Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Rapport annuel sur l'agro-écologie - 2015

Le projet agro-écologique porte une ambition claire : dépasser les oppositions autour de la question du modèle de croissance de notre agriculture et inscrire l’évolution de notre agriculture et des filières agricoles et agroalimentaires dans un cadre tourné vers l’avenir et adapté aux nombreux défis que nous devons relever. Cette approche...
2016 - Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt

Artículo de blog
Ordering local food through social networks

Social networks are becoming more and more popular, but did you know that you can even use them to order local, fresh fruit and vegetables? It has become possible thanks to a network of Finnish volunteers called REKO using Facebook to organize the deliveries of local products directly from farmer...
European Union
2016 - REKO

New opportunities for European agriculture

Association of private farming of the Czech Republic is a member of European farmers’ organization COPA, which represents more than 23 million farmers and their families from all over Europe. Together with COGECA European organization for agri-cooperatives organized Congress of European Farmers close to Athens in Greece. The title of...
2016 - Association of private farming of the Czech Republic

Artículo de blog
Young farmers: CAP progress is ‘still not enough’

In an interview with EurActiv’s partner EFE, the president of the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA), Alan Jagoe, called for more aid for people new to the industry and criticised national governments for doing more for veteran farmers than their younger counterparts. Although Jagoe conceded that the current Common Agricultural...
European Union
2016 - CEJA

Fédération des AMAP de Picardie - Une recette pour le changement

Les expériences et points de vue exprimés montrent que le partenariat en AMAP est une recette composée de nombreux ingrédients : une réflexion sur ce que nous mangeons, une nouvelle logique d’approvisionnement local, un apprentissage mutuel à travers des échanges, notamment de plats à cuisiner, le plaisir des repas, la découverte...
2016 - AMAP

Estudio de caso
Dairy farm with processing department and energy production unit from renewable sources in Dâmboviţa County, Nucet, Romania

The dairy farm is located in Nucet, Dâmbovița County in the south of the Sub-Carpathians, between the plains and the southern hills. The region has a rich agricultural heritage for growing vegetables (64% of total production) and livestock (34%). In 2016 19,170 dairy cows were registered in the county, yet only...

What Future for our Farming Systems?

Environmental Challenges and Integrated Solutions
This conference will seek to encourage debate on the benefits to be gained from more sustainable resource use and greater integration of different land uses on lowland and upland farming systems. It will present the best possible scientific understanding of the complexities associated with how best to achieve such an...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2016 - Scotland’s Rural College

Short-Term Outlook for EU arable crops, dairy and meat markets in 2016 and 2017

The slowdown in the economic growth of developing economies, although partially compensated by a recovery in developed countries, contributes to the general decline in commodity prices, including in oversupplied crude oil. Depreciation in some competing currencies limits the competitive advantage of the euro at 1.10 EUR/USD. In 2016, milk deliveries...
2016 - European Commission - Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Parte de un informe

In the EU-28, the total utilised agricultural area (UAA) was 174 million ha in 2013. France had the largest agricultural area (28 million ha) covering 16% of the total UAA in Europe, followed by Spain (23 million ha) and the UK (17 million ha). 71 % of the total agricultural...
2016 - European Commission - DG Agriculture and Rural Development

Europeans, Agriculture and the CAP

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was introduced in 1962. It is a common policy for all the Member States of the European Union and is managed, and funded from the resources of the EU annual budget, of which the CAP constitutes almost 40% of the total budget. The main aims...
2016 - European Union

“Smart farming: Harvesting the digital dividends across the EU”

Though still associated with bucolic imagery, farmers confront a steep challenge: produce 60% more food for an additional 2.3 billion people by 2050 while using scarce natural resources more efficiently and adapting to climate change. Luckily  ICT is here to help: sensor-based, data-intensive ‘smart’ farming will potentially add $10b per...

Sustainable High Nature Value (HNV) farming

High Nature Value (HNV) farming is a relatively new concept that has been developed since the early 1990s as a policy tool to describe those farming systems in Europe which are of greatest biodiversity value. Instead of focusing only upon the maintenance of rare or endangered species and habitats on...
2016 - EIP-AGRI Agriculture and Innovation

Hoja informativa
Monitoring EU Agri-Food Trade: Development until June 2016

The monthly value of EU agri-food exports in June 2016 reached EUR 10.9 billion and, thus, slightly exceeded the export values in June of previous years. EU agri-food imports went down from EUR 9.8 billion in June 2015 to EUR 9.5 billion in June 2016; thus the net trade surplus...
European Union
2016 - European Commission

Atelier international sur la bactérie « Xylella fastidiosa » et « Olive Quick Decline Syndrome (OQDS)

Du 19 au 22 avril  2016 se tient un « atelier international sur la bactérie «  Xylella fastidiosa » et  «  Olive Quick Decline Syndrome (OQDS) : Syndrome du déclin rapide des oliviers’. Cet atelier est organisé par la FAO et la Convention internationale de la Protection des Végétaux (CIPV / IPPC)  et le...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Convention internationale de la Protection des Végétaux (CIPV / IPPC), CIHEAM IAM- Bari

Artículo de revista especializada
Managing Flexibility and Expectations: Gendered Experiences of Spatial-temporal Relations in Swedish Family-based Dairy Farming

In recent decades, the Swedish agricultural sector has been reshaped by economic change and the restructuring of the labour market, but it is still dominated by family farms dependent on the labour and time of family members. To date, the concept of temporality and time has attracted limited attention within...

Artículo de blog
Smart farming trying to find its feet in EU agriculture

The EU Common Agricultural Policy after 2020 should mobilise both direct payments and rural development pillars, in order to pave the way for the introduction of much-needed digital technologies in the farming sector, experts in precision agriculture told. The rising demand for agricultural products, combined with the need to protect the...
European Union
2016 - EurActiv

Sitio web
El clima está cambiando y nos estamos adaptando

El Programa Mundial de Alimentos en Ecuador, el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (MAE), en coordinación con el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuicultura y Pesca (MAGAP), trabajan junto a los gobiernos locales desde el 2011 para mejorar la resiliencia de las comunidades frente a los efectos adversos del cambio climático para...
2016 - Programa Mundial de Alimentos (PMA Ecuador)

Artículo de blog
Rural development in Poland will focus on smallholders’ poverty

Supporting small and family-owned farms is among goals of the Common Agricultural Policy for the period 2014-2020. Poland stands as one of the primary beneficiaries of this focus. Poland has one of the highest shares of small farms in its agricultural sector, yet the number of working poor smallholders is high. 73%...

Farm-Success project third transnational meeting

The third transnational project meeting for the Farm-Success Project took place in Rome, Italy on the 15-16th September 2016. Representatives from each of the Project’s eight partners attended the transnational meeting; the third of many transnational meetings held throughout the duration of the Project. This third meeting provided a platform...

World bee day

Bees and other pollinators are very important for human survival. One third of food produced in the world depends on pollination and bees play the most important role among the pollinators. By pollination, bees contribute to successful agricultural production, to providing food security, and they also assure the nutritional security...
Total results:2283