Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Women, Decent Work and Empowerment in Rural Egypt

Rural Egyptian women play a key role in food security, income generation and agricultural production but their contributions remain invisible and they face difficulties in accumulating assets, accessing work opportunities under decent work conditions and respective training, and have limited bargaining power at the household and community levels. Therefore, it...
2017 - International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).

Mehaou – A Nigerien Grandmother, Farmer and Leader

This video tells the story of Mehaou, an inspiring Nigerien farmer and grandmother who has overcome many challenges to provide for her family - including rearing, breeding and selling goats. 
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Study on small-scale agriculture in the Near East and North Africa region (NENA). Focus Country: Egypt

The study relies on national data and accessible documents; academic and non-academic literature, including development projects documents. The study involved also interviews with key stakeholders to identify and analyze their experience about the current and past state of affairs on public policies in support of small-scale agriculture (SSA). The final...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Study on small-scale family farming in the Near East and North Africa region. Focus country: Sudan

The Study was based on secondary data as well as on information provided by relevant government and non-government agricultural units at the Federal and states levels. The Study is intended to provide an analytical basis for recommending policy actions towards revitalizing inclusive and sustainable small-scale agriculture sub-sector. The Study starts...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Construyendo cambios desde las mujeres: género, cosmovisión y bosque en comunidades miskitu y mayangna

En este documento argumentamos que la participación de las mujeres mayangna y miskitu de seis comunidades indígenas del Caribe Norte de Nicaragua, en el manejo de los bosques no ha sido equitativa con respecto a los hombres, debido a la forma en que se establecen las relaciones de género en...
2017 - Nitlapan-UCA

Food Plants for Healthy Diets in Timor Leste

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

Artículo de blog
Farming Beyond Borders: Farmers Share Challenges and Solutions

Whilst many challenges facing Farming First’s supporters can vary from region to region, we also stand to gain much from sharing our common experiences, to identify relevant solutions. With this in mind, we recently interviewed farmers from opposite ends of the world, to find out which concerns and interventions – if...
2017 - Farming First

Hoja informativa
Supporting Family Farmers to reduce rural poverty

There are still 2.1 billion poor people and other 900 million living in extreme poverty, most of which live in rural areas. Most of the poor live in rural areas and 95% per cent of the rural poor live in East Asia, South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Most of the...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Conheça as ganhadoras do concurso #MulheresRurais, mulheres com direitos

A equipe da campanha #MulheresRurais, mulheres com direitos divulga a lista de vencedoras do Concurso de vozes, imagens, histórias e experiências das mulheres rurais.  Foram mais de 100 inscritas nas categorias de Relatos de Vida e Experiências de Organizações. Mulheres rurais, negras, quilombolas, indígenas, de todos os lugares do país,...
2017 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

The Story of Women in Seafood: A Case From Women in Salted Fish Industry at Tambak Lorok

The assumption that fishery is a sector exclusive to men only is not true. There is a misleading assumption in most research that fisheries operate in the public domain is usually dominated by men, which is why the private domain (women dominated) is hardly the focus of attention.And this video...
2017 - Women in Seafood

Afishionado - Hana Nelson

A glimpse into the world of Afishionado Fishmongers a community-minded distributor and retailer of sustainable, transparent and locally sourced seafood based in Halifax, NS Canada.
2017 - Women in Seafood

Artículo de blog
Convocatoria Mujeres Rurales: las historias y experiencias seleccionadas

En el marco de la “Campaña #MujeresRurales, mujeres con derechos”; anunciamos hoy las historias y experiencias seleccionadas que participaron de la Convocatoria “Voces, historias y reflexiones”. Durante el desarrollo de la iniciativa se recibieron 136 relatos de mujeres y organizaciones de todo el país, con un notable apoyo de extensionistas...
2017 - Unidad para el Cambio Rural (UCAR)

Documento/nota de orientación
Use of Livestock Resources for Food Security in the Light of Climate Change

Sub-Saharan Africa has a great deal of livestock, but productivity is generally low. Climate change is expected to create new challenges, such as increased prevalence of diseases, heat stress, and reduced access to feed and water due to increased temperatures and more extreme weather conditions. This policy brief examines the...
2017 - Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI)

Gutting for Living - unromantic tale of fishermen's wives

Small scale fishers are often presented or perceived as the ‘poorest of the poor’ (Bailey, 1988; Squires et al., 1998). Among small scale fishers in Sri Lanka, women involvement is significantly high as limited employment opportunities are available for them, especially in remote rural locations. Women in fishing communities have traditionally...
Sri Lanka
2017 - Women in Seafood

Women Role In Seafood in Ramanathapuram District,Tamil Nadu.

This video describes role of women in seafood industry and their livelihood importance, problem faced etc in Ramanathapuram district,Tamil Nadu. We really thankful to Dr.M.Krishnan, Principal Scientist, NAARM, Hyderabad, for his continuous support and encouragement.
2017 - Women in Seafood

Food loss analysis for identification of critical loss points and solutions of sorghum, maize and cowpea value chains in Burkina Faso

The RBA Project is jointly implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP). Funded by the Government of Switzerland, the Project seeks to improve food security and income-generating opportunities through the reduction of...
Burkina Faso
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The Women of Petatán

Located in the central-western part of the country, Lake Chapala is Mexico’s largest lake, and one of the many fishing villages bordering the lake is Petatán, with a population of only 423 inhabitants. However, what makes Petatán special is that most fish caught in Lake Chapala—tilapia and carp—as well as...
2017 - Women in Seafood

Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030

Poverty, hunger, malnutrition: the solution to these global challenges rests upon unlocking the full potential of women in the world of work. Did you know that 52% of Zimbabweans are women, and yet there are fewer women being represented in parliament (32%), local Authority (16.7%) and in managerial positions in the...
2017 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations

Women in Seafood

The video was shot at Bishop Koji, an island 10 minutes speed boat ride from Central Lagos Nigeria. It highlights the role of women in the seafood industry, their personal sacrifices vis-à-vis economic contributions to livelihoods, the lack of social support and amenities from the Local Government in terms of...
2017 - Women in Seafood

Betty Ndugga, a female entrepreneur in Uganda

Betty Ndugga used to be a clothing trader in Uganda's capital of Kampala. After her husband died, she returned to her village and joined a local farmer field school, supported by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, where she was trained in coffee production. After that, she decided to establish...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Total results:2160