Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Estudio de caso
Farmer Organizations and the Market in Melanesia

Five case studies are included here as examples of attempts to link small farmers with markets in Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. The case studies explore the business model used and the lessons learned. They are drawn from among the loose network of the organizations that are members of...
Papua New Guinea - Solomon Islands
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Conservation Agriculture in Zambia

This Conservation Farming video is for anybody interested in the promotion of Conservation Farming and Climate Smart Agriculture. Produced by The Climate Change Unit of the World Bank Institute and TerrAfrica.  

The Barefoot Guide 3

Mobilizing Religious Health Assets for Transformation
Health, freedom and social justice cannot be separated. Anyone who loves a neighborhood, a nation or a small planet enough to work for its future, inevitably measures success by its health and well-being. How long do the neighbors live, and with what degree of freedom from the burden of illness?...
2012 - The Seed and Knowledge Initiative (SKI)

Documento de la Conferencia
L'agroécologie pour l'agriculture familiale dans les pays du Sud : impasse ou voie d'avenir ? Le cas des zones savane cotonniere de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre

Dans les zones de savane subhumides d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre, le modèle de production agricole inspiré par la révolution verte reste celui proposé aux agriculteurs et aux éleveurs. Il mobilise des intrants chimiques, des équipements et des races et variétés sélectionnées. Cette option a été confirmée après les...

Rural development, integrated project, biodiversity conservation, tourism development, social entrepreneurship

In 2013, Fundația ADEPT began a long term partnership with operation Wallacea. OpWall carries out a worlwide programme in which schoolchildren and university students gather information about the changes in and threats to globally important areas of biodiversity. Tarnava Mare is the chosen European hotspot
2012 - ADEPT Fundation

Farm and enterprise diversification in East Europe and Central Asia

This paper presents issues and challenges for farm and enterprise diversification and integration of small scale farmers into value chains in East Europe and Central Asia (EECA). First, it discusses context and approaches to agricultural and rural income diversification. Second, it assesses the extent of agricultural diversification in EECA. Third,...

Documento de trabajo
Multifunctionality of smallholder farming

A way towards sustaining food security and carbon neutral
The aim of the study is to assess the food security, adapting/mitigation opportunities to climate change and policy situation and draw policy recommendations. The study was conducted in some selected districts of Tigray Region, Ethiopia based on some exemplary interventions such as communities, ISD, BPA and PROLINNOVA-Ethiopia. Agriculture in tropical...
2012 - Institute for Sustainable Development

Sitio web
Agricultural Pollution Control Project

This web site represents the Agricultural Pollution Control Project - APCP, funded by the World bank/GEF in the period from 2008-2012. The project represented an important agricultural activity of the Republic of Croatia in the context of adoption of new standards and legislation related to Good agricultural practice, especially environmental...
2012 - Advisory service - public institution for advising in agriculture and forestry

Expansion of Organic Horticultural Production Facility

This Spanish project invested in the rationalisation and improvement of existing horticultural production facilities and in the introduction of two new lines of products, namely field tomatoes and watermelons. A group of producers came together to form the Bio Sol Portocarrero company which produces and markets organic horticultural products. The company...
2012 - EAFRD

Agroecology in China: 300% Increase on 8.6 Million Acres - Loess Plateau

Large, decimated ecosystems can be restored. Bringing large areas back from environmental ruin is possible, and the results are key to stabilizing the earth's climate, eradicating poverty and making sustainable agriculture a reality. Under the guidance of a few people who have knowledge and vision, local uneducated rural poor can...
2012 - The Open University and the Environmental Education Media Project (EEMP)

La Gestion du Risque Agricole pour l’Afrique - le Projet FARMAF

L’objectif global du projet "Les systèmes accessibles pour gérer les risques dans l’agriculture familiale en Afrique", maintenant appelé "la gestion du risque agricole pour l’Afrique",ou FARMAF, est d’améliorer la sécurité alimentaire des ménages et les moyens de subsistance des ruraux pauvres. Cet objectif doit être atteint en améliorant l’accès et...
Burkina Faso - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2012 - Commission Européenne (CE)

