Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Actas de conferencia
Proceedings of the X European Mountain Convention

From 3 to 5 October 2016, around 260 mountain actors (researchers, farmers, environmentalists, elected representatives from local and regional authorities, representatives of chambers of commerce and development agencies) met in Bragança, Portugal during the X European Mountain Convention organized by Euromontana. This X European Mountain Convention presented a state-of-the-art of the...

Romanian Village Farming

Hay is at the base of almost all traditional meat & dairy farm products – even to the farmyard chickens eating grasshoppers brought into the yard with the new hay crop.   Hay – especially cut with a scythe, has shaped Romania’s rural cultural landscape and resulted in enormous biodiversity of...

Sitio web
Parliament ratifies renewal of FAO-Turkey partnership

Two key partnership programmes between FAO and the Government of Turkey – focused broadly on food security, rural poverty and forestry – were ratified recently by the Turkish Parliament and published last week in the Official Gazette in Ankara.  With a total US$ 20 million financial contribution from Turkey, the agreements will help...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Artículo de blog
Producing more food with less resources

The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), the Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Zagazig University, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) hosted a high level Traveling Workshop 60 kilometers north of Cairo in the Sharkia Governorate April 11, 2016. The workshop intended...
2016 - international Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Confronting Drought in Africa’s Drylands

Opportunities for Enhancing Resilience
Drylands make up about 43 percent of the region’s land surface, account for about 75 percent of the area used for agriculture, and are home to about 50 percent of the population, including many poor. Involving complex interactions among many factors, vulnerability in drylands is rising, jeopardizing the livelihood for...
2016 - World Bank

Artículo de blog
Ecuador integra Red Regional de reservas alimenticias

La empresa pública Unidad Nacional de Almacenamiento (UNA EP) forma parte de la Red Regional de Sistemas Públicos de Abastecimiento y Comercialización de Alimentos (SPAA) de América Latina y Caribe, en representación de Ecuador. Junto a ella participan sus similares de Brasil, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Chile, Guatemala, Panamá, Paraguay, Venezuela...
2016 - Unidad Nacional de Almacenamiento (UNA EP)

Artículo de revista
Skills and the labour market

Opportunities to become economically self-sufficient are crucial to successful integration into society in the medium to long term, as well as to personal dignity. Skills development, work placements and business-development support can all be valuable depending on each individual’s profile. Access to work for new arrivals is key for their...
European Union
2016 - European Network for Rural Development

Sitio web
Promoting food chain organisation and risk management in agriculture

When farmers’ position in the food supply chain is relatively weak, they can benefit from organising themselves better so as to improve revenue opportunities. One route to doing so lies in local markets and short-supply chains. Risk management tools are needed to help farmers cope better with the uncertainty created...
2016 - European Union

Artículo de blog
Tajikistan’s fresh produce supply chains grow more efficient, profitable

Fruit and vegetables are a major source of income for rural households in mountainous Tajikistan – and essential for healthy diets. Fresh produce such as sweet cherries, onions and table grapes make up an important share of the country’s agricultural exports. The potential to supply domestic retail and export markets remains...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Documento técnico
Agricultural mechanization

A key input for sub-Saharan African smallholders
This volume of the Integrated Crop Management series focuses specifically on agricultural mechanization, the opportunities provided by mechanization for intensifying production in a sustainable manner, value addition and food systems development, and the inherent opportunities implied for improved local economies and livelihoods. The establishment of viable business enterprises, agriprocessors, transport...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Sitio web
governmental program for supporting cooperatives in beekeeping

governmental program for supporting cooperatives in beekeeping

Artículo de blog
Investing in agricultural science and technology critical to achieving zero hunger by 2030

In order to meet the world’s sustainable development goals of defeating hunger and poverty by 2030, governments and the private sector need to reenergize their agricultural science and technology research capacities, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization announced today at a meeting of the world’s top agricultural scientists. That will require...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Casos ejemplares de manejo forestal sostenible en Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala y Uruguay

América Latina y el Caribe cuenta con alrededor de la quinta parte de la superficie forestal global. El 47 % de la superficie de la región está cubierta por bosques, los cuales constituyen el mayor repositorio de biodiversidad terrestre del mundo. Su contribución a la mitigación del cambio climático también...
Chile - Costa Rica - Guatemala - Uruguay
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Documento de trabajo
Is access to tractor service a binding constraint for Nepali Terai farmers?

Using results from the three rounds of Nepal Living Standard Surveys (conducted in 1995, 2003, and 2010), this study empirically assesses whether access to rented tractors or custom hiring services is a binding constraint on the income growth of farm households in Nepal. Because four-wheel tractors of medium horsepower are...
2016 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

ALTER – Active Local Territories for Economic development of Rural Areas

ALTER is implemented by a consortium of rural networks in Western Balkan countries and Turkey, encouraged and supported by Prepare – Partnership for Rural Europe. The goal of ALTER is to stimulate an enabling legal and financial environment for civil society, as well as to empower civil society to be effective...
Albania - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Croatia - Latvia - Montenegro - Serbia - North Macedonia
2016 - Prepare – Partnership for Rural Europe

Les principales maladies des abeilles

Les abeilles domestiques sont sensibles à diverses maladies, dont certaines sont très contagieuses et facilement transmissibles. Il est très important que les apiculteurs soient capables de reconnaître les premiers signes de maladie dans leurs ruches et qu’ils sachent comment contenir et traiter la maladie. Cette fiche technique décrit les facteurs...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Guía para la construcción y el mantenimiento de un túnel de red para proteger la calidad del material de siembra del camote de los virus transportados por insectos​

Esta guía presenta los pasos a seguir para la construcción de un práctico túnel cubierto con red para uso agrícola y las instrucciones sobre como manejar los cultivos de camote dentro del túnel para asegurar la provisión de material base de siembra de alta calidad, con baja o nula infección...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Artículo de revista
African farmers in the digital age

How digital solutions can enable rural development
This anthology explores the future of African food systems and the role that digital solutions can play in overcoming the isolation of smallholder farmers and speeding up rural development. Farming is one of mankind’s oldest endeavors, and digital technology is one of its newest. The contributors to this fascinating volume...

Documento técnico
Strengthening agricultural water efficiency and productivity on the African and global level

Status, performance and scope assessment of water harvesting in Uganda, Burkina Faso and Morocco
This assessment targets agricultural water extension agents and technical experts, providing them with clear indications on how to improve water harvesting (WH) capacity for agricultural production in the three case study countries, as well as how to select feasible and suited WH techniques for different geographical areas. It is an...
Burkina Faso - Morocco - Uganda
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Rural Development and High Nature Value Farmlands in Romania: a project funded by the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme

HNV farmlands in Romania are an estimated 30% of the total utilisable agricultural area: 5 million ha, associated with smaller holding sizes in hilly areas within the Carpathian arc. Traditional farming practices are responsible for maintaining many of Romania’s (and Europe's) HNV farmlands, which deliver a host of public benefits (goods...
2016 - ADEPT Fundation
Total results:18943