Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Artículo de blog
How Italian Mountain Honey Is Made

Think of Italy and one thinks of food, but not many people think 'mountains.' Yet mountains remain a principle source of the traditional, handcrafted food production Italy is famous for. Since climate and gradients combined render large-scale industrial agriculture unfeasible, food traditions and environmental health endure in most of Italy's mountains....

Artículo de blog
Who will feed the Nyeleni-Europe forum? Portrait of a producer

Enike and Istvan run a CSA farm that provides many of our Ecoruralis hosts with their weekly box on a year-round basis. The essential aspects of shared risk and benefits are in place, as is the year-long commitment to their farm, even if payment is made on a weekly basis....
2016 - URGENCI

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions

In the coming year, the Commission will work in the framework of the 10 priorities outlined in the Political Guidelines – presented at the start of our mandate following discussions with the European Parliament and inspired by the European Council's 'Strategic agenda for the Union in times of change' –...
European Union
2016 - European Commission

An economic assessment of GHG mitigation policy options for EU agriculture

The project 'Economic Assessment of GHG mitigation policy options for EU agriculture (EcAMPA)' is designed to assess some aspects of a potential inclusion of the agricultural sector into the EU 2030 climate policy framework. In the context of possible reductions of non-CO2 emissions from EU agriculture, the scenario results of...
European Union
2016 - European Commission

Artículo de blog
New ways of thinking about farmland and forest management

Rural land provides a range of key functions and services on which society depends. However environmental and social benefits continue to be undervalued in land management decisions. Using the concepts of public goods and ecosystem services, the PEGASUS project will investigate new ways of thinking about the way farmland and forests...
European Union
2016 - Eip-Agri

Parte de un informe
Research for agri committee - food value chain in the EU - how to improve it and strengthen the bargaining power of farmers

The food supply chain plays a substantial role in the European economy, connecting sectors such as agricultural, food processing industry and distribution that together make more than 5% of European value-added and 7% of employment. Furthermore, all European consumers are directly affected by EU food supply chain performance since food...
European Union
2016 - Euroepan Parliament

European Development Days: Europe’s leading forum on development since 2006

Organised by the European Commission, the European Development Days (EDD) bring the development community together each year to share ideas and experiences in ways that inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. For its tenth anniversary, EDD 2016 will focus on the ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable...

Artículo de blog
Inspirational ideas: Improving forestry value chains in Finland

The forestry sector has seen many changes in recent years, leading to a need for adapted management methods. Demands of society and markets are evolving, bioeconomy is increasingly important and new business potential and innovative possibilities are appearing. A Finnish project looked into how to support forest owners in this...
2016 - EIP Agri

Report From Ostrava - 3 rd. European Meeting of CSA Movements

After Ostrava: Guidelines for the Future of the European Declaration on CSA
150 peasants and eaters from 26 countries stretching from Ireland in the West to Georgia in the East and Norway in the North to Greece in the South of Europe came together from 16th to 18th September 2016 in the framework of the 3rd European Meeting of Community Supported Agriculture...
2016 - URGENCI

Artículo de blog
FAO to assist countries with 2030 global goals, climate change targets

Sustainable agriculture and food systems will play an important role as countries across Europe and Central Asia pursue the new global goals for human society and the planet. An FAO-organized workshop in Budapest this week is discussing the essential connections between sustainable agriculture and food systems on the one hand, and...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Farm-Success project summary report

Training farmers for sustainable succession processes
This report is a background brief of current succession processes on family farms in Europe, consisting of data gathered from questionnaires and open interviews, to inform the Farm-Success Project. Family farms represent an important resource throughout Europe, which help reduce unemployment rates, tackle demographic challenges of European farming and maintain and...

Artículo de blog
Kick-off workshop in Bern on Solidarity Economy and Organic agriculture

On the 30th of June, 2016, Dr Stephan Rist and Mrs Bettina Scharrer, from the Centre for Development and Environment and Dr. Moser, from the Archives of Rural History – both structures within the University of Bern, Switzerland – hosted the first workshop of a project called “The importance of solidarity...
2016 - URGENCI

Artículo de blog
AGRIFORVALOR Thematic Network

GRIFORVALOR is a thematic network funded under the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme. Its focus is turning waste, by-products and residues from agriculture and forestry into a valuable product or resource for industry through ‘Biomass Innovation Design Hubs’.
European Union
2016 - Eip Agri

Documento/nota de orientación
Grünbuch Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Ländliche Räume

The “Grünbuch Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Ländliche Räume" defines measures andguidelines for a sustainable policy for food, agriculture and rural areas.
2016 - Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

Achats Institutionnels

En Afrique de l’Ouest, les achats institutionnels de produits locaux prennent de l’ampleur. On peut citer par exemple la modification des procédures d’achats du Programme alimentaire mondial (Pam) pour s’approvisionner en partie localement ; la constitution par certains États (Bénin, Mali, Niger, Togo) de stocks tampons pour les produits alimentaires...
2016 - ROPA

Artículo de revista
Editorial - Co-creation in the practice, science and movement of agroecology

Knowledge building is central to agroecology rooted in family farming. But why? What type of knowledge, and whose knowledge is mobilised? This issue of Farming Matters explores what we really mean by co-creation of knowledge in agroecology, why it is so essential for today’s challenges, and how it takes place around the world.
In agroecology, farmers continuously build situation-specific knowledge that allows them to develop under unpredictable and changing circumstances. There are no  fixed prescriptions in agroecology about how to produce, process, market or store food, feed, medicine and fibre. Rather, different practices work in different ways depending on each specific context and ecosystem....
India - Mexico - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Rwanda
2016 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Artículo de blog
Organic Agriculture Support Initiative (OASI) Project Launch

This project specifically aims at increasing local value-added of Armenian organic products as well as assisting higher efficiency of relevant public and private institutions. It will support the RA Ministry of Agriculture with creating a clear and enabling legal environment for organic producers and processors in line with international standards....
Armenia - Austria
2016 - Austrian Development Agency

The Third European Meeting of CSA in Ostrava: From Farm to Fork or How to Shorten the Food Chain

Between September 16 and 18, 2016 the North Moravian City of Ostrava will play host to a meeting of the European organizations and communities involved in the project of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). The purpose of this gathering that will be attended by over a hundred people from all over...
2016 - URGENCI

Documento/nota de orientación
Bass Management Measures 2017

Recommendations from LIFE
Meeting in Lille, France, over two days (19-20/09/2016) member organisations from the Netherlands, France and the UK representing small scale fishers reliant on Bass, discussed and agreed a LIFE position for transmission to the European Commission and Member States.
France - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Artículo de blog
Organic Regulation review: Commission focuses on ‘substance over speed’

Since the autumn of 2013, the Commission has worked on a proposal for a new law to replace the current Organic Regulation. There is an ongoing trialogue process which is proceeding at a pace agreed on by the three EU institutions at the beginning of the Slovak Presidency,
European Union
2016 - EurActiv
Total results:2283