Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Tajikistan and FAO

Partnering to achieve sustainable development and food and nutrition security
Cooperation between Tajikistan and FAO has been ongoing since the country joined the Organization in 1995. FAO assistance was initially provided in the form of short-term emergency interventions to respond to a locust outbreak and also to help the country in its transition to stability after a spell of civil...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Artículo de revista
A company extracting everything that’s good in milk

Stelios Stylianou, founder of the company Zita Ltd, returned to Cyprus after conducting trials in the dairy industry aiming to develop the local industry in this segment. Most of the processing units in the area were family businesses without opportunities for growth. In 1982, after acquiring the necessary experience within...

Documento técnico
Plan para la seguridad alimentaria, nutrición y erradicación del hambre 2025 de la CELAC

Resumen Ejecutivo
Resumen ejecutivo del Plan de seguridad alimentaria, nutrición y erradicación del hambre 2025 de la CELAC, contiene breves antecedentes, objetivo, pilares, lineas de acción y medidas propuestas por línea.  
2015 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Aprendizaje en línea
Agreeing on causes of malnutrition for joint action

This interactive course is a self-training tool. It guides you through the simulation of a workshop process in the fictional country of Namambar. You will learn how to use a methodology based on malnutrition problem-and-solution trees to support joint planning for combating food insecurity and malnutrition. Through this course, you...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Artículo de revista
Modern poultry farming in Hunedoara County - Romania

Beriu commune is located in the center of Hunedoara County, in Romania, 30 km from Deva town. It comprises 8 villages. Agriculture is not so well developed in the region, as the terrain is not suitable for it and the soils are not so fertile. Therefore, the main activity in this...
2015 - Romanian Rural Network

Artículo de revista especializada
Capacité de résilience de l’agriculture familiale tunisienne et politique agricole post révolution

En Tunisie, l’agriculture et la société rurale traversent une crise profonde depuis le début des années 2000. Cette crise a été aggravée par le traitement de la crise des matières premières agricoles de l’automne 2007. L’approfondissement de la crise a fait le lit de la révolution de janvier 2011 qui...
2015 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

Artículo de blog
Lebanon’s farmers need social protection to stay put

Lebanon’s rural areas are resource-rich but to keep citizens there the government must provide them with more economic incentives to stay, experts told The Daily Star Friday. “Social protection is critical to fight poverty in rural areas,” Maurice Saade, the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization representative in Lebanon, told...

Boletín informativo
Boletín del Año Internacional de los Suelos

El 2015 fue declarado por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas como el Año Internacional de los Suelos (AIS), movida por aumentar la concienciación y comprensión de la importancia del suelo para la seguridad alimentaria. La FAO promueve acciones del AIS 2015 en el marco de la Alianza Mundial por...
2015 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Productores de Puyango y Chaguarpamba se benefician de la compra de naranja

Esta noticia informa que el Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (Proalimentos), entidad adscrita al Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP), firmó un segundo contrato por 33.300,54 dólares con ochenta y cinco pequeños productores de naranja de los cantones Puyango y Chaguarpamba, de la provincia de Loja. En total, la...
2015 - Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (PROALIMENTOS)

Artículo de revista especializada
Analysis of the Fruit Value Chain Coordination in Albania

Fruit production is one of the most important and fastest growing agricultural subsectors in Albania. Production of fresh fruit has grown by 38% since 2007 reaching 394 960 tonnes in 2013. The orchard sector is also considered an important and priority sector by the Albanian government.
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of United nations

Memoria del Comité Nacional de la República Dominicana

Esta publicación es una recopilación y sistematización de las distintas actividades realizadas por el Comité Nacional de la República Dominicana durante todo el Ano Internacional de Agricultura Familiar.
Dominican Republic
2015 - Comité de Agricultura Familiar República Dominicana

Setting up a Community based flock management programs

Integration is based on the principle of the interactions between two or more components of the production system. Interactive research based on interdisciplinary approach involving NARS and ICARDA’s scientists is important to develop integrated crop-livestock systems in the low rainfall areas. The site of Sidi-Bouzid is characterized by a large...

Artículo de revista especializada
Perception of change in living conditions and diet among rural Latino immigrants

Thirteen percent of the total population of the United States (US) is composed of immigrants. Mexicans accounted for about three-quarters of the increase in the Hispanic population from 2000 to 2010. The social and economic problems facing this population in their countries of origin are fueling migration to the US,...
Mexico - United States of America
2015 - Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Sitio web
Federación de Centros Agrícolas y Organizaciones Campesinas del Litoral (FECAOL)

La FECAOL nació en el año 2003, son pequeños agricultores organizados para luchar por los intereses de los agricultores, fomentando una agricultura alternativa, libre de productos tóxicos, sin la dependencia de tiendas de agroquímicos y buscando el buen vivir para las familias ecuatorianas.El litoral o costa ecuatoriana es una zona...
2015 - Federación de Centros Agrícolas y Organizaciones Campesinas del Litoral (FECAOL)

Revista especializada
Public policies for the strengthening of family farming in the Global South

Family farming is a contested socioeconomic category of analysis. It is at times defined as a list of its diverse components, including pastoralists, artisanal fisherfolk, indigenous peoples, rural women and youth, among other subcategories. It has been claimed by peasant movements, not only as part of an overarching strategy to...
2015 - United Nations Development Programme

Artículo de blog
322 familias agricultoras se benefician de la compra de fruta

Esta noticia informa que 322 familias agricultoras de las provincias de Cotopaxi y Bolívar se benefician con la compra de orito y naranja por un monto de 84.230 dólares. El Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos, Proalimentos, suscribió el contrato para la adquisición de 6.539 gavetas de orito y 240.408 unidades de...
2015 - Instituto de Provisión de Alimentos (PROALIMENTOS)

Actas de conferencia
The first Africa-wide Symposium on Agroecology

Below are some of the most salient outcomes of the regional Symposium, which itself was a follow up to the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition in Rome, held in September 2014. Leading up to this regional Symposium, the Malian National Coordination of Smallholder Organisations (CNOP) and...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Sitio web
Naturland – mover and shaker: organic, visionary, fair trade

Naturland farmers and processors have been ground-breaking global pioneers for over 30 years. The world’s first ever conversion to organic agriculture of tea gardens in Sri Lanka and India in the 1980s was the prelude to our successful work on an international scale. Currently 38,000 farmers in 44 countries manage an area...
2015 - Naturland

Family Farming Development Programme (ProDAF) in Maradi, Tahoua and Zinder

The project will strengthen farm productivity in several ways. Cereal and horticultural crop yields will be substantially increased via the introduction of improved cropping techniques, high-quality seeds, animal-drawn ploughing and innovative irrigation techniques. Significant increases in crop yields will enable rural families to produce enough for household consumption and a...
2015 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Sitio web
Unidad de Planificación Rural Agropecuaria (UPRA)

La UPRA está encargada de la planificación territorial rural en Colombia. Su sitio web contiene información relacionada con: Ordenamiento y mercado de tierras Uso y adecuación de tierras Gestión territorial Dentro de sus contenidos incluye publicaciones, noticias y archivos multimedia.  
2015 - Unidad de Planificación Rural Agropecuaria (UPRA)
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