Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

Las referencias externas de esta página se proporcionan únicamente con fines informativos; no constituyen un respaldo ni una aprobación de la FAO.

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Estudio de caso
Integrated diversified organic farming system - Las Kuatras Marias

Las Kuatras Marias farm is located in San Narcisso village, near Victoria City in Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, where rice monoculture is the main source of income for family farmers in the area. Applying an extensive knowledge of indigenous and organic practices, the farm is strategically structured in distinct components that...
2016 - Asian Farmers' Association for sustainable rural development (AFA)

Regional Strategic Review Paper: Europe and Central Asia

FAO is currently preparing a new Medium Term Plan for 2018-2021 based on a review of the existing Strategic Framework. In order to link this process to a regional level review, the organization has initiated a structured Regional Strategic Thinking Process, the aim of which is to achieve more concrete...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de blog
Le Maroc et la FAO conviennent d'une coopération stratégique

Préparation de la COP 22
Dans une déclaration à la MAP, El Haïti a indiqué que le Maroc examinait avec la FAO la possibilité de préparer «les outils techniques et scientifiques» qui permettraient d'apporter une série de propositions visant la mise en œuvre de l'Accord de Paris pour limiter le réchauffement planétaire entre 1,5 et...

Artículo de revista especializada
Financial capital analysis in case of small scale farmers of North Sumatra with special emphasis on gender issues

Small scale farmers and gender issues in Indonesia
Despite many agricultural and socio-economic studies conducted in other parts of Indonesia, there is a scientific gap among researches focused on small scale farmers in North Sumatra. The article presented is based on the Sustainable livelihoods framework established in the 1990’s by the Department for International Development (DFID) with special...
2016 - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Artículo de revista especializada
Different consumer behaviours for organic food in Tunisia. A cluster analysis application

In recent years, both politics and the literature have shown considerable interest in organic farming with a view to sustaining healthy and environmentally-friendly consumption. Currently, organic consumption has increased almost everywhere and has extended even in countries that were initially producers and suppliers for western countries. Tunisia is one of...
2016 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

Boletín informativo
INVESTING in Slovenia’s agriculture 2014-2020

In the period to 2020, the new CAP will invest around EUR 1.8 billion in Slovenia’s farming sector and rural areas, with additional co-financing from the Slovenian authorities. Key political priorities have been defined at European level such as: jobs and growth, sustainability, modernisation, innovation and quality. At the same...
2016 - European Commission

Artículo de boletín informativo
Festival of Northern Fishing Traditions a Success in Siberia !

he Low Impact Fishers of the Kesälahti Fish Base Cooperative (Finland), took part in the Festival of Northern Fishing Traditions organized by the Snowchange Cooperative, a network supporting local and Indigenous cultures around the world.
Finland - Russian Federation - United States of America
2016 - Snowchange Cooperative

E-Agriculture Strategy Guide

The E-agriculture strategy guide is an attempt to provide countries with a framework to develop their national e-agriculture strategies. E-agriculture strategies will help to rationalize both financial and human resources, and address ICT opportunities for the agricultural sector in a more holistic and efficient manner. This will help improve the...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Anuncian la celebración de la Feria Agropecuaria Nacional 2015

El Ministerio de Agricultura y el Patronato Nacional de Ganaderos anunciaron la celebración de la Feria Agropecuaria Nacional 2015, evento que tiene como objetivo principal la promoción de la conservación de las aguas y la producción sostenible de los alimentos. La actividad, que este año está dedicada al empresario Dr. Julio...
Dominican Republic
2016 - El Ministerio de Agricultura

Artículo de blog
UN FAO to release first post-MDG food security and nutrition report for Asia-Pacific

Released exclusively in Bangkok, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will launch its 2016 Asia-Pacific regional report on food insecurity entitled “Investing in a Zero Hunger Generation.” This substantive report, the first of its kind since the introduction of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), examines the present state of...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Artículo de blog
SEAD é reconduzida à presidência da Rede Latino Americana de Extensão Rural

