Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Artículo de blog
How efficient have the CAP greening measures been so far?

In 2017, Alliance Environnement (formed by IEEP and Oréade-Brèche) and the Thünen Institute carried out an evaluation of the greening measures under the Direct Payments Regulation for the European Commission. The 2013 CAP reform introduced a payment for a compulsory set of ‘greening measures’ (crop diversification, maintenance of permanent grasslands,...
2018 - Euromontana

Revista especializada
Strengthening the Role of Women in Rural and Agricultural Areas – Obstacles and Opportunities - CIHEAM Watch Letter n. 40

Co-published by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the CIHEAM, the Watch letter n ° 40 "Strengthening the role of women in rural and agricultural areas - Obstacles and opportunities" aims to show different perspectives of the situation in the Mediterranean region by analyzing the challenges and opportunities in the socio-economic, social, environmental,...
2018 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

Artículo de blog
Paying for priceless value: securing forests’ role in water quality

Given the many threats to the Earth’s water supply, the role of forests has never been more important. The role of forest ecosystems in preserving water quality is largely underestimated. To ensure healthy water, strategies for optimizing purification, regulating surface flows and controlling erosion will increasingly need to be a part...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
FAO to launch new rural development project in Georgia

A number of positive changes – including improved rural policies, strengthened value chains, sustainable management of natural resources and environmentally friendly agricultural practices – are expected to help Georgia’s agricultural producers become more competitive while reducing the contributions of agricultural production to climate change. These are among the objectives of a...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Conference: River habitat restoration can improve inland fisheries

Freshwater ecosystems accommodate 40 percent of the world’s fish species and contribute directly to the food security of rural households. With 11.47 million tonnes per year, inland fisheries account for 12 percent of the global fish catch, according to the latest numbers from the FAO. Still, the sector has not unleashed...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de revista especializada
Customer experience with farmers’ markets: what hashtags can reveal

What cat hashtags reveal
Social media networks are increasing in popularity and have been integrated into many aspects of daily life. Analysis of the ways in which individuals use social media is important for understanding social, cultural, and environmental issues. This study examines experiences of farmers’ market customers through their self-expression on social networks....
2018 - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Copa and Cogeca agree position on future of food and farming

Future of CAP
Press Release following Copa and Cogeca's meeting during which our members have agreed on the common position on the future of food and farming

Reflections of the working party on fruit and vegetables on the future of the community aid scheme for fruit and vegetable producer organisations

Fruit and vegetables
Reflections from Copa and Cogeca Working Party on Fruit and Vegetables on the future of the community aid scheme for the producer organizations in the sector  

Artículo de blog
Smart Villages : For a Smarter Future of Rural areas

On 13th April 2018 in Bled, Slovenia, a joint conference between the European Commission and the European Parliament was organised on “European Action for Smart Villages: for a brighter future of rural areas in the EU” (for more information and to see the streaming of the plenary session, click here). This...
2018 - Euromontana

Artículo de revista especializada
How do social movements shape organic food markets? Comparing the construction and institutionalization of Participatory Guarantee Systems in Brazil and France

Social movements have become central actors in the battles that are re-framing contemporary food markets in a variety of organizational and institutional configurations. With the aim of understand this process, this article contrasts the experiences of Nature & Progrès (France) and Ecovida Agroecology Network (Brazil). These movements are changing organic...
Brazil - France
2018 - Universidad Federal do Rio Grande Do Sul

Artículo de blog
Future of the common agricultural policy

The European Commission proposes to modernise and simplify the common agricultural policy, giving greater flexibility and responsibility to European Union countries implementing the policy on the ground.
European Union
2018 - European Commission

Artículo de blog
Commission agrees to drop crop diversification and ecological focus areas requirements due to adverse climate conditions

The non-production requisite on land lying fallow for farmers under crop diversification and/ or ecological focus area requirements have been lifted in eight EU member states for 2018. A severe drought significantly affected agricultural activities, especially in relation to animal feed resources, in those countries.
European Union
2018 - European Commission

Artículo de blog
Young farmers & digitalization

Building the future of European agriculture
Farming in the EU is poised on the brink of change with the CAP 2020 negotiations in full swing. Young farmers face an uncertain future in a rapidly evolving sector. While agriculture in the EU strives to be dynamic, it continues to encounter difficulties. One of the most important hurdles for...
European Union
2018 - IoF2020

Boletín informativo
News from the Deck – March 2018

The newsletter of March 2018 includes:The Mediterranean team pursues with the preparation works in the view of Malta in September, The BANS project celebrates its closure with well-attended event in Brussels, Other news from around the EU, News from our members and Press review
European Union
2018 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Artículo de blog
Inspirational ideas: Harvesting grasslands

Milan Kouřil, Operational Group coordinator, says that climate change is impacting the quality of grasslands in the Czech Republic: “There has been a change in the composition of grasslands (and indirectly on microbiological soil activity), increased photosynthetic activity and a longer growing season.” Milan is part of an Operational Group...
2018 - EIP Agri

Artículo de blog
Inspirational ideas: Pasture for pollinators

Wild bees and other pollinators play an essential part in agriculture, but as in many places, farming practices have contributed to their declining numbers. Six Welsh dairy farmers have set up an Operational Group aiming to boost pollinator populations. It will look at innovative management options in grass-based livestock farming,...
European Union
2018 - EIP Agri

High-Level Conference on Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea

Fisheries Ministers, the European Commission, GFCM-FAO, and key stakeholders including WWF will meet in Malta for the official adoption of the Regional Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (RPOA-SSF). This will demonstrate the strong political commitment to ensure a sustainable future for the sector. ...

TBTI Symposium on European Small-Scale Fisheries and Global Linkages

The purpose of the symposium is to share and discuss issues affecting the sustainability of small-scale fisheries (SSF) in Europe and explore linkages to global SSF, especially through markets and stewardship efforts.
2017 - Too Big to Ignore

Artículo de blog
Inspirational ideas: Future Farmers in the Spotlight

Future Farmers in the Spotlight is an initiative that aims to inspire and encourage the next generation of sustainable farmers. It shares inspiring stories about young farmers who have – despite the many difficulties – managed to set up farming initiatives which are innovative, viable and sustainable!
European Union
2017 - Eip AGRI

Estudio de caso
Research for Agri Committee – Structural Change in EU Farming: How can the CAP Support a 21st Century European Model of Agriculture?

A recent publication by the European Parliament’s Think Tank examines structural change in EU farming, seeking to answer the question “How can the CAP support a 21st century European model of agriculture?”. The study explores farm structural change separately in Western and in Central and Eastern Europe, and goes on to...
European Union
2017 - European Parliament
Total results:2283