Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Documento técnico
Cultural indicators of Indigenous people’s food and agro-ecological systems

Globally, there are some 370 million Indigenous Peoples representing at least 5,000 different linguistic groups in more than 70 countries. Indigenous Peoples comprise about 5.5 percent of the world’s population, yet they are disproportionately represented among the poor and food insecure, in both developed and developing countries. Indigenous Peoples’ relationship...
Australia - Cameroon - Guatemala - New Zealand - Nicaragua - Panama
2006 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista especializada
Potential role for wild vegetables in household food security

A preliminary case study in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
The value of wild edible vegetables in food security has not been given sufficient attention in South Africa. Consequently, there are no formal interventions that seek to encourage people to use traditional vegetables as sources of essential nutrients. Studies on the role of wild leafy vegetables in food security could...
South Africa
2006 - University of KwaZulu-Natal

Artículo de revista especializada
Goat production under traditional management in Gaborone agricultural region in Botswana

An initial study covered the feed resources and nutritional ecology of Tswana goats kept under extensive communal management conditions in Gaborone Agricultural Region. Such goats feed on a variety of browses and herbaceous forages throughout the year. Only 30% of the respondent farmers provided their goats with supplementary feeds implying...

Artículo de revista
Comunidades campesinas y nativas: Proyecto de Ley con mayor debate

El proyecto de ley aprobado por la Comisión de Pueblos Andino-amazónicos, Afroperuanos, Ambiente y Ecología toma como base el texto trabajado por la comisión especial creada por ley, a principios de año, para revisar, actualizar y concordar toda la legislación existente sobre comunidades campesinas y nativas
2005 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Artículo de revista especializada
El rol de los recursos locales en la evolución de la agroindustria rural del almidón agrio de Yuca en el departamento del Cauca, Colombia

La producción de almidón agrio de yuca en el departamento del Cauca está conformada por un complejo sistema de agroempresas procesadoras, agricultores, intermediarios, empresas fabricadoras de equipos y organizaciones que prestan servicios de apoyo. Los recursos locales como el saber-hacer, las redes de actores, el producto, las acciones colectivas, las...
2005 - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)

Globally important Indigenous Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS): Strategic framework

The Paper is intended to set out a strategic vision as an overarching guide for the future policies, plans, and programmes of GIAHS – a unique and innovative initiative to advance the goals of sustainable management of the ecosystems and enhancing human well-being.
2005 - Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

South Africa: A smallholder’s innovative approach to producing and exporting fruit

Exporting deciduous fruit from the Western Cape Province of South Africa to markets in Europe, North America and Asia contributes significantly to the province's Gross Domestic Product. The main export producers are large-scale farmers. Even with the change in discriminatory legislation and practices in South Africa after 1994, few smallholder...
South Africa
2005 - World Bank Group

Documento de trabajo
Building Bridges

The contribution of traditional knowledge to ecosystem management and practices in Fiji
Developing nations such as Fiji are grappling with how they can utilise their environmental resources to improve local living conditions while protecting the integrity of ecological systems. Different development approaches are adopted but in these areas, the environment is altered and polluted as a result of sustained human activities. The...
2005 - United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

The Role of Agriculture in Central and Eastern European Rural Development: An Overview

Building on existing models for the role of agriculture in industrialized and developing countries, this chapter examines a number of critical aspects of agriculture’s role in Central and Eastern European (CEE) rural development. By reviewing the contributions of this proceedings volume, we focus on the perspectives of small farms, rural...
2004 - Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO)

Small-scale poultry production

Over the last decade, the consumption of poultry products in developing countries has grown by 5.8 percent per annum, faster than that of human population growth, and has created a great increase in demand. Family poultry has the potential to satisfy at least part of this demand through increased productivity...
2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista
Titulación de comunidades campesinas

Las mesas de tierras del Grupo Allpa, conformadas en los departamentos de Puno, Cusco, Huancavelica y Ayacucho, señalan que el proceso de titulación y posterior registro de las tierras en registros públicos es demasiado largo, complejo e incluso costoso para los comuneros.
2004 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Artículo de revista
Comunidades campesinas. La tierra y sus recursos

El trabajo de la comisión especial encargada de revisar la legislación sobre comunidades campesinas y nativas, debe presentar a fines de noviembre una propuesta de nueva legislación a la Comisión de Amazonía y Asuntos Indígenas, la cual deberá discutirla y, si la aprueba, remitirla al pleno del Congreso. En medio...
2004 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Conservación y abandono de andenes

Los andenes en el Perú son considerados un legado tecnológico ancestral a la producción agrícola ya que representan modelos de sistemas tradicionales de adaptación ecológica, por esta razón, se encuentran incluidos dentro de los Sistemas Ingeniosos de Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial (SIPAM).  En la presente publicación se presenta una revisión acerca...
2004 - Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM)

Towards sustainable agriculture and rural development in the Ethiopian highlands

The Ethiopian highlands comprise nearly 45 percent of the total land area and support over 85 percent of the country's 64 million people that are overwhelmingly rural. The highlands are the centre of economic activity of the country and are characterized by enormous ecological, environmental, agricultural and cultural diversity. The...
2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento técnico
Local knowledge systems and the management of dryland agro-ecosystems

Some principles for an approach
Local agricultural knowledge in dry-land land-use systems is centred on the conservation, use and optimisation of soil moisture and soil organic matter. Additionally, biodiversity is carefully managed and nurtured to interface with hydrological and nutrient cycling to provide for ecosystem resilience, food security and diversity, and risk minimisation.
Kenya - Tunisia
2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista especializada
Subsistence Agriculture in Development: it’s Role in Processes of Structural Change

Subsistence agriculture is closely linked to a low level of economic development. We find it both in today's less developed countries and in the early stages of industrialised countries. Typically, subsistence agriculture is characterized by a low-external input level and low productivity (per land and/or per labour). In these situations...
2003 - Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe

Artículo de revista especializada
Decision Making Patterns of Subsistence Farmers in Bulgaria

Bulgaria began the transformation of its agricultural sector early in the reform process. The chosen path of land reform was radical and aimed at restoring the status quo enjoyed half a century ago. The outcome of this slow and complicated process was a very fragmented structure of land ownership and...
2003 - Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe

Artículo de revista especializada
Soil fertility management and insect pests: harmonizing soil and plant health in agroecosystems

Cultural methods such as crop fertilization can affect susceptibility of plants to insect pests by altering plant tissue nutrient levels. Research shows that the ability of a crop plant to resist or tolerate insect pests and diseases is tied to optimal physical, chemical and mainly biological properties of soils. Soils...
2003 - Elsevier Science B.V

Artículo de revista especializada
Social theory, family farming and pluriactivity

This paper aims at presenting an analytical reference that allows understanding pluriactivity as a strategy for social and economic reproduction for rural families. In the introduction, we present the context in which the study of family farming and pluriactivity emerges in Brazil. In the first section, we discuss the origin...
2003 - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Ciências Sociais (ANPOCS)

Documento de la Conferencia
Risk and De-Collectivisation: Evidence from the Czech Republic

Risk and De-Collectivisation: Evidence from the Czech Republic Bezemer, D. J. (2002), Proceedings of 2002 International Congress, August 28-31, 2002, Zaragoza, Spain The paper analyses the behavior of family farms socialist-style farms in the presence of risk, given the typical post-socialist environment in the Czech Republic.
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