Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Artículo de blog
Operation Pollinator: Helping Farmers Preserve Biodiversity and Secure Food Supply in Europe

Pollinating insects are crucial for many natural habitats and the production of the majority of food crops. However, the number of pollinating insects has declined significantly across Europe, and the rest of the world, which exacerbates an already insecure food supply. According to a EU-funded research project, pollination services provided...
France - Germany - Hungary - Italy - Portugal - Spain - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Direct selling in Italy: a marketing strategy to promote localized agro-food systems

Describes trends in direct selling by farmers in Italy by region, product and place of sale. Proposes a model of variables that affect the probability of a farmer adopting direct sales: farmer (gender, age, off-farm income); farm (farm type, work units, standard gross margin) and location (region, altimetry, less favoured...

Documento de la Conferencia
Sustainable Organic School Meals In Italian Schools

Prince Mahidol Award Conference on Mainstreaming Health into Public Policies Bangkok, Thailand, 28-30 January 2009 FAO/WHO Session on Agricultural Policies, Climate Change and the Impact on Human Wellbeing and Nutrition The Italian experience has shown that the introduction of organic food in schools meals generates a wide range of benefits for the...
2009 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Direct sale as a means for promoting the sustainable use of plant genetic resources: the case of the Tuscany Region

Similarly to other Northern countries, Italy has witnessed a growth in recent years of forms of direct sale of agri-food products. These so-called short supply chains often open new opportunities for the development and conservation of rural areas which are not merely economic in nature. The case study described here...
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