Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Documento de trabajo
Credit constraints, agricultural productivity, and rural nonfarm participation

Evidence from Rwanda
Although the potentially negative impacts of credit constraints on economic development have long been discussed conceptually, empirical evidence for Africa remains limited. This study uses a direct elicitation approach for a national sample of Rwandan rural households to assess empirically the extent and nature of credit rationing in the semi-formal...

Limited rationality of tobacco producers family farmers at Rio Pardo Valley - Rio Grande do Sul

This  dissertation  aimed  to  analyze  the  process  of  rationality  that  sustains  the  decision  of family farmers to produce or stop producing tobacco. To that end, 63 farmers from Vale do Rio Pardo microregion, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, were interviewed. The information was analyzed with the analytical...
2014 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Aprendizajes de las transformaciones de los sistemas de extensión y transferencia tecnológica de Panamá

Una propuesta de lineamientos de política para el futuro
La extensión agrícola juega un papel preponderante para la mejora de la calidad de vida de los productores. El Estado está trabajando en la búsqueda de nuevos modelos de extensión y asistencia técnica y este documento esboza, desde un contexto histórico y actual, las lecciones aprendidas del proceso y algunas...
2014 - Organización de la Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Guía básica para la formación de cajas urbanas

Las manos de todos a la obra
Esta Guía básica para la formación de Cajas Urbanas: Las manos de todos a la obra es un esfuerzo por recoger, por un lado, las innovaciones y los hallazgos de las Cajas Urbanas  formadas en las zonas periurbanas de Honduras durante el año 2011 y darlas a conocer a un...
2014 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Sharing experiences on family farming

The IYFF-2014’ National Committee in Gambia promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing in the West African region    

Reduction of soil erosion in Norway

In Norway, land use changes have led to increased erosion and decreased biodiversity. Norwegian agriculture was significantly restructured in the 1950s. Dairy farming was concentrated in the western and northwestern parts of the country. Arable farming was directed to the southeast. The consequences were that mixed farms in the southeast...

Agricultural policy choice

Interests, ideas and the scope for reform
African countries face serious difficulties in getting the agricultural policies they need to help turn economic growth into economic transformation. Nonetheless, radical pessimism may not be justified for two reasons. By comparing Southeast Asian and African experience in other policy fields, this paper suggests that changing policy ideas may play...
2014 - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)


Les producteurs céréaliers sont confrontés à la mévente répétée des récoltes qui sont excédentaires depuis plus de cinq (5) années successives et pour ce faire, la CPC-Togo pour une première édition organise, avec l’appui du projet PADAT au Togo, une rencontre d’opportunité commerciale observée par ses membres lors de leur...
2014 - Centrale des Producteurs de Céréales du Togo (CPC)

Artículo de revista
Diversification of farming activities

Diversity is beneficial not only in everyday life but also in business. A poultry farm, a riding school and agricultural tourism services makes up the business run by a woman farmer in Hungary, as a beneficiary of his project. To develop the business, the beneficiary resorted to EU and national...

ECOFERM - The circular farm

Animal husbandry produces not only meat, milk and eggs but also manure, urine, heat, ammonia and CO2.These materials are not used optimal, they are regarded as waste. That is why InnovationNetwork started to develop the ECOFERM - The circular farm. Here, minerals, CO2 and heat are used to grow duckweed...

Agir au Rwanda - Le plan d’action des familles paysannes

Ce projet cible plus de 3000 ménages paysans possédant moins de 0,25 hectares de terres. Tous ont reçu des plants fruitiers et agro-forestiers, et un peu moins de la moitié a été sélectionnée pour recevoir du petit bétail (poules, lapins, cochons) et des semences agricoles. Ces derniers ont été accompagnés...
2014 - Frères des Hommes

Revista especializada
Technological solutions and innovation

Embrapa in the International Year of Family Farming
The effective search for sustainability of agricultural production systems in their economic, social, and environmental dimensions is a permanent challenge to be equated in the formulation and implementation of public policies for the sector, at any time. Thus, it is a constant concern in the agenda and programming of public...
2014 - Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation

Sistematización de prácticas de conservación de suelos y aguas para la adaptación al cambio climático

Metodología basada en WOCAT para América Latina y el Caribe
Este libro presenta la metodología WOCAT (World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies - Panorama Mundial de Enfoques y Tecnologías de la Conservación) para la sistematización de técnicas y enfoques que permiten la recuperación de suelos y aguas y su uso sostenible. Aprovecha la experiencia de este enfoque y promueve...
2014 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Documento/nota de orientación
Rural futures. How much should markets rule?

The paper distinguishes different approaches to markets in, and affecting, rural sub-Saharan Africa, and present some associated policies, notably ‘market-friendly’ and ‘market-challenging’. We then propose a political economy approach as a more satisfactory way of grasping the complex social dynamics of ‘real markets’ and their forms of unequal power. This...
2014 - International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

Insights and experiences of women smallholder farmers in Ghana and Rwanda

Women’s rights to sustainable livelihoods project
The Women’s Rights to Sustainable Livelihoods project (2012 - 2015) is an innovative four-year intervention designed by ActionAid International and funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It aims to pilot practical solutions to promote sustainable livelihoods and reduce the unpaid care work of women smallholder farmers. The project...
Ghana - Rwanda
2014 - ActionAid International

Documento/nota de orientación
Fulfilling the promise of African agriculture

IFAD in Africa
Agriculture plays a significant role in Africa, accounting for about 30 per cent of GDP south of the Sahara, as well as a significant proportion of export value. Not surprisingly, in most African countries, 60 per cent or more of employees work in agriculture. Yet this barely scrapes the surface...
Kenya - Madagascar - Morocco - Nigeria
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Projet d’appui à l’autonomisation économique des ménages d’agro-éleveurs de la région des Plateaux, au Togo

Les paysans togolais doivent de plus en plus composer avec les aléas causés par les changements climatiques tels que l’appauvrissement et la fuite des sols, la prolifération de maladies et la raréfaction des ressources en eau. Dans son nouveau projet, Elevages et Solidarité des Familles pour le Togo (ESFT) cherche...
2014 - Elevages et Solidarité des Familles pour le Togo (ESFT)

The Netherlands - Tuinderij De Stroom – Growing strong through collaboration!

Tuinderij De Stroom is an organic vegetable farm in a small village in the Netherlands. It is owned and managed by three young women who have proven that it is still possible to start land-based farming activities with low financial investments. In 2005, Welmoet de Waard (35) and Angelien Hertgers (33)...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
2014 - Future Farmers in the Spotlight

Artículo de revista
Traditional products promoted by regional marketing

The project is an initiative of 21 regional restaurants and inns, which have developed their own common brand and are offering the traditional cuisine of the region, based on quality products. Cooperation around the ALMO concept has covered the entire production chain for high quality beef. The project was developed...

Sitio web
Asociación Coordinadora Nacional de Pequeños Productores de Comercio Justo de Costa Rica y Panamá (CNCJ-CR-P)

La Asociación Coordinadora Nacional de Pequeños Productores de Comercio Justo de Costa Rica y Panamá(CNCJ-CR-P); nació en Asamblea General Constitutiva, celebrada en Santa Rosa de Santo Domingo de Heredia, el día 27 de Marzo de 2009. La Coordinadora Nacional de Comercio Justo de Costa Rica y Panamá ha sido creada para...
Costa Rica - Panama
2014 - Asociación Coordinadora Nacional de Pequeños Productores de Comercio Justo de Costa Rica y Panamá (CNCJ-CR-P)
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