...
2020 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Farming Smarter The Case for Agroecological Enterprise

Farming Smarter is intended as an overview of the thinking and principles behind agroecological approaches to agriculture and land management. It explores the economic argument for regenerative farming and confirms that there is no need for a trade-off between profit and nature in an agroecological system. The report reinforces the view that...
2020 - Food, Farming and Countryside Commission

Minuto +Algodón: "Vivir del algodón

Video que da cuenta de la historia de Sixto Castro,  un agricultor peruano que dedicó toda su vida al cultivo del algodón y transmitir su experiencia y conocimientos a los más jóvenes en la localidad de Piura. Su legado permanecerá por siempre con nosotros y con todas las personas que...
2020 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Estudio de caso
A higher-yield rice variety moves Madagascar further on the path to self-sufficiency

How South-South Cooperation helps ensure food security for family farmers
Madagascar has a rich history of rice cultivation. Outside of Asia, Madagascar has the longest tradition of rice production, and this staple is cultivated in almost all districts of the country. For the Malagasy people, rice is a core part of their diet: many families eat it three times a...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Multi-storied agroforestry cropping systems for micro-climatic modification and erosion control

Natural hazards such as floods, landslides and drought occur frequently in different parts of Nepal with varying dimensions and magnitude. These hazards constitute the major causes of land degradation and deterioration of natural ecosystems. The introduction of a multi-storied agroforestry cropping system ensures the best combination use of crop-tree intercropping...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Actas de conferencia
Advancing agroecology and farmer managed seed systems in Limpopo

At a dialogue on farmer-managed seed systems and agroecology, held in Acornhoek, Limpopo on 20-22 January 2020, farmers and support organisations made clear that they want to see more government and policy support for agroecology and farmer-managed seed systems, that they will work together to engage government in this direction,...
South Africa
2020 - African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB)

Atlas do espaço rural brasileiro

Apesar de servir de base à grande parte dos mapas que compõem o presente Atlas, além do Censo Agropecuário 2017, outras fontes enriquecem a análise do espaço rural brasileiro, aí incluídas tanto pesquisas oriundas do próprio IBGE, como as Regiões de Influência das Cidades - Regic 2018, a Pesquisa da Pecuária Municipal - PPM e...
2020 - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE)

Artículo de blog
Protecting indigenous cultures is crucial for saving the world’s biodiversity

Species are being lost at about a thousand times the natural rate of extinction. This is faster than at any other period in human history. Ecosystems – the vital systems on which all life depends – are being degraded across the globe. This crisis of biodiversity loss is finally getting some...
2020 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED
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