Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Documento de trabajo
Agriculture, nature conservation or both? Managing trade-offs and synergies in sub-Saharan Africa

Boosting agricultural production to meet the food demands of growing and more prosperous populations increasingly comes with a cost to the ecosystems upon which human life more broadly depends. Yet many developing countries (and some developed countries) do not acknowledge or understand these trade-offs. This is becoming one of the...
2019 - International Institute for Environment and Development

AgriCoop boosts native paddy seedlings production

Battambang, Cambodia – The Sangha Phal Agricultural Cooperative was established and registered officially at Battambang Agricultural Department in February 2004. The agricultural cooperative, located in Prey Sangha Village, Khnach Romeas Commune, Bavel District, Battambang, was established initially with 48 members of whom 15 were female with a total capital of...
2019 - Asian Farmers' Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)

The Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group (SWG) In South-East Europe

For nearly two decades, the EU accession is seen as crucial to a successful domestic transformation in South Eastern Europe (SEE). The EU integration process is of a regional character and cannot be completed without joint efforts and venture among SEE counties. Regional cooperation first requires a focal point to...
2019 - Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group in South Eastern Europe

Aqua 2018 – #WeRAquaculture

Aquaculture has seen spectacular growth in recent years, and Aqua 2018 celebrated aquaculture’s role as one of the most important food industries worldwide. Held 25-29 August in Montpellier, France, Aqua 2018 brought together scientists, practitioners, students, industry and civil society to highlight the latest global developments in aquaculture research and...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
Countries bet on agroecology for sustaining natural resources and rural livelihoods

Farmers are facing growing pressure to provide an increasing amount of healthy and nutritious food at low environmental cost. Combining traditional farming methods with modern systems is on-trend as well. Agroecology can contribute greatly to both while also ensuring consideration of the social aspects of sustainable food systems. However, the concept...
2019 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations FAO

Estudio de caso
Field guide to improve water use efficiency in small-scale agriculture

The case of Burkina Faso, Morocco and Uganda
The role of irrigation in gearing agriculture development towards a broader economic growth is undeniable. Accordingly, irrigation is growing into key operational strategy for governments and their agencies to increase agricultural productivity, thus combatting food insecurity and boosting overall growth. While agriculture absorbs rural workforce, generates income and increases food...
Burkina Faso - Morocco - Uganda
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

La producción agroecológica en la Comunidad de Madrid

Este informe es el resumen de un año de estudio y análisis del sector a través de 118 entrevistas y tres talleres participativos a productores y productoras de los 171 proyectos que se han localizado en los diferentes municipios madrileños. Nace con los objetivos de identificar a las personas y proyectos que conforman...


Evento que permite acercar tecnología e innovación a la industria agroalimentaria, vinculando proveedores del conocimiento con productores nacionales, y facilitando un espacio de colaboración para contribuir en la competitividad del sector. En AGRIFOOD SUMMIT podrás conocer lo último en innovación, tecnología, buenas prácticas y tendencias en el sector agroalimentario, con presentaciones...

From a savings community to multiple enterprises

Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia – What started as a savings of a group of farmers in Kauk Banteay Village, Kauk Banteay Commune, Rolea Pa’ear District, Kampong Chhnang in 1998, the Chey Chum Neah Agricultural Cooperative was established in 2008 with 40 members and total capital of KHR 80,000 (Cambodian riels) or...
2019 - Asian Farmers' Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)

Beacons of Hope

Accelerating Transformations to Sustainable Food Systems
This report examines 21 initiatives that are working to achieve sustainable, equitable, and secure food systems.              

The Village Forest Permit - Challenges and conditions for social forestry in Indonesia

In Indonesia, forest tenure has long been a source of conflict. About two thirds of the country's terrestrial area is classified as state-forest land, even though local people have been living there for many generations. When the government allocates these areas for production or conservation purposes, local people face the...
2019 - Tropenbos International

Farmers taking the lead: 30 years of Farmer Field Schools

The FFS has been one of the most successful approach developed and promoted by FAO over the last 30 years, empowering farmers to become better decision makers in their own farming systems. Initiated by FAO in 1989, and followed by many other organizations and institutions, the FFS programmes represent one...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
CEBDS lança no Brasil o desafio #VidaQueQueremos

Para facilitar mudanças efetivas nas atitudes das pessoas em relação aos problemas ambientais e sociais, organizações internacionais, incluindo o WBCSD (entidade global da qual faz parte o Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável – CEBDS) elaboraram uma campanha para personalizar os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS). Batizada de “Objetivos para...
2019 - Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CEBDS)

Call for experiences in the use and application of three sets of CFS policy recommendations on smallholder agriculture in the context of food security and nutrition

A stocktaking event is planned to be held in October 2019 during CFS 46 Plenary Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) to monitor the use and application of the following CFS policy recommendations: Set 1:Investing in Smallholder Agriculture for Food Security and Nutrition Set 2: Connecting Smallholders to Markets  Set...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista
Taller Transdisciplinario 2018: Complejidad Territorial. Aportes para una Producción de Alimentos Sustentable

Esta presentación expone algunas aseveraciones de expertos en la temática con la intención de disparar nuevas miradas que nos ayuden a desentramar la relación entre la producción de alimentos y la sustentabilidad territorial. También plantea preguntas sobre las cuales no se pretende encontrar respuestas simples y acabadas, sino más bien,...
2019 - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias - Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Beacons of Hope

Food Systems Transformation Toolkit
The Beacons of Hope initiative showcases the groundswell of people transforming our food systems in dynamic and creative ways. They are inspiring examples and evidence that transformation is possible. Alongside the report, the Food Systems Transformation Toolkit provides a guide for discussion and collective action. It also provides recommendations on...
2019 - Global Alliance for the Future of Food

Como ciência e tecnologia podem contribuir para a redução da pobreza e da desigualdade

Como ciência e tecnologia podem contribuir para a redução da pobreza e da desigualdade? Esta pergunta é o tema central da próxima Conferência do Comitê da Ciência para Erradicação da Pobreza (Spec, na sigla em inglês), da InterAcademy Partnership (IAP). Organizado pela Academia Brasileira de Ciências (ABC), o evento acontecerá nos dias 27 e 28...
2019 - Academia Brasileira de Ciências (ABA)

Artículo de blog
Kyrgyzstan uses solar power, youth education to improve forests

Installing solar panels on foresters’ houses and educating children and youth on sustainability and environmental protection – these are two recent ways in which Kyrgyzstan, together with FAO, has set about upscaling its sustainable forest management. Solar panels are gaining popularity as an affordable and clean source of energy, and now,...
2019 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations FAO

Le baromètre 2019 des agricultures familiales

Confrontées à d’importantes difficultés mais également porteuses de solutions d’avenir, les agricultures familiales, loin d’être des acteurs en fin de parcours dont on suivrait la mort annoncée, font partie inhérente d’un développement réellement durable. Prendre du recul et faire le point sur les enjeux qui touchent les agricultures familiales, telle est...
2019 - SOS Faim Belgium, Iles de Paix, Autreterre

Posibilidades de uso de Arundo donax como cultivo bioenergético en áreas periurbanas

Históricamente, los productos dendroenergéticos (maderas, residuos biomásicos vegetales varios, etc.) han sido una fuente importante de energía para la humanidad, usándose en forma directa como leña, o convertida mediante diferentes procesos a otras formas aprovechables por el hombre (Klass, 1998). La dendroenergía actualmente sigue siendo la fuente de energía renovable...
2019 - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias - Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Total results:19861