Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Boletín informativo
Access Agriculture e-newsletter July 2021

This monthly e-newsletter gives a bird’s eye view of all the exciting updates from Access Agriculture, a world-leading organisation for quality agricultural training videos in international and local languages, working across the Global South. The Access Agriculture Panorama features information on new videos, audio podcasts, blog posts, articles contributed by experts,...
2021 - Access Agriculture

Documento de trabajo
Comment concevoir la biosécurité des élevages porcins des milieux lacustres du sud Bénin pour réduire le risque de maintien et de dissémination de la peste porcine africaine ?

L’élevage de porcs est pratiqué en milieu lacustre au Bénin malgré une forte présence d’eau de surface. L’étude vise à identifier les facteurs de risque de la dissémination de la peste porcine africaine (PPA) dans les pratiques d’élevage des milieux lacustres afin de proposer des mesures de biosécurité adaptées à...
2021 - Cahiers Agricultures

Artículo de blog
Women in agroecology: Shaping the future of wholesome food

This article narrates the story of Movai Matombo, a 57-year-old woman smallholder farmer who began practicing agroecology in 2010. Matombo resides in the Shashe region of Mashava, Masvingo province, Zimbabwe, where she learnt about agroecology farming, a technique that produces a high yield while conserving the soil and the environment....
2021 -

Cross-border pastoral mobility and territorial prospective: a method of study.

This video (in English) presents a way of thinking about the issue of cross-border transhumance by mobilizing a reflection on the future: territorial foresight. The method was implemented during a participative case study conducted by FAO and partners (CIRAD, ISRA, and local organizations) in Burkina Faso and Togo in 2019-2020,...
Burkina Faso - Togo
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Hoja informativa
FAO in Africa, Edition 1

FAO’s Regional Office for Africa is committed to working hand-in-hand with our partners through supporting transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agri-food systems for better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life for all, leaving no one behind. Each quarter, we aim to bring you stories...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

African Food Systems

This study was carried out by PAFO and the staff of PAFO Secretariat in Kigali provided general guidance throughout the process and shared valuable information that enabled the analysis to be carried out in a meaningful way. Consultations were also carried out through online discussions and engagements with all the...
2021 - The Pan-African Farmers Organization (PAFO)

Une intensification agroécologique au Sahel est-elle possible ?

A la fois science, mouvement de pensées et ensemble de pratiques culturales, l’agroécologie définie l’application des principes de l’écologie à l’agriculture pour assurer une production durable et en quantité optimisée. Philippe Roudier, chargé de recherche à l’Agence française de développement (AFD), nous présente ici les applications possibles des principes de...
2021 - Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Visual manual on good beekeeping practices for small-scale beekeepers in Africa

This manual is a visual, practical document on good beekeeping practices for sustainable small-scale beekeepers in Africa. It has been designed to serve as a beekeeping training tool and is a concise, practical reference document. The manual opens with an illustrated story of the damaging effect of certain practices adopted...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Estudio de caso
Agroecology Case Studies

The thirty-three case studies shed light on the tremendous success of agroecological agriculture across the African continent. They demonstrate with facts and figures how an agricultural transformation respectful of the farmers and their environment can yield immense economic, social, and food security benefits while also fighting climate change and restoring...
2021 - Oakland Institute

Senegal Agroecology

VOA-Zimbabwe broadcasted a fascinating story of agroecological practices in Senegal.  The story featured some farmers and activists who are trying new farming techniques to reduce the use of chemicals and improve crop yields. Click below to listen to Allison Lékogo Fernandes checks on an agroecology experiment in a Dakar suburb.
2021 - VOA-Zimbabwe

Artículo de blog
Understanding culturally-related risk factors for antimicrobial resistance

Within Maasai pastoralist communities, milk provides a rich source of nutrients and income, especially for women, and plays a central role in cultural and religious ceremonies. Having milk means having livestock, and having livestock means the continuation of the Maasai people. While a vital nutritional and cultural resource, milk is...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Tanzanian farmers boost diets with sustainable methods

An agroecology project from Tanzania found significant improvements in the diversity of children’s diets and food security for households after farmers learned about sustainable crop-growing methods, gender equity, nutrition and climate change from peer mentors. The investigator of the project said, “We found that this intervention approach of combining agroecology...
United Republic of Tanzania
2021 - Cornell

Documento técnico
Développer des approches participatives pour promouvoir la diversification alimentaire à l'échelle familiale

Cette note valorise les présentations et les discussions d'un wébinaire organisé par le GRET en Janvier 2021 sur le sujet de l'amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionelle en Afrique de l'ouest dans le cadre de la convention Programme ASANAO.    
2021 - ASANAO

Documento/nota de orientación
SALSA Project Summary Booklet 2016-2020 - Placing small farms under the microscope

The SALSA project has closed a long-standing gap in research by looking into the status of small farms in different regions of both Europe and Africa. Its findings should help these farms live up to their true potential. Thirty reference regions, 25 of them in Europe and five in Africa. That’s...
2021 - SALSA Project

Artículo de blog
Kenyan farmers adopt agro-ecological methods as food safety awareness grows

The following is an inspiring story from Kenya. "I don't use pesticides and inorganic fertilizers at all because my goal is to ensure that I farm sustainably," Kuria, who is among a rising number of farmers in the east African nation adopting the methods, told Xinhua in a recent interview.This...

Artículo de blog
Restoring African drylands from within – without myths

From the 2nd to the 3rd of June, the Global Landscapes Forum hosted the first digital conference focused entirely on Africa’s drylands and how integrative restoration practices can see them flourish once again. Dryland ecosystems cover some 43 percent of Africa. They’re home to more than half a billion people...
2021 - Global Landscapes Forum

Estudio de caso
Agroecological training on biofertilisers improves women’s livelihoods in Togo

The plateaux of Togo have been witnessing land and soil degradation due to inappropriate agricultural practices, the use of chemical fertilizers, climate change, and deforestation. Since 2004, Young Volunteers for the Environment (YVE), alongside the African Institute for Economic and Social Development (INADES) and the National Institute for Agricultural Training, has been...
2021 - AFSA

Artículo de blog
Sahel launches a new regional agroecological project

Sahel has launched a regional agroecological project set to increase the resilience of Sahelian farmers. The project dubbed "FAIR Sahel" consists of integrating agroecological practices into intensive agriculture. The project is based on the vulnerability of Sahelian agriculture to the effects of climate change. The project is set to be...
2021 -

Artículo de blog
Biodiversity in Africa-10 figures, 10 Challenges

Data on African biodiversity reveals both its richness and the threats to which it is exposed. Beyond the anthropogenic threat, African biodiversity is also under pressure from climate change. An overview of the realities of African biodiversity in 10 figures.
2021 - Afrik 21

Artículo de boletín informativo
Forte hausse des prix alimentaires : quels impacts pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest ?

Dans son Bulletin de veille N°412 du 05 août 2021, lnter-Réseaux -Développement rural  partage les grandes lignes d’une séries d’études, de rapports et de vidéos sur la situation alimentaire en Afrique de l’Ouest. Ce document de 4 pages alerte sur la hausse des denrées alimentaires dans la région. L’organisation s’interroge sur...
2021 -
Total results:3557