Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Artículo de blog
Lifting 100 million out of poverty by 2025 still possible, despite recession threat

A flagship UN poverty study released on Monday, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, finds that significant poverty reduction is possible, and new ways of calculating the problem can help humanitarians and governments better target aid.   The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), a joint analysis from the UN Development Programme (UNDP)...
2022 - United Nations UN

Artículo de blog
Latin America | Agroecology and the Solidarity Economy

An alternative to the dominant agri-food system approach, ‘EcoSol-agroecology’ denotes a convergence of solidarity economy and agroecology movements. In Latin America, agroecology has been linked to the solidarity economy since the 1990s. Based at the Open University, UK, Les Levidow coordinated the AgroEcos project, which promoted and facilitated Eco-Sol agroecology networks....
2022 - Arc 2020

Hoja informativa
Legumes, our best allies for the agroecological transition!

Ahead of the EU food initiatives such as the Sustainable food system law, Agroecology Europe proposes to adopt a food system approach on transition and to give more visibility to systemic solutions to transform our agriculture and food and make them more sustainable, healthy and fair. Among these solutions, increasing...
European Union
2022 - Agroecology Europe

Webinaire - Dialogue africain sur l’agro-écologie : La politique de la connaissance

Mai 2022: AFSA, Agroecology Fund, CCRP, Groundwell International, IPES-Food, et Global Alliance for the Future of Food ont organisé un dialogue africain sur l’agro-écologie le 18 mai 2022. Le replay intégral de l’événement est désormais disponible. Modéré par Mamadou Goïta (IRPAD, AFSA, Mali), il a fait dialoguer plusieurs praticiens, experts, décideurs....
2022 - AFSA

Artículo de blog
Agroecology and participatory research: experiences in the Andes

This issue is a collection of nine experiences of Andean farmers, carried out in a participatory and objective approach, addressing issues related to topics of strategic importance on the road to sustainable and agroecological agriculture. The articles also combine the results of research supported by the McKnight Foundation's Collaborative Crop Research Program...
2022 - Revista de Agroecologia

For Feminist Agroecologies

What is the story behind the food you eat? What if people actually valued all the underpaid and unpaid labor that goes into food? What if women were not doing most of the work? And if women and girls weren’t the last ones to eat? What if it weren't mostly...
2022 - CAWR Coventry University

Artículo de blog
A new era for organic research

For over four decades the Organic Research Centre has been discovering and developing nature-friendly farming practices based on organic principles of health, ecology, fairness and care, with research findings not only benefitting the organic community, but also delivering value across the whole of the agricultural industry. Over the last three months...
2022 - organic research centre

Sénégal / Améliorer le sol pour la transition agroécologique

[Pratiques innovantes en agroécologie] Depuis 2010, le Groupement familial Global Key System cherche à développer une agriculture saine et durable, en limitant les intrants chimiques dans la production du riz dans le Delta du Fleuve Sénégal. Un processus de recherche action est mené en partenariat avec des opérateurs techniques et...
2022 - Réseau FAR

Agroecology TPP's Community of Practice Activation Workshop

The Transformative Partnership Platform on Agroecology (Agroecology TPP) is delighted to launch its very first Community of Practice (CoP) Activation Workshop, which will take place on 13 September at 3pm CEST.  The 90-minute session is open to all agroecology enthusiasts, including those who are present members of the CoP. The workshop will help...
2022 - The Transformative Partnership Platform on Agroecology (Agroecology TPP)

Regional Dialogue: The Politics of Knowledge and Evidence for Agroeocology in Asia

This article reflects on the regional dialogue on agroecology held on 12 May 2022 and co-organized by Global Alliance for the Future of Food (GAFF), Asia Farmers Association (AFA), and Andhra Pradesh Community-managed Natural Farming (APCNF) with technical assistance from the FAO. The event was a follow-up to the  GAFF, 2021 publication entitled The Politics of Knowledge: Understanding the Evidence...

Artículo de blog
Nigerian Government Ready To Promote Agroecological Practices In Nigeria

The Federal Government with the support of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission, has initiated a National Policy Dialogue between countries, stakeholders and experts to promote agroecological practices in Nigeria. Dr. Muhammad Abubakar, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, who made this in a statement in Abuja...

Sitio web
Fostering an agroecological intensification to improve farmers’ Resilience in Sahel'' (FAIR Sahel)

Could agroecology enable sustainable intensification of agricultural production in the Sahel, which is deeply vulnerable? This is the challenge of the ''Fostering an agroecological intensification to improve farmers’ Resilience in the Sahel'' (FAIR Sahel) project coordinated by the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD). Co-funded to the tune of 9 million...

A technical manual for local poultry improvement using programmed hatching management method

Local chicken production has been identified as one of the livestock enterprises with great potential for reducing poverty and malnutrition among rural communities of northern and West Nile regions of Uganda. Almost all households in the region have been found to rear local chicken which they have used to solve...
2022 - Afard - The Agency for Accelerated Regional Development

Artículo de blog
Rural Europe Takes Action | Seeds of Collaboration

“Rural Europe Takes Action – No more business as usual”, a policy guide for rural Europe by ARC2020 and Forum Synergies, launched in June 2022. Today’s extract from Rural Europe Takes Action tells the story of the Balkan Seeds Network, a network of scientists and seed savers’ organisations tapping into...
2022 - ARC2020

The 10 Elements of Agroecology: Enabling transitions to sustainable agriculture and food systems

Agriculture and food systems are facing wide-ranging and interlinked challenges that demand urgent actions. The 10 Elements of Agroecology have been internationally endorsed as a framework to support research and development efforts in the design of differentiated paths for agriculture and food systems transformation. The 10 Elements are interlinked and interdependent and...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Farmer-led agroecology for biodiversity with climate change

The increasing pace of climate change is an existential threat to farming continuity and biodiversity. Agricultural innovation is running too slowly but could be accelerated by a change in the agroecological narrative. A farmer-led agroecology prioritising farming continuity for biodiversity would speed up innovation and better serve science and society.

Artículo de blog
Agroecology – A promising alternative to the biodiversity crisis in agriculture and industrial food systems

Agroecology builds biodiversity into agriculture and food systems and should be a focus of global biodiversity conservation efforts as if lives and nature depend on it – because they do. The world’s nations are currently gathering at the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) COP15 in Montreal to finalize a “Global Biodiversity Framework” for the...

Artículo de blog
HOMEF trains Rivers farmers on Agroecology

Framers selected from different parts of Rivers State have been trained on food and farming systems organised by Health of Mother Earth Foundation(HOMEF) in Port Harcourt, the state capital. During the two days training which concluded yesterday, the participants were trained on how stick to agroecology for better farming system....
2022 - Health of Mother Earth Foundation(HOMEF)

Documento de la Conferencia
“Capacity Building Workshop for utilizing evidence to advance sustainability in West Africa: Monitoring Agroecology’s impact, using the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE)”

The need for harmonized evidence on agroecology was a systematic recommendation from the various global and regional consultations on agroecology organized by FAO between 2014 and 2018 and specifically requested by FAO governing bodies in 2018. To respond to these mandates, FAO and a large number of partners have developed...

Estudio de caso
Money where it matters for nature and climate

Financing EbA lessons from China, Peru, Uganda and South Africa
Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) is a proven cost-effective approach to address interlinked societal challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change. Though there is still insufficient funding for it with little funding flowing to local implementors including local communities, indigenous people, local NGOs and governments. This collection explores four distinctive but complementary finance...
China - Peru - South Africa - Uganda
2022 - International Climate Initiative ( IKI )
Total results:4009