Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Sakhis: Women for Action, Change, Growth

For the last 25 years, SSP has nurtured cadres of grassroots women leaders called Sakhis, who have won numerous honours and accolades for their own transformation, and for various sustainable solutions and projects they have initiated. Many of these Sakhis are feted as decision makers in their own communities, and...
2024 - Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP)

Documento de trabajo
What agroecology brings to food security and ecosystem services: A review of scientific evidence

There is a strong theoretical basis and empirical evidence that food security outcomes (availability, access, utilisation, stability) are as good or sometimes even better for agroecological systems than conventional alternatives. This knowledge brief aims to provide a set of evidence, based on a large-scale analysis of scientific articles (including a literature...
2024 - Agroecology Coalition

Artículo de revista especializada
Demand-side and supply-side factors for accelerating varietal turnover in smallholder soybean farms

The rapid growth of soybean cultivation in the world augurs well for achieving SDG2 of promoting sustainable agriculture, ending hunger, achieving food security, and improving nutrition. India started promoting soybean cultivation in the 1970s to combat dietary protein deficiencies and augment smallholders' incomes. However, soybean yield remains low and plateaued...
2024 - Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition, Cornell University, USA

Estudio de caso
Financiamiento del sector agropecuario en Panamá

Un análisis de la demanda y la oferta de estos servicios enfocados en la agricultura familiar
Panamá ha alcanzado importantes avances en el reconocimiento de la relevancia de la agricultura familiar para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional y el desarrollo rural, así como en la definición y puesta en marcha de políticas públicas diferenciadas para potenciar el desarrollo de este sector productivo. No obstante, la agricultura...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Artículo de revista
Grains of Life: How Chotanagpur's Adivasis Are Reviving Native Varieties of Rice

Farmers and local NGOs say the indigenous rice varieties that are fast becoming extinct have unique nutrition, climate-resilience to ensure food security in increasingly unpredictable weather.
Sundargarh (Odisha), Latehar (Jharkhand): Deep inside the lush sal forest in Odisha’s Sundargarh, Albisia Lakda, an Adivasi farmer living in Subdega block had divided the rice crop on her two-acre plot of farmland in two sections. With the monsoon fluctuating widely last year, parts of Odisha experienced long dry spells and crop failures. Now,...
2024 - The Wire

Women at the Helm: Navigating the Digital Landscape of Agriculture

Agribusiness startups are reshaping India’s agricultural sector, fostering a strong entrepreneurial mindset. This growing interest, alongside advancements in digital technology, has spurred rapid expansion in the sector’s technology and digital solutions ecosystem. Technologies like big data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and various digital platforms play a crucial...
2024 - Centre for Research on Innovation and Science Policy (CRISP)

How to bridge the missing middle working with climate-smart SMEs, intermediaries, financers and policy makers?

The objective of this impact report is to gain consolidated impact insights and lessons learned from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) financed SEED project: Financing and capacity building for micro and small climate-smart enterprises: Filling the gap of the missing middle. The 5-year global SEED project was operating in Ghana, India,...
Ghana - India - Indonesia - South Africa - Thailand - Uganda
2024 - SEED

Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services in Support of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: An Evidence Review

The effects of climate change on agriculture and food production are evident in regions around the world. Effective climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agricultural sector calls for multiple context specific, and at times complex, strategies. Promoting these strategies effectively involves changing the behavior, strategies and agricultural practices of...
Brazil - India - Kenya - Rwanda - United States of America
2024 - Winrock International

Scoping review on the role of social protection in facilitating climate change adaptation and mitigation for economic inclusion among rural populations

Rural populations, especially small-scale producers and women, are disproportionately impacted by climate change since their livelihoods depend largely on natural resources and weather patterns. This paper reviews the available evidence on the role of social protection programmes in facilitating climate change adaptation and mitigation, with a specific emphasis on economic...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

TALLER: Políticas y estrategias nacionales para la participación en Mercados de Carbono: desafíos para el sector agrícola en un contexto de cambio climático

La Plataforma de Acción Climática en Agricultura para Latinoamérica y el Caribe (PLACA), junto a Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) han organizado el Taller "Políticas y estrategias nacionales para la participación en mercados de carbono: desafíos para el sector agrícola en un contexto...
Argentina - Colombia - Paraguay
2024 - Plataforma de Acción Climática en Agricultura para Latinoamérica y el Caribe (PLACA)

Artículo de blog
Agroécologie(s), femmes et travail : action, transformation et ré-existences

Dans cet article, nous proposons d’analyser la manière dont le travail des femmes cis appartenant au secteur de l’agriculture familiale est configuré dans les processus de transition agroécologique. Nous commençons par comprendre et problématiser la triple journée de travail à partir de ses sphères : productive, reproductive/de soins et communautaire,...

