Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Guidelines for African swine fever (ASF) prevention and control in smallholder pig farming in Asia

Monitoring and surveillance of African swine fever
Since its incursion to Asia and the Pacific region, African swine fever (ASF) has shown impacts on food security and economics as the virus is expanding towards more areas and countries in the region. As the disease continues to expand into new territories, preparedness and control activities need to be...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Documento/nota de orientación
Agrobiodiversity — the way to save earth’s skin

Humans depend on a thin planetary ‘skin’ made up of life in all its diversity: biodiversity. Agriculture now covers the largest portion (46%) of the global land surface area; its ecological health and resilience in the face of changing climate is therefore critical to human survival. The biodiversity found within...
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Documento/nota de orientación
Financing agroecological transformations for climate repair

Life-threatening heat waves, forest fires, hurricanes, droughts and floods mean that climate change must be tackled on a ‘war footing’. With agri-food systems responsible for close to 40% of total greenhouse gas emissions, food and farming need priority attention in government negotiations at COP 28. A rapid and substantial reduction...
2023 - Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) Coventry University

The Caribbean: More than Joining the Dots

A free online course offers training and tools to better understand the complex nexus between climate change and poverty, preparing participants to work for a sustainable future
We are increasingly aware that climate change, vulnerability and poverty interact in multiple ways globally, contributing to interconnected cycles of negative impacts. This climate-poverty nexus challenges the efforts of coastal communities and small-scale fisheries (SSF) to build resilience. In this article, we present several new tools, including a recent report...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Sam's story: why are we researching silvopasture design?

The Devon Silvopasture Network are undertaking a 12 year trial in which six farms and a research farm are being supported to design and implement the integration of trees into their livestock farms. The trial has a mixture of cluster planting, regular spacing and shelterbelts being planted. Little research has...
2023 - Innovative Farmers

Artículo de blog
Sustainable potato production system developed in Uzbekistan

Potatoes are cultivated in over 150 countries and consumed all over the world, including here in Europe and Central Asia where it is both an important crop and a staple in regional diets. It is food, fodder, and a source of income for farmers. Potatoes are low in fat and high...
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

¿Cómo elaborar un Plan de Acción Comunal de Cambio Climático?

Guía metodológica para su formulación paso a paso
Teniendo como objetivo el desarrollo de herramientas metodológicas apropiadas e institucionalmente validadas para la elaboración de los planes de acción comunales, el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente junto a PNUD, la Subsecretaría de Desarrollo Regional y Administrativo y la Asociación Chilena de Municipalidades, ponen a disposición de todos los municipios la...
2023 - Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD)

Maize stover transfers from maize fields to banana-based agroforestry homegardens and the corresponding nutrient flows in central-northern Tanzania

Maize (Zea mays) stover produced in the drier lowland areas on the volcanic foot slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro serves as an important additional fodder for smallholder zero-grazed dairy cattle farming in the humid highland areas of the region. The obtained cattle manure is used to replenish nutrients and manage soil...
United Republic of Tanzania

Artículo de blog
FAO and Japan to help Moldovan rural households overcome multiple crisis effects

A partnership between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Government of Japan is sustaining agricultural production and safeguarding food and nutrition security for highly vulnerable households in the Republic of Moldova, which is affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine and recent, extreme weather...
Japan - Republic of Moldova
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Reducing food loss and waste in the Near East and North Africa

Producers intermediaries and consumers as key decision-makers
Food losses and waste (FLW) in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) are persistently high and point to the inefficiencies, unsustainability and inequalities characterizing most agrifood systems in the region. The region needs a transformation of its agrifood systems to deliver healthier diets, strengthen food security in every dimension_availability,...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Seb's story: why are we researching silvopasture design?

The Devon Silvopasture Network are undertaking a 12 year trial in which six farms and a research farm are being supported to design and implement the integration of trees into their livestock farms. The trial has a mixture of cluster planting, regular spacing and shelterbelts being planted. Little research has...
2023 - Innovative Farmers

Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production

In this video, Clémence from FiBL Switzerland in Frick explains the advantages and disadvantages of covering stone fruit orchards and presents two different weather protection systems for apricot growing in Switzerland.
2023 - FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture

Experiencias de articulación del enfoque de género e interculturalidad en instrumentos de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en la región del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana

Intervenciones de mitigación de la COVID-19, Programas de Alimentación Escolar, Guías Alimentarias Basadas en Alimentos
El documento proporciona ejemplos de la experiencia de los países de la región SICA en la consideración del enfoque de género e interculturalidad en intervenciones de SAN. Estas experiencias realzan la importancia de integrar a los diferentes sectores y actores involucrados en los países, y de generar espacios que permitan...
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Documento/nota de orientación
Equitable governance underpins effective conservation

The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) recognises the importance of equity in conservation. Yet there remains a lack of evidence directly addressing the relationship between equity and conservation. This briefing considers 40 papers that describe conservation interventions involving changes in governance quality and associated ecological outcomes. It highlights that equitable governance...
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development

India: Politics or Policy?

Reflections on a recent workshop on India’s National Fisheries Policy (Inland)
The Training of Trainers workshop on the National Fisheries Policy (Inland) in December 2022 in Kolkata was a great learning experience for the participants. Just that this time around, the learning was of a different nature. It was not from data, facts, meetings or experiences but from many uncomfortable realizations....
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Artículo de revista
Articulación Biofábrica Zavalla (Naturalbio) – FCA, UNR.

Resultados preliminares del testeo a campo de biopreparados en trigo
La demanda creciente de alimentos, así como las exigencias en calidad y las fuertes restricciones en el uso de productos fitosanitarios, se consolidan como algunos de los retos que afronta la agricultura y que, paralelamente, impulsan un mercado para los insumos de origen biológico (Ruales y Barriga, 2020). Al respecto,...
2023 - Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR)

Artículo de revista especializada
The importance of calibration in policy mixes: Environmental policy integration in the implementation of the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy in Germany (2014-2022)

Environmental policy integration (EPI), that is, the incorporation of environmental concerns in non-environmental policy areas, has been widely adopted in public policies. However, EPI research has found much discrepancy between environmental objectives and actual implementation. This paper argues that analyzing EPI in the context of policy mixes with multiple objectives,...
2023 - Humboldt-Universität Germany

Sitio web
FAO - Global Soil Doctors Programme

A farmer-to-farmer training platform  The Global Soil Doctors Programme is a farmer-to-farmer training initiative that aims to build the capacity of farmers on sustainable soil management while supporting national governments and stakeholders in addressing the needs of their rural communities. This online platform provides support for farmers, policy makers, development planners,...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Achieving Sustainable Food Systems in a Global Crisis

This report summarizes the evidence-based and costed country roadmaps for effective public interventions to transform agriculture and food systems in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Nigeria in a way that ends hunger, makes diets healthier and more affordable, improves the productivity and incomes of small-scale producers and their households, and mitigates and...
Ethiopia - Malawi - Nigeria
2023 - International Institute for Sustainable Development

Artículo de blog
A shared conference on agroecology in the Pacific region

The event, organized by FAO and SPC on March 8th, 2023, in Fiji as part of the Pacific Week of Agriculture and Forestry (PWAF), addressed agroecology and the transition to healthier and more sustainable food systems in the region through sharing of experiences
2023 - FAO and SPC
Total results:18958