Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Aprendizajes de las transformaciones de los sistemas de extensión y transferencia tecnológica de República Dominicana

Una propuesta de lineamientos de política para el futuro
El estudio sobre reformas a los Sistemas de Extensión y Transferencia de Tecnología Agropecuaria (SETTA) en la República Dominicana tuvo como propósito obtener una mayor comprensión de los cambios ocurridos en ese campo en los últimos quince años, prestando especial  atención  a  su  pertinencia,  eficacia  y  sostenibilidad operativa. La República Dominicana...
Dominican Republic
2014 - Organización de la Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Declaración del Foro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Comités Nacionales del Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar 2014

Durante los días 10 y 11 de noviembre de 2014, en el marco de las actividades del AIAF-2014, coincidiendo con la Conferencia de Mujeres Rurales y la I Reunión Ministerial sobre Agricultura Familiar de la CELAC, los representantes de los 16 Comités Nacionales de Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,...
2014 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

The inclusive business models approach: The case of cotton in Kenya

This video describes the implementation of the inclusive business model approach to support trading relations between small-scale cotton producers and ginners in Kenya.
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento de trabajo
Economics of Tractor Ownership under Rainfed Agriculture with Applications in Ghana

This paper assesses whether tractor investment is a rational and profitable decision for farmers using firm investment theory and tractor owner survey data collected in 2013. Under erratic rainfalls, timeliness of farming operations is critical for farmers. Based on the hypothesis that owning a tractor and hiring tractor services are...
2014 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Strengthening Capacity for Climate change adaptation in Lesotho

Food insecurity is considered a defining feature of poverty in Lesotho. The underlying root causes of the problem are linked to low level agricultural productivity and crop failures attributed to extreme events driven by climate change and variability and associated issues such as degradation of arable and rangelands and inefficient...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Ferias y mercados de productores

Hacia nuevas relaciones campo-ciudad
La presente publicación es parte del esfuerzo colectivo del proyecto Mercados Campesinos por compartir reflexiones y conocimientos relativos a las condiciones de acceso al mercado de las familias campesinas andinas. Aquí el lector encontrará artículos de investigación realizados en el marco del proyecto Mercados Campesinos y algunos artículos sobre otras...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Ecuador - Peru
2014 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Revista especializada
Revista de Desarrollo Económico Territorial Eutopía n° 6

El número 6 de diciembre de 2014 de la Revista Eutopía está dedicado a la agricultura familiar. Contiene: Agricultura familiar y soberanía alimentaria. Diversidades territoriales de las políticas públicas en Misiones y Buenos Aires (Argentina) La agricultura familiar entre proyectos nacionales de desarrollo La agricultura familiar pampeana: notas sobre historia y actualidad La agricultura...
2014 - Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Sede Ecuador (FLACSO)

Artículo de revista
Peasant to Peasant: The Social Movement Form of Agroecology

After the electoral defeat of the Sandinistas in 1990, former land owners returned to Nicaragua from the USA and began to take back their former estates, through legal and less than legal manoeuvering. This ‘agrarian counter-reform’ as it became known left many hundreds of rural people landless in its wake...

Artículo de revista especializada
Underutilized wild edible plants in the Chilga District, northwestern Ethiopia: focus on wild woody plants

Ethiopia encompasses an extraordinary number of ecological zones and plant diversity. However, the diversity of plants is highly threatened due to lack of institutional capacity, population pressure, land degradation and deforestation. An adequate documentation of these plants also has not been conducted. The farmers in Ethiopia face serious and growing...