A 7ª Reunião Anual da Rede Latino Americana para Serviços de Extensão Rural (RELASER), realizada no período de 25 a 27 de novembro, em Puerto Vallarta no México, contou com a participação de mais de 150 extensionistas da América Latina e Caribe. O evento aconteceu em conjunto com a Reunião...
2016 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (Sead)

2016 Global Food Policy Report

The Global Food Policy Report is IFPRI’s flagship publication. This year’s annual report examines major food policy issues, global and regional developments, and commitments made in 2015, and presents data on key food policy indicators. The report also proposes key policy options for 2016 and beyond to achieve the Sustainable...
2016 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Documento de la Conferencia
Nota conceptual: Primera Reunión de alto nivel de la Américas Sendai 2015-2030

El objetivo de la reunión es: establecer una agenda prioritaria y las bases para un plan de acción regional para el proceso de implementación del Marco de Sendai para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres en las Américas que cuenta con el mayor respaldo político de representantes nacionales. identificar logros, retos y...
2016 - Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres (UNISDR)

Fostering inclusive outcomes in sub-Saharan African agriculture

Improving agricultural productivity and expanding agribusiness opportunities
Despite strong per capita income growth, the structure of sub-Saharan Africa’s economies has not changed markedly in recent decades. In spite of a rapidly growing labour force and urbanizing populations, employment growth in rural areas in general and in non-farm sectors in particular has been slow, and poverty levels in...
2016 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Artículo de revista
Colombia. Paro Nacional Agrario 2016 y Proceso de Paz – El fin de la guerra interna

Descripción y análisis de dos hechos que para el autor, resultan muy relevantes para el agro en Colombia: el Paro Nacional Agrario, Campesino, Étnico y Popular que se realizó entre el 30 de mayo y el 12 de junio de 2016 y la firma del acuerdo sobre cese al fuego...
2016 - Consejo Latinomaericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)

Estudio de caso
La Aurora: Agroecological production of cereals and meat in an extensive farm in the south of Buenos Aires

The "La Aurora" farm is located 400 km southeast of Buenos Aires, within an area dedicated to mixed agricultural and livestock production. The combined effect of an increased use of agro-chemicals and the area under monocrops was the endangerment or the region's natural resources. From 1997, La Aurora started to use...
2016 - Productor Agropecuario

Parte de un informe
The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries 2016

Chapter 6: small-scale fisheries
Artisanal or small-scale fisheries (see definition in Box 9) represent an important share of the fisheries sector in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea and the considerable role that they play in the region has long been recognized. Small-scale fisheries have the potential to make a significant contribution to food...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Actas de conferencia
Informe Final: Jornadas Mesoamericanas de Agricultura Familiar: Instrumentos para la Planificación de Políticas Públicas Diferenciadas

La FAO y la SECAC organizaron los días 28 y 29 de junio las “Jornadas mesoamericanas de Agricultura Familiar: Instrumentos para la planificación de políticas públicas diferenciadas”, como un espacio de intercambio de experiencias entre los países involucrados en “Mesoamérica sin Hambre”, que a su vez permitiese conocer la experiencia...
Colombia - Costa Rica - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Mexico - Panama
2016 - Secretaría Ejecutiva del Consejo Agropecuario Centroamericano (CAC)

Documento de trabajo
The rapid expansion of herbicide use in smallholder agriculture in Ethiopia

Patterns, drivers, and implications
We use qualitative and quantitative information from a number of datasets to study the adoption patterns and labor productivity impacts of herbicide use in Ethiopia. We find a four-fold increase in the value of herbicides imported into Ethiopia over the last decade, primarily by the private-sector. Adoption of herbicides by...
2016 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Estudio de caso
Farmer to Farmer Spread of Agroecology in the Eastern Region of Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso ranks as the sixth poorest country in the world according to the 2015 UN Human Development Report. Recent studies estimate that 46.4% of the population in the Eastern Region lives below the poverty line. These people are caught in a vicious cycle of degrading natural resources, declining soil...
Burkina Faso
2016 - Groundswell International
Total results:19030