Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Artículo de revista especializada
Eau et changement climatique : quelles stratégies d’adaptation pour la gestion de l’eau d’irrigation dans le sud-est Tunisien

L'objectif de cet étude est d’étudier les différentes types de stratégies adoptées par les agriculteurs pour faire face à une crise d’accès à l’eau souterraine et d’analyser la rentabilité économique des systèmes de production irrigués en relation avec les adaptations aux changements climatiques dans le sud-est Tunisienne, pris come zone...

Artículo de blog
Before this farmer harvests food, she must harvest water

Sebastiana Montan barely looks down as she takes the dirt path from the farmhouse to her field below at a gallop. Her sandaled feet avoid stones and ruts with practised ease along the steep decline, but she pulls up short when she reaches a field of leafy crops. She begins...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2019 - SeedChange

EIP-AGRI Focus Group Protecting fruit production from frost damage

This report presents the results of the EIP-AGRI Focus Group on 'Protecting fruit production from frost damage'. In the European Union, the fruit and vegetable sector is particularly affected by frost and, despite global warming, the risk of frost damage in the growing season may increase. This report reflects the...
2019 - EIP Agri

Artículo de blog
Greek olive oil producers confronting climate change

Greek olive oil producers are turning out to more sustainable production methods, whereas climate change cuts off previous year’s production in -30%. 
2019 - Food Security Center (FSC)

Artículo de blog
Digital tools for an organic farm

Investing in Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) pays off for a farmer in North Macedonia
Suzana Dimitrievska is an organic farmer in North Macedonia. Coming from a line of strong, well-educated women, she has always been comfortable embracing new technology. She is using Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to increase the efficiency of her family farm. Several years ago, she bought a farm management software that enabled...
North Macedonia
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

La Cooperación Intra-MERCOSUR (2005-2015)

Análisis de siete sectores
Con el objetivo de identificar y caracterizar las distintas formas de cooperación entre los Estados Parte del MERCOSUR en la década 2005/2015, la Unidad Técnica de Cooperación Internacional (UTCI), realizó un estudio en el ámbito de siete sectores de trabajo: agricultura familiar, ciencia y tecnología, género, educación, integración productiva, medio...
2019 - Mercosur

L’agriculture de conservation au Maghreb

Les agriculteurs font évoluer leurs pratiques
L’adaptation des pratiques agricoles pour répondre à des objectifs productifs autant qu’environnementaux mobilise les agriculteurs du Maghreb depuis près de 30 ans. Mobilisant instituts de recherche, organisations de producteurs et praticiens durant toutes ces années, l’action de Fert et de ses partenaires a permis de mettre en évidence des acquis...
Algeria - Morocco - Tunisia
2019 - FERT

Systèmes alimentaires en danger : tendances et défis

L’accumulation des risques qui pèsent sur les systèmes alimentaires est inédite. C’est le constat d’une quarantaine de chercheurs sur les tendances et les défis des systèmes alimentaires. Ce travail collectif, réalisé à la demande de la Commission européenne, a été présenté par le Cirad en session plénière introductive du High...
2019 - Cirad

Estudio de caso
Farmers inspiring farmers to save seeds in Kenya

Food insecurity and reduced food sovereignty is rampant in Kenya. This can be attributed to a new era of industrial agriculture resulting in genetic erosion of local crops, monoculture, high seed prices, and excessive use of chemicals. As a remedy, Kenya Seed Savers Network empowers farming communities to develop a...
2019 - Seed Savers Network, Kenya

Produto do cerrado recebe homenagem internacional

O cerrado é um bioma de grande biodiversidade, apesar de ser considerado a maior savana do mundo. É do onde cerrado que Juliana, uma agricultora familiar e chef, tira o sustento. Os produtos do cerrado são ricos em nutrientes. Na gastronomia Juliana utiliza os frutos do cerrado. O bolo de banana...
2019 - Tribuna Rural

Artículo de blog
Selo Arte: para o campo, uma mesa cheia de novidades

Agroindústrias vão poder comercializar em todo o país
Muito em breve os produtores poderão contar com o Selo Arte, um instrumento de identificação de produtos alimentícios de origem animal, produzidos de forma artesanal, com características e métodos tradicionais ou regionais próprios. Cada estado terá autonomia para identificar e caracterizar os produtos alimentícios de origem animal, realizar o cadastro destes...
2019 - Secretaria de Agricultura Familiar e Cooperativismo

Farm diversification in the circular bio-economy

The EIP-AGRI workshop 'Opportunities for farm diversification in the circular bio-economy' was organised to highlight of the number of co-operation mechanisms and business models that have been developed to bring forward circular bio-economy projects and enterprises across the EU. The workshop took place in February in Vilnius, Lithuania, and was...
European Union
2019 - Eip Agri

Artículo de blog
Why is family farming better for the environment?

Not only is family farming providing jobs and food in the world’s most food insecure areas such as Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Near East, they also provide a useful model for how agriculture can help redress environmental degradation.While smallholder family farms differ greatly across the regions, they play...

Estudio de caso
EU Environment and Climate Change Policies

This study reviews the state of play of on-going EU environmental and climate legislation and pinpoints key challenges for the next five years. Challenges arise from the plans released by the president-elect, such as a new European Green Deal, the completion of work started in the previous term (e.g. the...
European Union
2019 - © European Union, 2019

Artículo de blog
Inspirational ideas: Landscape management to increase biodiversity

French farmers, beekeepers and agricultural students join forces to promote biodiversity For the past three years, the Biodiversité project in the French region of Normandy has been working on biodiversity in agriculture. Farmers, beekeepers and students have joined forces to study the potential of increasing biodiversity on agricultural parcels by planting...
European Union
2019 - Eip Agri

Artículo de blog
Where Next for CAP – Can Strategic Plans Deliver?

While the next CAP reform is still in discussion at the Council, and the European Parliament has not yet taken a final position, Samuel Féret explains the rationale of the new concept of CAP Strategic Plans (CSP) for a future CAP as proposed by the European Commission. This is intended...
European Union
2019 - ARC2020

Cooperativas agropecuárias geram 200 mil empregos

No Brasil são quase mil cooperativas que juntas reunem mais de 14 milhões de cooperados, e empregam 425 mil  pessoas.  As cooperativas agropecuárias movimentam a economia, geram 200 mil empregos, tem mais de 1 milhão de associados. São mais de 1600 cooperativas agrícolas no país. Quase 50% do que é produzido...

Artículo de revista especializada
The rural-urban gap and rural transformation in the Near East and North Africa

The rural-urban gap remains the single most well-documented development and welfare disparity in the economies of the Near East and North Africa (NENA). The gap between rural and urban areas can be seen in the lower productivity of economic activities, higher poverty levels and lower quality infrastructure and services in...

Artículo de blog
Inspirational ideas: A digital strategy for agriculture

There is a pressing need for overarching digital strategies to unlock the potential of digitisation in the agricultural sector.Digital technologies can help European farmers increase their profitability and reduce their environmental impact, however they are more effective when supported by public policy. In the northern part of Germany, the region of...
2019 - EipAgri

Estudio de caso
Cereal banks improving food security and incomes in Guinea-Bissau

In Guinea-Bissau, the intensifi cation of cashew monoculture and the decline in yields of rice and other staple cereals is a common issue that puts the population in an unprecedented state of food insecurity. Organisations such as CAURAL REMOBE have tried to fi nd a solution to this problem. The...
2019 - ONG Guiarroz, Guinée-Bissau.
Total results:19862