Declaración de los Ministros de Agricultura o de Desarrollo Rural

La declaración se define como "Nosotros, Ministros de Agricultura o de Desarrollo Rural reunidos en París, el 25 de Febrero 2014, en el Salón International de la Agricultura, confirmamos nuestra voluntad de participar plenamente en el Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar, proclamado por la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas."...
2014 - Ministere de L'Agriculture, de L'Agroalimentaire et de la Foret

Community-based conditional cash transfers in Tanzania

Results from a randomized trial
Given the success of conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs elsewhere, in 2010 the Government of Tanzania rolled out a pilot CCT program in three districts. Its aim was to see if, using a model relying on communities to target beneficiaries and deliver payments, the program could improve outcomes for the...
United Republic of Tanzania
2014 - World Bank

Revista especializada
Revista de Desarrollo Económico Territorial Eutopía n° 5

El número 5 de Revista Eutopía, correspondiente a agosto de 2014, contiene: El género y la etnicidad como barreras para el desarrollo: Mujeres indígenas, acceso a recursos en Ecuador en perspectiva latinoamericana Los factores exógenos y los procesos territoriales en la transformación del panorama ocupacional en Yucatán Mujeres y autogobierno en un territorio...
Ecuador - Mexico
2014 - Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales Sede Ecuador (FLACSO)

Estudio de caso
An investigation of the Supply Chain challenges faced by small scale crop farmers at Etunda Irrigation Farm in Namibia

The investigation of the supply chain challenges faced by small scale farmers at Etunda irrigation farm is the core of this study. The main rationale for the investigation is the fact that Green Scheme projects, of which Etunda is one of them, is one of the key economic development and...
2014 - Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School of Business

Romania: Small Farmers Feeling the Squeeze | European Journal

In Romania the agricultural industry is conforming to EU norms. Factory farms are favored, while small-scale farmers lose out.

Documento técnico
Strengthening the capacity of Iraq’s agricultural sector

Review of the progress and achievements in capacity building HSAD - Iraq program Harmonized Support for Agriculture Development 2013-2014
Approximately 2,000 participants received training under the project for Harmonized Support for Agriculture Development (HSAD). The project is a research for development initiative that aims to improve the competitiveness of selected Iraqi agricultural/ agribusiness value chains and raise incomes. Trainings reflected the main objects of the HSAD project: improving extension,...
2014 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Hoja informativa
Lutte agroécologique contre les ravageurs des cultures de haricot katché et toura (niébé) dans la région de Djougou (Bénin)

Au hameau de Kpayéroun, situé au Nord du Bénin (Commune de Djougou), les cultures principales sont l’igname,le manioc, le  haricot africain (Vignaunguiculata) et le sorgho. Fondée en 2009, l'association ORAD (Organisation des Ruraux pour une Agriculture Durable) est composée d’agriculteurs du hameau (autour de 45 adhérents) qui ont constaté les...
2014 - Fondation Sciences Citoyennes

Hoja informativa
Family Farmers: Feeding the world, caring for the earth. Why is family farming so important?

The following infographic presents data on the importance of Family farming and its inextricably link to national and global food security. Family farming is a means of organizing agricultural, forestry, fisheries, pastoral and aquaculture production which is managed and operated by a family and predominantly reliant on family labour, including both women’s...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Haciendo Agroecología

En el marco del movimiento campesino internacional, la Agroecología se ha convertido en una estrategia de trabajo que enfrenta las consecuencias que impone el agronegocio y las políticas que lo sustentan, al defender la posición de que sólo este modelo de agricultura es capaz de enfriar el planeta. Durante más de...
2014 - Instituto de Investigaciones Fundamentales en Agricultura Tropical (INIFAT)

2014 Global hunger index: The challenge of hidden hunger

With one more year before the 2015 deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals, the 2014 Global Hunger Index report offers a multifaceted overview of global hunger that brings new insights to the global debate on where to focus efforts in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. The state of...
2014 - Welthungerhilfe

The role of extension and advisory services in building resilience of smallholder farmers

The assumption underlying this hypothesis is that farmers lack the knowledge, resources, or both to adequately prevent, anticipate, prepare for, cope with, and recover from shocks. Extension and advisory services may be able to rectify this information asymmetry, or knowledge inequality, by providing or facilitating access to a variety of...
2014 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Total results:19578