Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Artículo de boletín informativo
Eurasian countries accelerate effort to reverse soil degradation trends

At least nine countries in the region stand united on the need to restore limited soil resources and stop alarming soil degradation trends. The “Izmir Communique’” and a related draft five-year implementation plan for the Eurasia region were adopted at the Second Plenary Meeting of the Eurasian Soil Partnership earlier...
Kazakhstan - Republic of Moldova - Russian Federation - Tajikistan - Türkiye - Ukraine - Uzbekistan

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC presents: ‘The Future of FOOD’ in Budapest

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC magazine teamed up with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to produce a year-long series of stories and photos about food in 2014. Starting next week, Budapest will be host to an exhibition of photos and graphics from ‘ ‘The Future of FOOD’ looks at food from...

FAO urged to address land degradation, malnutrition, needs of family farms

Key elements of FAO’s work in Europe and Central Asia – combating land and soil degradation, addressing the needs of family farms, boosting nutrition through agriculture, and studying rural people’s access to social protection schemes – were affirmed by the Organization’s members this week. The 39th session of the European...
2015 - FAO

Artículo de revista
Editorial: Women showing the way with agroecology

Around the world, women forge change in their communities using agroecological approaches. Yet, surprisingly little has been written about this subject. This issue of Farming Matters shows how women can transform a situation of exclusion, crisis and social vulnerability, into a positive spiral of innovation, solidarity, and personal growth.
Many innovations led by women are based on agroecological principles such as increasing diversity, using fewer pesticides, or building new relationships with consumers. Through small experiments women learn, get organised and strengthen their autonomy. They gain increasing recognition and visibility in their communities and increase their self-esteem. This positive spiral...
Brazil - Colombia - Malaysia - Mozambique - Spain
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Agriculture cast in starring role - Agrofilm Festival

An international film festival in the Slovak Republic bucks that stereotype, bringing agricultural production into cinemas and making it understandable and entertaining for everyone. Now in its 31st year, Agrofilm provides an opportunity to see feature films, documentaries and short videos on agriculture, rural development and nutrition topics. Audiences gain insights...

Artículo de revista especializada
L’agriculture familiale dans les pays du sud et de l’est de la Méditerranée

Les travaux sur l’Agriculture familiale sont nombreux. Un certain nombre d’entre eux se sont intéressés aux pays méditerranéens. Dès 1984 en effet le Réseau Agricultures Familiales Comparées (Rafac) était créé à Montpellier, à l’Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen, du Centre International des Hautes Etudes Méditerranéennes1.Les publications du Rafac sur l’agriculture familiale furent...

Artículo de boletín informativo
Kazakhstan improves legal framework for organic agriculture

Kazakhstan has a new law on organic agriculture, in line with the country’s recently acquired membership in the World Trade Organization. The law, signed by Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev in late November, outlines the institutional and regulatory framework for organic food production. Organic production is a development priority for Kazakhstan –...

Agricultural potential and food security in Central Asia in the light of climate change

The four Central Asian countries mentioned are heavily agrarian societies and have a low income per capita, except for Turkmenistan due to its large oil and gas revenues. The region is characterised by mountainous terrain and dry areas. The climate is continental, with cold winters and dry, hot summers. There...
Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan

Sitio web
Countries to look at ways of encouraging innovation on the region’s family farms

Farmers in Eastern Europe and Central Asia are constantly innovating, adapting their farming techniques to cope with unfavourable weather or environmental conditions. But their efforts are far from systematic, and there is little government support for what they do. A discussion at the 39th session of the European Commission on Agriculture,...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Workshop on food safety to improve public health and international trade

Globalization and increased regional trade among countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States has meant a shift – from foods produced and consumed locally to greater food diversity and more foods traded internationally. As a result, countries are eager to increase their knowledge of international food safety standards and procedures. To...
2015 - FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund

Sitio web
Kyrgyzstan's EEU membership to resolve food security problem

With a relatively new history of membership at the Eurasian Economic Union, Kyrgyzstan believes that joining the Russia-backed economic club has garnered confidence in the nation’s economic stability. Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev, who is the primary supporter of his country's accession to union, believes that Kyrgyzstan's EEU membership will take the...
2015 - AzerNews

The Present and the Future of Family Farming in Europe and Hungary

The aim of the Ministry of Agriculture with the conference is to present the current situation of family farms internationally and in the Carpathian-basin, and to seek appropriate tools and methods which could successfully support family farms.
2015 - Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary

Revista especializada
Les territoires ruraux en Méditerranée, quelles politiques publiques pour accompagner les dynamiques de développement ?

Loin de renvoyer uniquement à des espaces marginalisés, les territoires ruraux des pays du sud de la Méditerranée sont le théâtre d’initiatives et d’innovations aux formes multiples qui contribuent à dynamiser les économies nationales, et en particulier le secteur agricole. Dans cette perspective, l’amélioration des politiques publiques qui accompagnent ces...
2015 - Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

Sitio web
Europe, Central Asia struggling with malnutrition in many forms

More than 55 percent of adults in Europe and Central Asia are overweight or obese. Millions are anaemic, or suffer from iodine, zinc and Vitamin A deficiencies. In children, malnourishment persists at alarming rates in many countries, leading to stunted growth and other problems. An FAO paper published in advance of...
2015 - FAO

Sitio web
Artisanal Fisheries

Traditional fisheries involving fishing households (as opposed to commercial companies), using relatively small amount of capital and energy, relatively small fishing vessels (if any), making short fishing trips, close to shore, mainly for local consumption. In practice, definition varies between countries, e.g. from gleaning or a one-man canoe in poor...
2015 - The Fish Project

Boletín informativo
US$ 11 million GEF grant to address land degradation, climate change

An ambitious five-year project on integrated natural resources management in drought-prone and salt-affected areas is on its way to take-off, thanks to US$ 11 million in financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The FAO project will assist Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Turkmenistan in tackling challenges related to desertification, land...
Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan - Türkiye - Turkmenistan

Sitio web
Development of hazelnut production through cooperation

program is implemented by Agency for development of agricultural cooperatives 

Serbian agriculture getting back on track

Eighteen months after floods washed away the livelihoods of thousands of farm households, Serbian agriculture is getting back on track – thanks to help from the European Union and FAO. A second phase of assistance for central and western Serbia started in the summer and is now close to completion. More...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FAO – Georgia: Policy Assistance to Develop Institutional Capacities in Agriculture

FAO – Georgia is implementing technical assistance project to develop the capacities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia. The film represents several components of this project: 1. Cooperative Development 2. Seed Certification 3. Statistics 4. Farm Registry Aforementioned components are implemented in frames of ENPARD funded by EU and ADC.

Artículo de revista especializada
Inclusion of Women Self – Help Groups Into Value Chains

Agriculture plays an important role in social stability of the Kyrgyz Republic. More than a half of the population lives in rural area and their income is strongly linked to agricultural activities. The level of poverty among the rural population (41.4 percent) is much higher than urban areas (28. 5...
2015 - Food and agriculture organization of united nations
Total results:1282