Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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EIP-AGRI workshop 'Organic is Operational'

The EIP-AGRI workshop 'Organic is Operational' took place in Hamburg, Germany, on Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 June 2017.
European Union
2017 - EIP Agri

A Question of Balance

Small-scale and large-scale fleets could play complementary roles given a level playing field.
There is self-evidently a place and a need for both small and larger scale fishing fleets, but this requires first of all establishing a level playing field that ensures fair access to resources, to markets, to sector support, and to decision taking processes for all fleet segments.
European Union
2017 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Shocking the fish

Shocking the fish off the seabed
Precaution is needed prior to promoting electric pulse fishing as a more sustainable alternative for traditional beam trawling.
European Union
2017 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Food from the Oceans

How can more food and biomass be obtained from the oceans in a way that does not deprive future generations of their benefits?
The ocean is one of the main systems of our planetary biosphere. It accounts for almost half of the planet's biological production, but a much smaller proportion of human food – about 2% of overall calorie intake and 15% of protein intake. This is no longer tenable given the nutritional...
European Union
2017 - European Commission

Nature for Sustainable Agriculture

CEEweb for Biodiversity supports creating and maintenance of sustainable farming systems, which can ensure producing safer and healthier food and provide conditions for a thriving countryside with secured livelihoods for farmers. Well-preserved nature is a pre-requisite for those systems, as it delivers a whole array of benefits for farming, including pollination, appropriate nutrient cycling,...
European Union
2017 - CEEweb for Biodiversity

Documento técnico
Research for Agri Committee - The Consequences of Climate Change for EU Agriculture. Follow-Up to the Cop21 - UN Paris Climate Change Conference

The Earth’s climate has always undergone periodic changes that have affected the conditions available to life on the planet. Yet recent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) are the highest in history and atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are unprecedented in at least...
European Union
2017 - European Parliament

Artículo de blog
Bringing Back Local farming

Sjoerd Wartena – founder of Terre de Liens, a French landrights movement – explains to Elisabeth Winkler from the Biodynamic Land Trust, how he and his wife created a civic organisation.
2017 - Permaculture

Artículo de blog
European Parliament calls for urgent action on land access and concentration in Europe!

The path to fairer land governance in Europe reached a milestone today, as the European Parliament approved an own initiative report that recognizes the urgent problems of land concentration, and access to land in the EU and demands for adequate responses.
European Union
2017 - European Coordination Via Campesina

Artículo de blog
Inspirational ideas: Sustainable development in arable farming with Skylark

Skylark is based on the belief that in order to achieve sustainability, the whole crop rotation, in fact the whole farm management, should be taken into consideration. The foundation has 400 participating farmers and 60 knowledge and supply chain partners all working towards a more sustainable arable agriculture in the Netherlands....
European Union
2017 - Eip Agri

Artículo de blog
Commission approves new promotion programmes for EU agri-food sector

Fifty-two new programmes aimed at promoting EU agri-food products in Europe and across the world have been approved by the European Commission. Covering a wide range of foods from dairy products and olive oil to fruit and vegetables and meat products, these programmes are supported by grants from the EU's...
European Union
2017 - European Commission

Artículo de blog
The Future of food?

'Farm-to-fork' is not just a trendy buzzword but an exciting new ethos for how we eat that's taking hold in all walks of Irish life - from an urban farm in Dublin to an open prison in Cavan and a Michelin-star restaurant in Galway
2017 - Life Food & Drink

Documento técnico
Les petites exploitations agricoles françaises

Dans les années 60, les politiques publiques ont cherché à faire diminuer drastiquement le nombre de petites exploitations agricoles (EA). Et pourtant, aujourd’hui elles, sont toujours présentes dans le paysage agricole européen et français. La persistance des petites EA questionne : ces EA ont-elles développé des stratégies économiques qui les...
2017 - Unité de recherche Laboratoire Montpelliérain d’Economie Théorique et Appliquée (LAMETA)

Artículo de blog
Legislators push smallholders to the heart of smart farming talks

Several EU lawmakers from the European Parliament’s agriculture committee expressed their concerns on Wednesday (30 August) about the introduction of new technologies in farming, claiming that it might put smallholders at risk. MEPs discussed a report on precision agriculture conducted by the Scientific and Technological Options Assessment service (STOA), a...
European Union
2017 - EurActiv

Potential of social innovation in focus at international forest research conference

The potential offered by social innovation to improve the livelihoods of remote forest-dependent communities will be at the centre of discussions during a special session of the 125th Anniversary Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO), to be held in Freiburg, Germany, from the 18th to the...

Inspirational ideas: Data sharing through Farmbench

The digital revolution is now upon us and more and more technologies are available to the agricultural sector. Farmers in the UK, for example, can use Farmbench ( Farmbench collects and shares data from across the UK, providing farmers with useful indications on potential changes to their farm management practices which...
European Union
2017 - Eip Agri

Artículo de revista especializada
Contribution of organic farming to public goods in Denmark

The potential contribution of organic farming to the public goods, ‘Nature and Biodiversity’, ‘Environment’, ‘Energy and Climate’, ‘Human Health and Welfare’ and ‘Animal Health and Welfare’ in Denmark is guided and partly secured by the principles and specific requirements of the EU Organic Regulation. However, other factors, such as the...

Artículo de blog
Oxford Real Farming Conference, January 2016

Urgenci was present at the “Oxford Real Farming Conference” (ORFC) in Britain, a conference that started as a small alternative conference to the “Oxford Farming Conference” (supported in 2017 by Bayer, BASF and others) but that now has overtaken the conventional farming conference in both the number of delegates and...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2017 - URGENCI

EAthink 2015 Educational Apps

The path to a healthy, sustainable and fair food consumption starts already during our early years of childhood and youth. For this reason the EAThink 2015 project has developed two interactive educational games targeting Primary and Secondary school students, in order to help them better understand the different mechanisms of...
2017 - Urgenci

Documento de trabajo
ENRD Smart Villages Thematic Group: ‘Revitalising rural services through social and digital innovation’

Many European rural areas are locked into a “circle of decline” by two mutually reinforcing trends–firstly, a shortage of jobs and sustainable business activity and secondly, inadequate and declining services. Over the last two years the ENRD has carried out work to look at the first of these challenges by...
European Union
2017 - European Network for Rural Development

EIP-AGRI Seminar ‘Moving EIP-AGRI implementation forward’

This seminar is dedicated to exploring and sharing the existing experiences with implementing the EIP-AGRI via Rural Development Programmes support. This event will be held with the support of the Greek RDP Managing Authority – Network Support Unit of the National Rural Network. With over 230 Operational Groups (OGs) already...
European Union
2017 - EIP Agri
Total results:2283