Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Documento/nota de orientación
Cultivating change with agroecology and organic agriculture in the tropics

Bridging science and policy for sustainable production systems
Agroecology and organ agriculture present promising alternatives to the current food system, supported by a growing body of evidence. Despite the potential of AE/O, their full benefits cannot be realised in most countries due to political and institutional barriers and lock-ins, including incentives and funding that favour “business as usual”...
2024 - FiBL

The socio-economic performance of agroecology. A review

Agroecology is identified as an important solution to increase the sustainability of agricultural and food systems. Despite the increasing number of publications assessing the socio-economic outcomes of agroecology, very few studies have consolidated the scattered results obtained on various case studies. This paper provides new insights by consolidating evidence on...

Fields of contestation and contamination: Maize seeds, agroecology and the (de)coloniality of agriculture in Malawi and South Africa

Farmer-managed seed systems and the conservation of agrobiodiversity are increasingly recognized as important components of food and seed sovereignty. In contrast, hybrid, genetically modified (GM), and, increasingly, gene-edited crops continue to be promoted by Green Revolution proponents as a “climate smart” package that includes fertilizers, pesticides, purchased seeds, and links...
Malawi - South Africa

Hoja informativa
Les effets socio-économiques de l'Agroécologie

Les effets positifs de l’agroécologie dans le domaine agro-environnemental (santé des sols,biodiversité, lutte contre la crise climatique, non-contamination de l’environnement) sont souventmis en avant. Ils s’accompagnent d’effets positifs tout aussi importants dans le domainesocio-économique, comme en témoignent de nombreuses études réalisées dans divers pays duSud, dont plusieurs par des organisations...
2024 - Coordination SUD

Diversity, preference, and conservation priority of woody plant species in coffee agroforestry system in southwest Ethiopia

The natural forest in southwest Ethiopia is progressively modified to coffee agroforest. To this effect forest composition and diversity is simplified to local preferred coffee shade trees. Woody plant species that are less managed require the conservation priority in coffee agroforest. The study aims at assessing diversity of plant species, investigating...

Hoja informativa
Organic in Europe: Production and consumption moving beyond a niche

Over the last three decades organic food and farming has been growing year by year across the EU and continues doing so. The EU’s organic market is very dynamic with growth rates varying between countries. Policies can positively impact this growth – both production and consumption. In 2022, the EU’s total...
2024 - IFOAM – Organics International

Can organic rice certification curb the pressure of the agrarian transition in Cambodia? A farming system approach

Over the past two decades, the Mekong region has experienced significant transformation of its agricultural sector from subsistence farming to export crops driven by the expansion of agricultural land and of irrigation, plus intensification thanks to mechanization and the use of chemical inputs. In the context of agrarian transition, maintaining...
2024 - European Commission

Boletín informativo
Access Agriculture Panorama - April 2024

Highlights: • Young changemakers revolutionise scaling agroecology using video. • CCDB honours Access Agriculture with plaque in appreciation of partnership. • 96 new videos added in March. • Editor's choice of video - Converting chicken waste into fertilizer• Entrepreneurs for Rural Access (ERAs) at work in Cameroon. • Trash to treasure....
2024 - Access Agriculture

How Malaysian seed guardians preserve agricultural heritage and biodiversity

In Malaysia, farmers and communities across generations have engaged in the age-old practice of preserving seeds as a means of protecting traditional agricultural heritage. However, the practice of seed saving has slowly been fading in Malaysia over the years. For one, intellectual property protection regulations from trade agreements may pose more constraints...

