Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Artículo de blog
Mapa vai aproximar agricultores familiares de grandes investidores

A Secretaria de Agricultura Familiar e Cooperativismo do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Mapa) realizará em novembro e dezembro três Encontros de Oportunidades: dois no Nordeste e um no Norte do país, em municípios estratégicos com oferta e demanda de produtos da sociobiodiversidade. O objetivo é conectar pequenos e...
2019 - Secretaria de Agricultura Familiar e Cooperativismo (SAF)

An Africa-Europe agenda for rural transformation

Report by the Task Force Rural Africa
The African workforce will grow by 800 million people over the next 30 years. Generating sufficient jobs and incomes to meet their needs is one of the biggest political and economic challenges of our time. This report proposes strategies and policies, harnessing cooperation between Africa and Europe, to enable the...
2019 - European Commission

Documento/nota de orientación
Becoming an agroecologist – fostering social learning and responsible action for sustainable food systems

This brief is based on experience gained from the Master’s Programme in Agroecology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in particular, and on contributions from our partner programmes at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and Martyrs University in Uganda (UMU). The brief provides an overview of agroecology,...
Ethiopia - Uganda
2019 - Stockholm Environment Institute, Master’s Programme in Agroecology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI)

Artículo de blog
France, Agroecology & the Coming CAP Reform

Agroecology is much talked about, and practiced in many regions, but how does it relate to the word of policy-making? In some countries such as France, agroecology forms the basis of emerging agri-food policy – albeit in a contested and sometimes contradictory way.  Since the time of ecologically progressive Agriculture Minister...
European Union
2019 - ARC2020

Así se combina la innovación con los saberes locales en el Gran Chaco Americano

EL FUTURO ESTÁ EN EL MONTE se constituye como un movimiento que impulsa en la región del Gran Chaco modelos productivos y comerciales que promuevan un desarrollo sustentable, competitivo e inclusivo, a través de la puesta en valor del capital natural, social y cultural, combinando la innovación con los saberes...
2019 - El Futuro está en el Monte

Artículo de revista especializada
Agroecology and La Via Campesina I. The symbolic and material construction of agroecology through the dispositive of “peasant-to-peasant” processes

In this essay, we look at the symbolic and material territorialization of agroecology in La Via Campesina (LVC) through peasant-to-peasant processes (PtPPs) in the broad sense. The most significant examples of the scaling up of agroecology are clearly tied to organizational processes and in our perspective, PtPPs are the motor...
2019 - : Agroecology and sustainable food systems

Revista especializada
Les batailles du consommer local en Afrique de l'Ouest

 En Afrique de l’Ouest, la forte croissance démographique et l’urbanisation rapide ont changé les caractéristiques démographiques de notre population : en 1961, 80 % des 70 millions d’ouest-africains étaient paysans ; en 2011, ils n’étaient plus que 56 % des 342 millions ; en 2050, ils pourraient n’être que 37...
2019 - CFSI

Estudio de caso
The Good Cocoyam Seed Initiative

Indigenous cocoyams in Burundi have the potential to increase food and nutrition security and contribute to improved livelihoods, but farmers’ capacity to meet the growing demand for them has been constrained by a lack of good quality seed and technical knowhow. The Good Seed Initiative targeted both seed and cocoyam...
2019 - ESAFF Burundi

Artículo de blog
Olivicultores tradicionales en Aimogasta

Un ejemplo de los beneficios del asociativismo, la organización y la cooperación entre agricultores familiares
Su padre fue precursor del olivo en Bañado de los Pantanos, una localidad del distrito Arauco, en la provincia de La Rioja, que es considerada cuna de la olivicultura nacional. Él, José Romero, nació y vivió su infancia y juventud allí, en torno a esa producción. Ya de adulto, compró...
2019 - Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA)

Le baromètre 2019 des agricultures familiales

Près d’un tiers de la population mondiale est active dans le secteur agricole, une grande majorité d’entre-elle vit au Sud et travaille de petites surfaces dans le cadre d’exploitations familiales. Tenter de cerner les réalités des agricultrices et agriculteurs familiaux, c’est ouvrir les yeux sur le gagne-pain d’une large part...
2019 - Autre Terre

BOND Regulatory Framework Report

Best Legal Practices for Small Farmers
This report (prepared under The BOND Project) seeks to present the most relevant best legal practices in the particular areas, discovered with cooperation and assistance from the partners, in the hope that they will be useful to facilitate collective actions, and to ensure access to sustainable markets for the small...
2019 - The BOND Project

Second Agroecology Europe Forum

Agroecology Europe (AEEU) is an association of members that want to exchange knowledge and experiences on agroecology and to support the transition toward agroecological practices and policies. Together with local farmers, universities, social movement organisations and non-governmental organisations, the second Agroecology Europe Forum was organised to support exchange, reflection and bottom-up contributions. It took...
2019 - Agroecology Europe (AEEU)

Paysans et finance agricole au Niger

Ce film illustre une expérience pilote (2016-2018) de renforcement des compétences de 12 organisations paysannes du Niger en finance agricole afin d’améliorer leur accès au financement de leurs activités économiques.
2019 - SOS Faim luxembourg

Farm management guide

This manual is for those farmers and individual who wish to start farming as a business. It will also serve as a useful document for Extension Agents wanting to support farmers making a transition from subsistence to commercial or semi-commercial farming. The decision to become a business farmer is not...
Micronesia (Federated States of)
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
CNMA debate a participação feminina no agronegócio com mulheres de todo país

Representantes de todo o Brasil se reúnem nos dias 08 e 09 de outubro para a 4º edição do CNMA – Congresso Nacional das Mulheres do Agronegócio, que será realizada no Transamerica Expo Center, em São Paulo (SP). O evento, que neste ano terá como tema “AGIR – Ação Global: Integração de...
2019 - Congresso Nacional das Mulheres do Agronegócio (CNMA)

Artículo de blog
Georgian producers look to increase commercial nut production

Georgia boasts an ideal climate and ample water resources for growing almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and hazelnuts. Although hazelnut production is well-established in Georgia – it is one of the top global exporters of hazelnuts – the country remains a net importer of walnuts, pistachios, and almonds. Georgia needs to build...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Agroecological Transitions: From Theory to Practice in Local Participatory Design

There is wide agreement on the need to change the prevalent agricultural models, given their negative impacts and their incompatibility with current societal issues. Agroecological transition has been promoted as a potential solution to the ecological, social and economic problems generated by these models. It however involves a systemic, multi-scale...
2019 - Springer

Estudio de caso
Agroecology and carbon neutrality in europe by 2050: what are the issues?

The latest IPCC report sets the objective of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, 2070 at the latest. The sustainable intensification of agricultural production, in a land sparing logic, is most often considered as a necessary step to achieve this. In contrast, this Study questions the potential contribution of a more...
European Union

Sitio web
Hub Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Innovación Transformativa

El Hub Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Innovación Transformativa reúne instituciones de centro y sur américa alrededor de la metodología creada por el consorcio TIPC. Este tiene el propósito de promover un nuevo enfoque para los sistemas de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (CTI) de la región y así establecer nuevas rutas de desarrollo sostenible...
2019 - Hub Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Innovación Transformativa

Soil erosion: the greatest challenge for sustainable soil management

Despite almost a century of research and extension efforts, soil erosion by water, wind and tillage continues to be the greatest threat to soil health and soil ecosystem services in many regions of the world. Our understanding of the physical processes of erosion and the controls on those processes has...
2019 - FAO
Total results:19862