Documento técnico
Best Practices 2012 competition honours gems of rural development

Through the Best Practices 2012 competition, the Rural Network of Finland wishes to highlight the best projects and measures implemented as part of the EU-funded rural development programmes for mainland Finland and the Åland Islands for 2007–2013. This year, 193 competition entries were submitted for the following categories: 1) Leader...
2012 - Finnish Rural Network

Estudio de caso
Dynamique des cheptels de ruminants dans les communes de Tessékré (Sénégal), Hombori (Mali), Dantiandou (Niger) et Djougou (Bénin) :ANR ECLIS; Contribution de l'élevage à la réduction de la vulnérabilité des ruraux et à leur adaptabilité aux changements climatiques et sociétaux en Afrique de l'Ouest au sud du Sahara.

Ce présent travail s’inscrit dans le projet ANR ECLIS dont la question de recherche centrale est de comprendre : « de quelle façon l’élevage contribue à la réduction de la vulnérabilité des ruraux et à leur adaptabilité aux changements climatiques et sociétaux en Afrique sub-saharienne » ? ( ANR, ECLIS...
Benin - Mali - Niger - Senegal

Estudio de caso
Smallholders in Global Bioenergy Value Chains and Certification

Evidence from Three Case Studies
FAO’s Bioenergy and Food Security Criteria and Indicators (BEFSCI) project has conducted three case studies to examine the opportunities and challenges for smallholders presented by: 1) bioenergy as a new type of value chain, and by 2) bioenergy certification schemes. Understanding the specific challenges and opportunities for smallholder inclusion in...
Mali - Peru - Thailand
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento de la Conferencia
Determinants of smallholder farmers’ participation in the potato market in Kabale and Mbale

This study was done in Kabale and Mbale districts of Uganda for the two potato growing seasons of 2011/2012. It sought to determine factors that hinder smallholder farmers’ level of participation in the potato market in addition to those that influence their decisions to participate in the potato market. It...
2012 - Makerere University

Artículo de revista
El movimiento social rural actual en el Perú

Un fenómeno de los últimos quince años es la proliferación de organizaciones de alcance nacional que pretenden representar y defender los intereses y derechos de la población rural. Al mismo tiempo, la mayor parte de los conflictos sociales en el país ocurren en las áreas rurales. Tanta efervescencia de actividades políticas en las zonas rurales, ¿representa el surgimiento de...
2012 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Food Security and Sustainable Livelihood Programme for Pacific Island Countries: National Capacity Building for Strategic Project Identification and Design.

The considerable food price rise and financial crises and already felt climate change effects on Pacific Island Countries (PICs) have highlighted food security and livelihoods vulnerability and fragility in the region. With many mainly very small islands dispersed in a vast ocean, the challenges for individual countries to address their...
Fiji - Papua New Guinea - Solomon Islands - Tonga - Trinidad and Tobago - Tunisia - Türkiye - Turkmenistan - Tuvalu - Vanuatu
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

A National Framework for Salinity Management

The Case of Iraq Agriculture
This final report synthesizes the results of the Iraq Salinity Project, a research partnership between five Iraqi ministries and national agencies and an international team of researchers, led by ICARDA, specializing in land and water management, crop improvement and plant breeding, geoinformatics, and socioeconomics. This research builds on previous work...

Artículo de revista
Pequeña agricultura y sus potencialidades

Vivimos en un país que tiene particularidades culturales, demográficas, geográficas y ecológicas muy singulares; un territorio con poca disponibilidad de tierra para la agricultura y con grandes desafíos para ampliar la frontera agrícola. Sin embargo, su perfil y clima le confieren un alto potencial para cultivar productos con extraordinarias características de sabor, aroma, textura, y cosechados en momentos en que...
2012 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Agroecology in Ethiopia: Converting Desert into Hyper-Productive Land

Once the scene of devastating droughts in 1984, a few visionaries in Ethiopia have used Agroecological Natural Technology Solutions and Permaculture Design principles to begin bringing areas of arid land back to productivity and ecological balance.
2012 - Food Abundance International
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