L'agriculture familiale au Sénégal, les défis et les enjeux...

La chaine TV5 Afrique s’est intéressée à la situation des exploitations familiales au Sénégal. Ce document vidéo spécial partage les réactions et témoignages d’acteurs de l’agriculture familiale qui expliquent les enjeux du secteur.
2024 - TV5 Monde Afrique

Artículo de revista especializada
Beekeeping and agropastoralism interactions through floral resources in the French Mount Lozère

Beekeeping has faced increasing difficulties during the past decades, among which is the decline in floral resources. Agriculture provides essential floral resources for beekeeping, but some farming practices have also been shown to be responsible for their decline. To provide floral resources for beekeeping, what type of agricultural transformation should...
2024 - INRAE

Artículo de blog
Com apoio do Brasil, países da América Latina e do Caribe aprovam novo plano de combate à fome

Região passa a contar com um plano unificado de segurança alimentar, que poderá servir de base para a criação da Aliança Global Contra a Pobreza e a Fome, no âmbito do G20
Os países latino-americanos e caribenhos definiram nesta terça-feira (16.01), em Santiago, na reunião da Comunidade de Estados Latino-Americanos e Caribenhos (CELAC), que congrega 33 nações, um plano de segurança alimentar que estabelece como meta a erradicação da fome até 2030. O Plano CELAC de Segurança Alimentar, Nutrição e Erradicação da...
2024 - Comunidade de Estados Latino-Americanos e Caribenhos (CELAC)

Artículo de revista especializada
The future of the sugarcane industry in Fiji: climatic, non-climatic stressors, and opportunities for transformation

This study explores the complex dynamics of Fiji’s sugarcane industry, shedding light on the challenges it faces and the implications for agricultural system resilience and sustainability. The primary aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between climatic and non-climatic stressors and farmers’ decisions to abandon sugarcane farming. A...
2024 - Australian Centre for Pacific Islands Research

Applying MEV-CAM tools: Participatory video

The Making Every Voice Count for Adaptive Management (MEV-CAM) toolkit provides process documentation facilitators with instruments for documenting change through participatory video to generate knowledge, monitor impact, and share practices. This toolkit sheds light on how to develop a participatory video process in all its stages: beginning with stakeholder identification,...
2024 - FAO

Hoja informativa
Integrated services for innovation and agrifood systems

Rural producers operate in a very complex reality. They are faced with serious and interconnected challenges such as globalized and unstable markets, volatile prices, a degrading natural resource base and the effects of climate change. In addition, especially in developing countries, access to markets represent a serious problem due to,...
2024 - FAO

Documento técnico
Farmers’ adoption on potato zero-tillage and straw mulching in the Ganges Delta of Bangladesh

Key messages • Potato zero-tillage and rice straw mulching (PZTM) was introduced in the fallow season as a strategy for climate adaptation in Khulna where potato is a new crop to grow.• 56% (239 HHs) of the intervention households adopted PZTM in the following cropping season without any subsidies or...
2024 - International Potato Center

Key lessons and priority research and investments for Community Fish Refuge-Rice Field Fisheries

Rice field ecosystems make up the majority of the agricultural land in the Lower Mekong region (Ingalls et al. 2018). In Cambodia, WorldFish research found that one hectare of a rice field ecosystem can provide enough wild fish and other aquatic animals to feed 2.6 people for a year (Freed...
2024 - World Fish

Artículo de blog
Opportunities and challenges for coffee production in Papua New Guinea’s highlands

Coffee is one of the most important smallholder cash crops in Papua New Guinea. It accounted for $156 million of export earnings, 13% of agricultural export revenues, and 1.4% of total export revenues in PNG in 2021. According to the PNG Rural Household Survey 2023, approximately 55% of sampled households in the...
Papua New Guinea
2024 - IFPRI
Total results:3246