Aprendizaje en línea
Herramienta de evaluación del desempeño agroecológico

Desde 2014, la FAO ha desempeñado un papel de liderazgo para facilitar el dialogo mundial y regional sobre agroecología, a través de nueve reuniones regionales e internacionales con múltiples partes interesadas, reuniendo a más de 2.100 participantes de 170 países. Estas reuniones ayudaron a identificar necesidades y prioridades para ampliar...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Les abeilles au cœur des transitions

Les abeilles sont à la fois des pollinisateurs essentiels pour notre alimentation et un symbole de biodiversité (près de 1 000 espèces sauvages en France). Les objectifs à INRAE sont de mieux comprendre les pressions sur ces populations et de trouver des solutions sur le terrain, en conciliant production apicole,...
2024 - INRAE

Global Organic Agricultural Innovations

Global Organic Agricultural Innovations covers major innovations and research in organic agriculture from 18 countries and areas around the world. This edition showcases the diversity and robustness of the growth of organic agriculture around the world. More than seventy innovators and researchers contribute to this edition which covers themes from climate...
Bangladesh - Bhutan - Cambodia - China - India - Indonesia - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Japan - Kyrgyzstan - Pakistan - Philippines - Sri Lanka - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia - Viet Nam
2024 - IFOAM Organics Asia

Mapping the development of agroecology in Europe - Volume 2

This second volume of the country reports series enlarges the documentation, analysis, and development of agroecology in Europe, and provides examples of implementation in different countries. The 11 countries studied within this volume show somewhat similar results as found in with the first 13 countries mapped in volume 1. There...
Denmark - France - Hungary - Ireland - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Portugal - Republic of Moldova - Slovenia - Spain - Sweden - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2024 - Isara Agro School for Life

The Agri-Food Systems Transformation Protocol-Mapping Agents and Drivers of Transformation

There is a broad consensus that agri-food systems need to be transformed to address the mounting global challenges including food and nutrition security, environmental degradation, and socioeconomic inequities. However, agreement is lacking on what is needed to drive this transformation. This report builds on a sustainability analysis of different proposed...
2024 - Think Tank for Sustainability TMG Research gGmbH

Documento/nota de orientación
Mainstreaming agroecology in agricultural education

Regional brief 2
Agroecology is a promising approach that is transforming agrifood systems across the Asia-Pacific Region. Indeed, there is increasing evidence of positive results with the transition to agroecology, and these include stable yields, crop resilience, higher incomes for farmers, fishers and producers, improved nutrition and food security and enhanced biodiversity (Global...
2024 - FAO

Artículo de blog
Youths in Madagascar empowered with digital and entrepreneurial skills

Twelve participants from Madagascar, including four newly recruited Entrepreneurs for Rural Access (ERAs) team members, took part in a 3-day programme designed to enhance their skills in providing agricultural extension and rural advisory services using digital tools. The programme was organised as part of the GIZ-funded Knowledge Centre for Organic...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Artículo de blog
Developing strategies for young entrepreneurs’ business growth in South Africa

The Entrepreneur for Rural Access (ERAs) in South Africa gathered together with Vinjeru Mlenga, Entrepreneur Coach for Southern Africa, on 29 February 2024 in Polokwane, Limpopo province, South Africa, to discuss strategies and plans for ERAs’ business growth relating to screening of farmer-training videos using the smart projector.
South Africa
2024 - Access Agriculture

Artículo de blog
The problem with water hyacinth

In the twentieth century, gardeners innocently spread the water hyacinth to Asia, Africa and elsewhere. Water hyacinth has striking blue flowers and was used to adorn ornamental fountains. But it escaped and was soon clogging lakes, ponds and municipal water supplies.
2024 - Access Agriculture

Parte de un libro
Reconnaître le rôle des femmes dans la sécurité alimentaire : études croisées sur l'alimentation familiale au Sénégal et au Nicaragua

La sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle (SAN) est une problématique centrale dans les zones rurales des pays du Sud où vit la majorité des personnes sous-alimentées dans le monde. L’égalité des sexes et l’autonomisation des femmes font partie des objectifs de développement durable pour 2030, les femmes ayant été reconnues comme des...
Nicaragua - Senegal

Hoja informativa
Fruits and Nuts of Nepal

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...
2024 - Food Plant Solutions
Total results:3880